Malta International Airport supports 9.2% of Malta's GDp

Malta’s airport contributes to the employment of 15,300 people and generates €660 million annually

Malta International Airport contributes to 9.2 per cent of Malta’s GDP, according to a new study on the economic impact of European airports, released by ACI EUROPE and con-ducted by InterVISTAS.

The study reveals that Malta’s airport contributes to the employment of 15,300 people and generates €660 million annually.

The ACI EUROPE study takes into account direct, indirect and catalytic impacts such as increased trade, investment and tourism.

It shows that all of Europe’s airports contribute to 4.1 per cent of the continent’s GDP, generating €675 billion each year. Overall, the airports contribute to the employment of 12.3 million people earning €356 billion in income, annually.

“This result confirms the important contribution our company makes to Malta’s national economy. The report shows that for every 10 per cent increase in air connectivity, GDP per person in that country increases by an additional 0.5 per cent. This shows how constructive our efforts have been in making Malta the third most connected airport among 136 airports in its class, according to CAPA” said CEO, Alan Borg.

“Increased connectivity for Malta means added benefits from increased trade, higher investment, more tourism activity and better productivity overall. Being an island, Malta’s air connections are crucial for us to remain plugged into the global economy, even more so than our European counterparts,” said Borg. 

“Europe’s figures clearly show that airports and their associated aviation partners are not just providing a service to other industries and the travelling public — but they are in fact a key driver and facilitator of economic growth and prosperity in today’s globalised world,” said Arnaud Freist, President of ACI EUROPE and CEO of Brussels Airport Company.

The new study conducted by InterVISTAS at the request of ACI EUROPE is entitled Economic Impact of European Airports and it is available to download here:

ACI EUROPE has produced a synopsis of this study, entitled The Impact of an Airport, available to download here:
