I won't be a bystander on abusive 'blogging'

Reporting suicide is one of the most delicate matters in news media. Abusing of the power of online self-publishing to the detriment of a family’s private life and right to grieve, is fucking sick.

Daphne Caruana Galizia
Daphne Caruana Galizia

The unfortunate demise of Jo Said, a man who heckled the Gonzi administration during the 2008 general election and made full use of the platform offered by a willing Labour Party to vent his self-interested ire (he was turned down for a high-ranking post at the MTA) should not have been reported.

Said was not a public person. He did not occupy a public post. He was not facing criminal procedures over charges incurred in the public discharge of his duties, such as former judge Ray Pace. He had not been part of any major news headline since 2008. He had a family and the right to a private life, something that was crudely robbed of him by the opportunistic, unprincipled and non-journalistic poison-pen of Malta Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia.

As a journalist I must tell you, the reader, why Said's death should have remained a private affair; why you should know why the mainstream media does not report such suicide cases and attempts.

Firstly, out of solidarity with his grieving family at such a sensitive time of the year - had this death had any public interest ramifications, had it impacted upon decisions affecting taxpayers or a public prosecution, it would have been treated differently.

Secondly, and importantly, there is ample research worldwide that this sensationalist blurting-out of a suicide can increase the likelihood of suicide in vulnerable individuals. "Copycat suicide" is a serious matter, and should be treated as a public health issue. It is complex and we should respect the mental illness that sometimes contributes to someone taking their own life.

Thirdly, the horrible and disturbing agenda of the blogpost. Caruana Galizia chose to, deceitfully, make a tenuous link with Labour's hosting of Said during the 2008 elections, and use Said's death against the party she detests. This is fucking sick. Not because of the ridiculous notion of linking the man's death to Labour; but because it is being used as the duplicitous pretext to report a gossipy suicide - something that the mainstream media chooses responsibly not to.

This is an abuse of the individual power in publishing a blog. It would be an abuse of the blog's readership, but a blog is not a national newspaper: a blog has no responsibility to its readers, it only loves the 'sight' of its voice floating into the ether.

The matter is simple enough: you have to show your anger at misleading, disingenuous and devious self-promotion masquerading as 'blogging' or 'journalism' by simply saying it. I've had enough: this is fucking sick.

I've had enough: this is fucking sick.

I've had enough: this is fucking sick.

I've had enough: this is fucking sick.

