99 convicted for public blasphemy in 2012
From January to September 2012, the Maltese Courts convicted 99 individuals for public blasphemy.
Ninety-nine individuals were convicted last year by the Maltese Courts for public blasphemy, when compared to the 119 convictions carried out from January to July of the previous year.
The information formed part of the report on human rights practices for 2012, compiled by the US Department of State.
Maltese law prohibits vilification of or giving offense to the Roman Catholic Church, which is also Malta's official religion.
In Malta, it is a criminal offense to utter publicly any obscene or indecent words, make obscene acts or gestures or in any other way offend public morality, propriety or decency.
"From January to September [2012] there were 99 convictions for public blasphemy, compared with the 119 convictions from January to July 2011," the report said.
In its section dedicated to the Freedom of Speech and Press in Malta, the report also pointed out that active participation of independent media that can express a wide variety of views without restriction.
"The constitution and law provide for freedom of speech and of the press, and the government generally respected these rights. An independent press and a functioning democratic political system combined to ensure freedom of speech and of the press," the report said.
It also pointed out that international media could operate freely and there was no indication of reprisals against individuals for either public or private criticism of the government.