Update 3 | Police raid Identity Malta offices, ‘Proof of institutionalised corruption’ – PN

Police take in several people for questioning • Labour: Government cleaning the mess started during a PN administration • PN: Muscat has confirmed the institutionalised corruption under his watch

The government has confirmed that a racket in the issuance of residence permits has been "ongiong for a number of years".

Today police from the Economic Crimes Unit led a raid at the office of Identity Malta, arresting a number of people for interrogation.

The investigation was initiated upon information recieved by the government and passed on to the Security Service.

"A racket has been going on for the past five years," the government said in a statement.

The raid followed investigations into the alleged abuse, which the government claimed was also a result of "checks and balances introduced at Identity Malta and the Employment and Training Corporation."

"It turns out that this racket, in its various forms, has been ongoing for several years and investigations are now taking place into other cases. The government is taking this abuse seriously and is allowing the Security Service and the police to carry out the investigations necessary," the Office of the Prime Minister said in a statement.

"The serious manner in which the government is treating this case is proof of how it is attacking these rackets... of which the allegations in the past were money, but about which steps were never taken," the OPM said.

In a comment, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said the racket had been ongoing without any action  taken. "This investigation and others taking place shows we want to change this country's administration to a serious one that does not tolerate any abuse."

In comments from Brussels, PN leader Simon Busuttil described the racket as “a huge scandalous affair, proof of institutionalised corruption”.

“14,000 permits were issued to foreigners in 2014 alone … as much as Malta received migrants in 10 years. It is an extremely serious problem and an independent inquiry must be immediately set up. People are no longer trusting the system or Identity Malta,” he said.

PN reaction


In a reaction, the Nationalist Party said news of the raid was a confirmation of "institutionalised corruption, organised and spread out across various government agencies led by people close to the Prime Minister and appointed by the Muscat himself."

The PN said the police investigation confirmed the need for an independent inquiry, and questioned why the Prime Minister was not supporting the call for this inquiry. "Not only is this racket evidence of institutionalised corruption under Muscat but it is threatens the country's name and national security by giving foreigners the impression that our lax controls can win them residen permits through bribery."

The PN said Muscat had to take all steps necessary against the "corruption that has overtaken his government" by appointing an independent inquiry into the issuance of residence permits.

Labour reaction

In a reaction, the Labour Party said the government was “cleaning up” a mess that started under “Simon Busuttil’s administration”.

The PL said “Busuttil’s partisan discourse confirmed he was a politician of the past and remained the same Simon Busuttil of the Nationalist government”.