‘No referendum for civil unions’ – Labour candidate
MEP candidate Cyrus Engerer says Malta’s step to legalise civil unions is ‘step in the right direction’

Labour candidate for MEP Cyrus Engerer has spoken out against any form of referendum that could abrogate a future regulating civil unions for gay couples.
Engerer issued a statement in the wake of an announcement by Christian evangelist Gordon-John Manché, claiming to have 10,000 signatures petitioning MPs not to introduce the civil unions law.
“The people gave this government a clear mandate on civil unions, and to make Malta a land of equality,” Engerer said. “Our country is moving in the right direction.”
Engerer was reportedly a former member of the evangelical movement led by Manché.
Engerer said the civil unions law could be a step forward for the country, creating an equal society that would be foremost amongst EU countries.
“Our society must realise today that the moral beliefs of others cannot stop a secular state from recognising the rights of various minorities. It would not be right that because of the agenda of some others, a large number of couples would have to wait even longer for the recognition of their relationship,” Engerer said.