Police want to force MaltaToday editor to reveal Enemalta scandal source

Saviour Balzan tells court he will not disclose source and that he is ready to pay for the consequences

Police prosecuting Tancred Tabone want Saviour Balzan (above) to reveal his sources
Police prosecuting Tancred Tabone want Saviour Balzan (above) to reveal his sources

The prosecuting officers in the compilation of evidence against Tancred Tabone, the former Enemalta chairman charged with having accepted bribes for the supply of oil to the state energy corporation, want to file a court writ to force MaltaToday managing editor Saviour Balzan to reveal the source of information on the Enemalta bribery scandal.

Balzan told the court today he would not reveal the source that led to the publication of invoices proving the payment of bribes by Trafigura to Enemalta consultant Frank Sammut in an offshore account, back in January 2013.

"I'm declaring that I will not disclose my source and I am ready to pay the consequences of my decision," Balzan said.

According to Article 46 of the Press Act, no court shall require a person to disclose, "nor shall such person be guilty of contempt of court for refusing to disclose" the source of information contained in a newspaper or broadcast "unless it is established to the satisfaction of the court that such disclosure is necessary in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, or for the prevention of disorder or crime or for the protection of the interests of justice."

The same article provides that the courts shall not order such disclosure "unless it is also satisfied that in the particular circumstances of the case the need for investigation by the court outweighs the need of the media to protect its sources, due regard being taken of the importance of the role of the media in a democratic society."

The police told the court that Balzan was not protected by the Press Act and that only police officers were legally protected to not reveal any sources related to criminal investigations.

Prosecuting inspector Jonathan Ferris told the court that the source was "necessary" to assist police in their investigations.

The court, presided by Magistrate Claire Zammit Stafrace, told the police they had to file a writ asking a court to order Balzan whether to reveal the source or not.

In deadpan fashion, the magistrate looked to Balzan and said. "You might have to bring an overnight bag with you in the next sitting," when the journalist reiterated he would not reveal the source of his story. Not complying carries the penalty of imprisonment.

In an initial reaction, Green party chairperson Arnold Cassola posted on Facebook that the police's intention was "unacceptable. The right of journalists not to reveal their sources is sacrosant." Alternattiva Demokratika said it deplored the attempt at forcing the journalist to reveal his sources.

The acting chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, Nationalist MP Jason Azzopardi, who is leading a committee hearing of an Auditor General's inquiry into Enemalta's fuel procurement also tweeted on the court hearing.

The Nationalist Party, in a statement, said that a source's confidentiality was one of the strongest journalistic freedoms guaranteed by the country's laws. "These freedoms are essential so that every journalist can carry out their job fully in a democratic society without any interferencefrom the authorities. The PN expresses solidiarty with Saviour Balzan."

On 20 January 2013, MaltaToday revealed that Frank Sammut, a petrochemist who had been chief executive of Enemalta's bunkering arm MOBC, had accepted bribes paid by Dutch commodities giant Trafigura into a Swiss bank account and paid to his private company in Gibraltar, for the supply of oil to Enemalta.

Trafigura's agent in Malta George Farrugia was later arrested and then granted a presidential pardon on condition that he gives the courts all information related to the network of bribery inside Enemalta.

Sammut and former Enemalta chairman Tancred Tabone were charged with taking bribes from Farrugia, as the representative of oil giants Totsa and Trafigura. Other Enemalta officials and businessmen have been arrested and charged with bribery in the case.