Completely agree (100%) with all of your sentiments expressed in this piece, Matthew. One continues to struggle to understand the obvious underlying commercial greed and heartlessness of any entity which is happy to associate itself and provide a platform for this kind of sewage ‘journalism’ and at the same instance to promote itself as ‘Independent’. The exploitation of this tragic incident even as an excuse as a point of general interest goes beyond and surpasses the term; 'Gutter Journalism.
There aren't enough words to ever justify such vile and desbicable action. Calling this particular blog 'fucking sick' is more than justifiable. But what do you expect from someone who has hatred running through her veins for anything that is related to Labour and/or anti-PN.
Matthew Vella's use of expletives should not be the main focus of comments. He was trying, I believe, to emphasize the viciousness of a certain blogger who, incidentally, is the darling of the PN. Although some might object to his choice of words we must remember that the real obscenity is the blogger's venom against anyone who dares take a stand against the PN. Jo Said died under severely tragic circumstances that should have remained the private affair of his family and no one else. To increase the suffering of his family and friends at such a time is unconscionable, unwarranted and downright malicious. That is what any person with a shred of decency should object to. As for news value, most of us have either never heard of Jo Said, or have forgotten his brief stint in the public eye. This was, by all appearances, a payback for past 'misdeeds' against the inviolable PN. Apparently, reading some of the comments posted, the PN has unleashed their apologists to attack the only English language newspaper that isn't under the PN's control and dominance.
This amateur of a journalist should learn that the word 'f******g used multiple times without even bothering to mask it in some way as I have done only shows him up for what he is - an amateur journalist and a juvenile writer. The recently deceased gentleman was in fact a public figure, a fact that can be ascertained from the journalist's own diatribe and that torpedoes the arguments raised. Having said that, I am no fan of DCG just as I am no fan was amateurish juvenile journalism that thinks using the F word multiple times in a family newspaper is somehow supposed to drive a point home. If this journalist has a heated argument with someone, or an intense discussion , does he habitually use the f-word to make his case? Pathetic.
We have bird hunting season in Malta is there a witch hunting season ?
I pray to God that she passes away before I do so I may have the pleasure to go and urinate on her grave.
Trust Antoine Vella to come S licking up to DCG, I bet he tires himself every night over her.
The worst and stinking sh.t is not dcg, but those respectable business families who support her on their newspapers. Respectable.........and honorable as some of the Sicilian mob would say!
Fl-opinjoni tieghi, int gurnalist irresponsabbli wkoll ghax bis-sahha ta' dak li ktibt - u certu lingwagg li wzajt - xandart ma' kulhadd x'kien il-kagun tal-mewt ta' Jo Said
Mr Vella you seem to be very efficient in the English language and you have proved that you can use profanities to get your point across. I don't care what you say and think about Ms Galizia, I think she is entitled to her opinion like you and I are. But using such filthy language and such hatred? I think you should have a little more respect for the rest of us. Shame on you and also on Maltatoday for publishing such low life language. You could have said "I've had enough: this is freakin sick" and you would have sent the same massage across. There is a rule of conduct as to what you write and Maltatoday should have followed that rule and edited your blog. Maybe the editor of the day missed your sorry assed comment. I always had more respect for Maltatoday but I think they also crossed the line when they printed this blog in it's entirety.
Antoine: There were even GonziPN MPs who had "bad-mouthed" Lawrence Gonzi, so why do you associate Jo Said's harsh criticisim of GonziPN to his "mental illness " ? Are you hinting then , that those ex - PN MPs and so many other ex-PN supporters who have abandoned the PN , and expressed their harsh anti-GonziPN views in public, as suffering from some mental illness ?
Profs. Antoine Vella Ma nistax nifhem kif tista tghid li Jo said kien persuna publika. Dan ghamel l-ilment tieghu aktar min 6 snin ilu u qatt ma deher aktar. L-argument tieghek huwa ghax Jo kien hareg qatta bla habel kontra GONZIPN.Kellu kull dritt bhal ma ghamilt INT. L-atakk fuq Jo Said min certi bloger huma faxxisti u l-istess ma jaqbel ma din il blogger huma ghatti faxxisti. allura ghax int gejt ir rapurtajt fil gurnali li impedejtt l=-istudenti milli juzaw il laptop waqt il lezzjonijiet tieghek allura int issa sirt celebrity? Prof. ghadek ma gejtx f'tieghek wara tkaxkira u ghadkhom tivvendikaw min kull min qaleb il pagna poltika. Forsi mhux hekk ghamilt int?
Suicides are always unfortunate but I cannot understand why Jo Said's death should not be reported. He was not a private citizen as Mr Vella seems to imply even though Mr Said did not occupy a public post. It would have been more appropriate for Malta Today to report the news itself in the right manner without hiding the fact that Mr Said took his own life. International news agencies report suicides regularly without having to censor their journalists as happens in Malta. And that is because they have a duty to their readers to provide them with news, however sad that might be. Mr Vella's foul language in this article is unacceptable and in any other newsroom he would have been reprimanded, if not sacked. Much as I enjoy reading his contributions, today I was disappointed. I would like to offer my condolences to Mr Said's family. They are not in any way responsible for what has happened.
@ Antoine Vella. Have you become so heartless that you cannot see how cruel this is? When a spouse or loved one passes away, the family is devastated. When that person has committed suicide, the family members suffer even deeper anguish because they ask themselves if they could have done something - anything to stop that taking place. Why disclose the way of someone's passing? It is of no relevance to the public and only serves to hurt the family. The matter is of no relevance to politics - it is purely vicious hatred to attract hits on a blog.
To you Matthew and all blogers, all you are doing to this peice of shit (DCG)is making her look important, ignore her, don't buy or read the paper she writes on.Treat her like she is dirt, nothing,worthless.
"the demands to do something about this outrageous (wo)man become louder and louder". i have agreed with her arguments many times, but the approach is arrogant to say the least. whilst she has the right to say what she wants unless it amounts to defamation/slander, people who disagree should boycott the malta independent as a sign of their disapproval.
dear antoine, i agree with your point that labour exploited this man, now that i know that he suffered from mental illness. however, my point is that dcg did just the same, in an attempt to ridicule the man, and in what appears to be an attempt to portray labour's exploitation as the cause of the suicide.
dear antoine, i agree with your point that labour exploited this man, now that i know that he suffered from mental illness. however, my point is that dcg did just the same, in an attempt to ridicule the man, and in what appears to be an attempt to portray labour's exploitation as the cause of the suicide.
What do you expect from people without human or moral principles ? Abuse, arrogance, and the most vile ideas issuing from their mouth, their hearts and brains must be completely rotten to the core.
