​Myron Ellul: 'It turns out, no one really knows what they’re doing'
Michaela Agius: 'Have courage and be kind. Yes, that is totally from Cinderella'
Chess Galea: 'There are things in life you can control and those you can’t. Focus on the things you can control'
Edward Thorpe: ‘Don’t conform, conforming is boring’
Nikki Vella: ‘I started to enjoy Pride and Prejudice for my O Level thanks to Colin Firth’
Alfie Gatt: 'Time waits for no one. Just act on what you want to pursue'
Sarah Mercieca: 'Greatest achievement? Resisting McDonalds after a night out'
Colin Fitz: ‘I spend my free evenings watching classic 70s and 80s TV that reminds me of my childhood’
Isabel Warrington: ‘Being vulnerable is OK too, even though not everyone is comfortable with that’
Joseph Agius: ‘If I wasn’t a ceramist, I would have liked to be a farmer’
Clint Calleja: ‘My grandfather used to constantly tell me not to waste time’
Drakard: 'Get out of your comfort zone, get ready to make sacrifices and do whatever it takes'
Olivia Lilith: ‘Cherish the child inside your heart as we grow up way too fast’
Yandrick Agius: 'I think it’s that everything passes and equally is that what is meant for you won’t pass you by'
Marco Calleja: 'So much on my bucket list, however I’d definitely want to paraglide'
Nicholas Jackman: 'Sometimes doing the wrong thing is the right thing'
Martina Fenech: ‘Do whatever makes you happy even if it doesn’t look normal to others’
Cassandra Spiteri: ‘Do the things you love to live a happy life’
Gattaldo: ‘Never judge a book by its cover. Cliché, but we all need to fight our own innate prejudices’
Charlotte Formosa: ‘What you see in others is already within you’
Ishmael Grech: ‘Play me in a film? Ed Sheeran. We’re both ginger performers’
Pia Zammit: ‘Best advice I ever received? Leave the world a little better than you found it’
Darren Tanti: ‘My greatest achievement is representing Malta in the Venice Biennale’
Raphael Pace: ‘Biggest challenge? Leaving London behind when Miss Corona hit and moving back home’
José Cura: ‘Silence. The best and most neglected music’
Daniela Attard: ‘Take risks in your 20s. It’s also ok to change career paths in life at any age’
Sarah Naudi: ‘Life’s a series of ups and downs, but we get to choose who comes along for the ride’
Luke Galea: ‘Life after a PhD taught me that there’s a lot of uncertainty, which I wasn’t ready to face’