I expect that the Prime Minister intervenes "u mhux fuq bicca tinda"!!!!!
Shame on the police.
Jidher li l-Magistrat diga' hija pregudikata kontra s-Sur Balzan u hemm bzonn tigi rikuzata.
Fully support you Saviour. There must be someone or rather the SHARK(s) behind all this to try to find out the source to get at him. If you are ordered to disclose your source file an immediate appeal and a constitutional case. Since when are journalists forced to reveal their source? The Minister must act forthwith and if need be amend the law to make sure that journalists sources are never revealed and prevent any court from ordering disclosure of journalists sources.
Solidali dejjem ma Saviour Balzan ghax kieku ma kienx hu kollox kien jibqa mistur.....u issa wara li witta t-triq ghal Pulizija dawn iridu jimanipulawh.....taf x'jghid il-Malti........l-interpretazzjoni miftuha!!
Magistrate told Savior Balzan: "You might have to bring an overnight bag with you in the next sitting," This is a very undignified way for a magistrate to speak to anyone. Shows disrespect to Saviour and should not be tolerated in our courts. Such language is used in depressed countries.
Kif s'issa ghadha ma harget l-ebda stqarrija jew xi kundanna minn xi naha fil-kurituri tal-poter? L-ebda Ministru jew Kummissarju mhu ser iserrhilna rasna x'abbuz seta' sar dal-ghodu fejn suppost, suppost, suppost issir gustizzja vera. Saviour iol-poplu kollu warajk, u nistenna xi rizenja jekk xi hadd qed jipprova jaghmila ta' bully mal-whistle blower
Full support to your morally correct decision Saviour. If things get too sticky you could always insist in not talking to the Police, and then applying for a Presidential pardon.
One hopes that Mr Saviour Balzan would not be Malta's Edward Snowdon having to seek refuge in one of the foreign embassies on the Island.
This is worrying. If such a ruling goes against Saviour it will effectively gag investigative journalism in Malta. Possibly the whole scandal may have never surfaced in the first place. Kuragg Saviour.
My FULL support goes to Saviour Balzan.
My full support and solidarity with Saviour Balzan. The police should be grateful for all the spadework he provided for them. We all shoild be gratefull and I jope that the police will come to their senses and common sense prevails
Saviour If it was for Saviour fearlessness,this scandal was exposed,there was never any chance that it would had seen the light of day.Those evils behind the scenes will do everything to derail this case,but knowing you,a true person BLA KANTUNIRI,will not succeed.Will this EU be interested in this strange attitude by the police against free journalism in Malta?
Saviour If it was for Saviour fearlessness,this scandal was exposed,there was never any chance that it would had seen the light of day.Those evils behind the scenes will do everything to derail this case,but knowing you,a true person BLA KANTUNIRI,will not sucseed
My full support and solidarity with Saviour Balzan. The police should be grateful for all the spadework he provided for them. If they persist I think all information from the public to the police will just dry up from now on.
Sloppy, very very sloppy!! Mr. Police force!! I hide my face in your place ok... Cause you have none left!
Zomm sod Saviour. Int il-habs u ahna quddiem il-qorti sakemm ikun hemm bzonn, anke bil-guh, b-rispett lejn l-irgulija tieghek u ghall-harsien tad-demokrazija. Malta ghandha bzonn korp gdid!
This is rediculous, cannot understand how this can be possible..the police should invstigate themselves , They have Mr. farrugia who was granted pardon to tell the truth, and all the truth. he is supposed to inform the investigaters with ALL what was happening,.....
While I am all in favour to protect Saviour's right not to divulge, it is imperative to consider what is happening especially in the PAC, where George Farrugia is giving contradicting and inconsistent evidence chancing losing his "proklama". If this happens then what he will not keep giving evidence and it seems like it is a planned manoeuvre. In such an instance Saviour could consider his position and maybe make a deal that he will reveal his source privately and is guaranteed it will not be made public by court decree. My humble opinion.
Jekk mhux zbaljat wara li s-Sur Balzan kixef l-ewwel evidenza, wara ma kienx hemm ukoll tat-TOM? U lil dawn il-pulizija ukoll qed jaghfsu fuqhom biex jikxfu s-sors? Kuljum hiereg l'intejjen mill-qrati taghna.