@ sicilian, this time I have to agree with you 100%. @ Ramon, so what is wrong with that? Isn't it time to debate the PN's acceptance, and utter dependence, on such "fishmongers' wives" gossiping, built solely on purely vindictive vengeance and psychologically deep hate of "the other side" ? I put the blame squarely on Gonzi and Busuttil for allowing RCC to control the party via a previously well oiled circle of well remunerated "mercenaries". If Simon Busuttil believes that this gutter gossiping is doing his party any favours, then he is very wrong! It is time for the Nationalist Party to wake up and retake control of their political organisation. Or else.....accept the future consequences. Be warned!
DCG needs to know the difference between "liberta'" and "libertinagg". She doesn't know the true meaning of freedom of expression, so she abuses it while thinking she's still within the law. It's already sad enough when one counts the references to the person concerned.. in her own blog. RIP to Jo Said's family.
Dear Pantera, I do not recall ever writing about Jo Said but might have since your memory is obviously better. What I do remember is that Labour-leaning media exploited Said mercilessly, presenting him as rational and credible, splashing his rants on front pages and repeated news bulletins. They manipulated a vulnerable person and cynically used him as a weapon against GonziPN. Thus he became a public person. Where was the sensitivity towards his family, then? It is basically the same story we witnessed later with Franco Debono and Pullicino Orlando. Well, you know what? I will not be a bystander to shameless journalism. I will speak out.
Matthew Thank you very much for exposing once again the obscene and evil devils who feed this person who has poisoned Maltese journalism with her obsessive prejudice and deep rooted hate. She could not let a poor soul rest in peace. She had to expose his family to a very private and personal painful and tragic end. It is also disgusting that a local newspaper gives space - twice a week - to this person to publicly pronounce the blind hate running her veins.
Matthew Thank you very much for exposing once again the obscene and evil devils who feed this person who has poisoned Maltese journalism with her obsessive prejudice and deep rooted hate. She could not let a poor soul rest in peace. She had to expose his family to a very private and personal painful and tragic end. It is also disgusting that a local newspaper gives space - twice a week - to this person to publicly pronounce the blind hate running her veins.
Matthew Thank you very much for exposing once again the obscene and evil devils who feed this person who has poisoned Maltese journalism with her obsessive prejudice and deep rooted hate. She could not let a poor soul rest in peace. She had to expose his family to a very private and personal painful and tragic end. It is also disgusting that a local newspaper gives space - twice a week - to this person to publicly pronounce the blind hate running her veins.
That sort of sick writing from DCG is to be expected. But one must not forget the responsibility carried by those sycophants who not only assiduously follow and drool over her blog but also, when the occasion arises, supply tit-bits of information. As for that kind gentleman Antoine Vella, he has clearly descended into the pit: the usual fate of those who insist on looking at everything through political dark glasses.
dear antoine, you have been criticizing the labour party for abusing him when he was suffering mental illness. you are doing the same, because, as you admit, he became a "public person" whilst suffering from mental illness. there was no need to refer to the exact way of his demise i.e. "by jumping off a tall building". it is merely an attempt to ridicule a person who was mentally ill.
and the worst thing is that she is still stuck with the nationalist party.And Dr.Simon Busutill doesn't even blink an eye ,so assume that he's in line with her hatred.
Matthew....your contribution has only served to amplify the matter further and open the floodgates to debate.......this too is fucking sick.
I cannot condone your language but I certainly agree with your sentiment. This so called blogger should learn to respect people's privacy and above all should allow families to grieve in peace. She had no right to announce this gossip to the world. I am disgusted at such News-of-the-World-style gutter press.
Yes it is sick, but there are EDitors at the Independent, and also a Managing Editor, who must be included in the condemnation by genuine journalists and human beings
Yes it is sick, but there are EDitors at the Independent, and also a Managing Editor, who must be included in the condemnation by genuine journalists and human beings
I cannot condone your language but I certainly agree with your sentiment. This so called blogger should learn to respect people's privacy and above all should allow families to grieve in peace. She had no right to announce this gossip to the world. I am disgusted at such News-of-the-World-style gutter press.
It is most deceitful to claim that Jo Said was a private person. He might not have held any public posts but he was frequently in the news up to a few years ago. The news was always about Said badmouthing Lawrence Gonzi and the PN and it was always published very prominently by Labour-controlled and Labour-leaning media. That makes him a public person, a minor celebrity of the anti-Gonzi campaign.
Mauro Miceli
Political prostitution at it's lowest. Given the writer's background and who she relies on it's not surprising. Creates more of a problem for "total failure" Simon & the PN who rely on her writings to try to gain brownie points. Lord forbid some other jerk starts writing about the hierarchy - past and present - in the PN. Best way to deal with it is not to buy the newspaper she writes in and if you happen to be with a PN mp slip in a quiet word. One of the best decisions the Times ever made was to get rid of her - too bad the lackey Independent won't do the same.
I fully agree with you justified outrage but such despicable writing does not deserve a leading article by an established journalist and editor. This was the immoral writing of a shameless village hack with a poisonous pen. By focusing on her you are simply satisfying the constant need for self-promotion of a mistress of larded envy and perpetual divisiveness. We are a much better nation and a generous people to take any note of such gutter writing. Let us leave such a pen of hate to wallow in the resonant scribbles of an adulating bunch of sickos living in a socialite gutter. My condolences and sympathy with the family of the deceased.
Mauro Miceli
Political prostitution at it's lowest. Given the writer's background and who she relies on it's not surprising. Creates more of a problem for "total failure" Simon & the PN who rely on her writings to try to gain brownie points. Lord forbid some other jerk starts writing about the hierarchy - past and present - in the PN. Best way to deal with it is not to buy the newspaper she writes in and if you happen to be with a PN mp slip in a quiet word. One of the best decisions the Times ever made was to get rid of her - too bad the lackey Independent won't do the same.
Matthew, i agree with you 100% ! I happen to have known Jo Said during the 2008 election campaign. And we continued to exchange greetings up to a year or so ago. I am very sad and angry to read what you wrote about Daphne's vile and vicious way she has commented !This woman is the worst example of womanhood. And yet , some women adore her because she vomits hatred toward labourites in particular !