Elections live-blog • Labour victory sees Muscat retain power with majority of over 38,000
ELECTIONS 2017 LIVE BLOG • Scale of victory of Labour is now estimated to be at over 38,000

As observers try to predict what’s going to happen, very few new names are being mentioned and these include PN candidate Jean Pierre Debono and PL candidates Robert Abela, Clint Camilleri and Silvio Grixti.
Josie Muscat is said to be “doing well” – although it does not necessarily mean that he will get elected.
Meanwhile, observers also say that PD leader Marlene Farrugia appears to be making a good showing on the tenth district.
“Congratulations to the Labour government of Malta for its re-election. But, elections do not replace thorough investigations. The accusations around the sale of passports, money laundering and corruption are a heavy burden for the reputation of the islands when it comes to the rule of law. In particular the alleged fact researched by the FIAU deserve proper scrutiny.
“The PANA inquiry committee of the European Parliament will continue to ensure that accusations of money laundering are taken seriously everywhere in the EU. Also the new Maltese parliament could do its part in order to investigate in a fair and thorough manner the accusations.
“Lastly the corporate tax system needs changes in or to overcome the image of Malta as a tax haven which will create a growing burden to its financial sector as well as the gaming industry on the islands.”
He appealed his supporters to help him “reunite the country”.
“My wife and I were the most attacked but we won’t hold any grudges...”
“Those who fought on negativity showed they don’t know the people: Maltese and Gozitans choose positivity, optimism, energy, good will, unity and equality.”
@JosephMuscat_JM The people have spoken. Looking forward to the #nextfive. Let's keep it going.
— Keith Schembri (@keithaschembri) June 4, 2017
.@JosephMuscat_JM, warm congratulations on your election victory. Your result is a remarkable tribute to your leadership over the last years pic.twitter.com/A5hh6P50MI
— Jean-Claude Juncker (@JunckerEU) June 4, 2017
Mario de Marco thanked the electorate for voting. He recognized that, despite the slight drop in turnout, it still remained a strong one.
“It’s now time to look forward. It is important that the rule of law remains relevant,” he said, urging the public to remain calm. “This country is politically mature and we are ultimately one nation… let’s respect each other’s opinion.”
There we are... everything that is wrong with Malta in one picture. @KonradMizzi celebrating, relieved, whilst being hugged by many pic.twitter.com/k6WQTnmKrO
— Mel Hart (@melahart) June 4, 2017
Muscat: ‘Time for national reconciliation after such a divisive campaign’ https://t.co/E4Zll5z3ye pic.twitter.com/fOnxiN6KR7
— MaltaToday (@maltatoday) June 4, 2017
I thank @SimonBusuttil for congratulating us on the election result. I wish him well -JM
— Joseph Muscat (@JosephMuscat_JM) June 4, 2017
I have just called Joseph Muscat to concede. As always, we respect the decision of the electorate.
— Simon Busuttil (@SimonBusuttil) June 4, 2017

Muscat's spokesperson has been surrounded by media "the process is still ongoing" pic.twitter.com/X9FMl5jpLe
— Miriam Dalli (@Miriam_Dalli) June 4, 2017
I think its PL #maltaelection #malta
— Michael Briguglio (@BriguglioMike) June 4, 2017
It's now a waiting game: votes are being sorted according to 1st preference votes pic.twitter.com/purlz9devH
— Miriam Dalli (@Miriam_Dalli) June 4, 2017
PN and PL winning different samples. But I am seeing some favourable red in blue districts. #maltaelection #malta
— Michael Briguglio (@BriguglioMike) June 4, 2017
All eyes on votes: agents mark their chits as parties try to gauge election outcome pic.twitter.com/CfCuDzAFKF
— Miriam Dalli (@Miriam_Dalli) June 4, 2017

9am The counting hall in Naxxar is a centre of buzzing activity as activists and counting agents get ready to start the lengthy process of counting the votes of some 92% of the Maltese electorate.

Ballot sheets are being sorted and organised in batches of 50 and placed face down.
Counting is expected to start after 10am. Counters will then start taking out each individual ballot sheet, lifting them up high enough for party agents behind the Perspex wall to see the vote.
Each individual number 1 preference will be placed in the selected candidate’s pigeonhole, to be counted finally after all number 1 votes have been sorted.
A crucial point at this stage is the sampling exercise taking place by party agents. As the votes are shown, they mark down the votes on chits which are then delivered to the party desks, who extrapolate the results.
Usually, a sample of 50 to 100 ballot sheets from each ballot box often delivers an early estimate of the final result.
District 13
Clint Camilleri (PL) 2,465 • Joe Cordina (PL) 778 • George Camilleri (PL) 94 • Justyne Caruana (PL) 3,189 • Franco Mercieca (PL) 1,852 • Stephen Florian (MPM) 65 • Alex Pisani (MPM) 7 • Luke Caruana (AD) 126