What a Police Farce (at best). If the Courts of 'Justice' intend to try and lock up Saviour Balzan in his capacity as Editor of MT, then all those who have had enough of the petty political games of the PNPL and illogical Courts decisions - would be only too glad to join him, in full solidarity. MaltaToday being practically the sole independent and objective public voice, and a true pillar of any semblance of democracy these islands might still have. Open the floodgates Corradino ... here we come!
This so absurd! So where the Police Force and all the other authorities failed to uncover and stop this corruption, it was this newspaper that revealed the oil scandal. Maybe there's a hidden hand putting pressure on the prosecuting officers to uncover the source!!!! Dear Prime Minister Dr.Joseph Muscat, please take note of what's happening. You should be open minded enough, that the police cannot force a journalist to uncover it's source. After all you have intoduced the whistle blower act to protect such sources.
Priscilla Darmenia
The police are not seeing beyond their nose. – If a journalist reveals his source to the police, be sure that this will be the last time that someone will approach the media journalists with information. – If the informer wanted to contact the police with his information he would have done so in the first place. To me it means that people lost trust in the police to investigate reports where political involvement is present. The free media like MaltaToday published this scandal and the police had no other option but to investigate. – KEEP IT UP SAVIOUR.
Isn't it enough that this newspaper succeeded where the police and all competent authorities failed??? If the courts think it's fair to force a journalist to disclose his source then it should also appoint Saviour Balzan as the new police commissioner because let's face it, he was the only one on this island who shed light on this scandal that had been going on for years!! Police stop beating round the push and go do your job for once!!
We have enough TRAITORS in this Island, don't join their list Mr Saviou Balzan.
Joseph MELI
Furthermore ,who knows Saviour you may keep good company in jail with other members of judiciary incarcerated alongside you in the slammer -which the unamed 'overnight bag advice' and bedpan (sorry deadpan )magistrate failed to mention this potential possibility -more like probability actually!If you are banged up(which would be a travesty of justice) I will ask Joe "Going to Kemmuna" Demicoli to write the lyrics to a freedom song for, and about, you and to sing it in hs own inimitable way! A possible song title being TOO HONEST TO FAIL -TOO NICE TO JAIL
If the police want to know the source they should do some investigative work, that's why Malta has a Police Force. Keep holding Saviour. We fully support you.
1. Why do the police need the source for? 2.Why is the police asking for disclosure after the enactment of Whistle-blower Act?...Can somebody answer please!!!!
The police will make a big mistake if they insist that the source must be revealed. The Government should interfere and immediately legislate or amend the Whistleblower act if need be to protect the informer. The police recommended a pardon to a person that the only thing he did in all of his depositions in the PAC was confirming a total amnesia. If they want to be taken seriously instead of requesting the identification of the source they request the revocation of the pardon.
Mario Pace
Zomm sod Sur Balzan. Kif jista jkun li l-qorti iggieghel li jinkixef Whistleblower. Fejn ser naslu?
L-importanti mhux is-sors ta' min kixef, imma s-sustanza tal-emails u d-dokumenti l-ohra. Bil-gurament is-sur George Farrugia qal li lil Tancred Tabone xahmu b'400,000 dollaru. Jekk inhu minnu, dan meta se jiehu dak li haqqu?
Joseph MELI
Already started on the campaign slogan Sav and you can take up the mantle left behind by the great Nelson Mandela if incarcerated (will they put you on our version of Robben Island -i.e. Filfa).Its easy to say but I am with you on this issue sir ,and you have my full support for whatever that is worth, as protecting your source is not only paramount but sacrosanct and the police should be concentrating their energies and focusing their resources not on a 'witch-hunt 'but on proving these payment bribes and the authenticity of the invoices and not who blew the whistle!As invariably the victim (whistleblower) will inevitably become the villian . KEEP SB FREE!
Unbelievable! Bear with me, I am speechless. My full support to Savior Balzan.
Stand by your guns, Save. Give the fascists an extended middle finger.