[LIVE] PN elects third seat • Malta elects four female MEPs

Malta's representatives to Brussels are: Alfred Sant (PL), Roberta Metsola (PN), Miriam Dalli (PL), David Casa (PN), Marlene Mizzi (PL) and Therese Comodini Cachia (PN)

10:14 Matthew Vella
10:14 Matthew Vella
10:14 Matthew Vella
10:13 Matthew Vella
07:53 Six candidates elected... latest videos uploaded. That's all from our end. Thank you for following us... Goodmorning (and goodnight to us) Miriam Dalli
07:30 Miriam Dalli
07:23 Although elected, Marlene Mizzi failed to reach the quota by 349 votes. James J. Piscopo
07:21 Official result shows Therese Comodini Cachia clinched the last seat with a 206 vote majority over Labour candidate Clint Camilleri. The result also shows that Comodini Cachia inherited 99 votes from Joseph Cuschieri. James J. Piscopo
07:17 Official 28th count results

Zaren Bonnici - eliminated

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo – eliminated
Arnold Cassola - eliminated

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell - eliminated

Labour Party
Lino Bianco - eliminated
Clint Camilleri 29,374 (+6,101)
Peter Cordina - eliminated
Joseph Cuschieri 16,613 - eliminated
Miriam Dalli 35,979 E
Mario Farrugia Borg – eliminated
Charlon Gouder – eliminated
Ivan Grixti – eliminated
Marlene Mizzi 35,630 (+9,388)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri – eliminated
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja - eliminated
David Casa 35,979 E
Therese Comodini Cachia 29,580 (+99)
Kevin Cutajar - eliminated
Helga Ellul - eliminated
Stefano Mallia –eliminated
Roberta Metsola 35,979 E
Kevin Plumpton – eliminated
Jonathan Shaw - eliminated
Norman Vella – eliminated
Francis Zammit Dimech - eliminated

Non-transferable 13,351(+1,025)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

James J. Piscopo
Europe 2014 • Therese Comodini Cachia
Marlene Mizzi • Video by Chris Mangion
Europe 2014 • David Casa elected for the PN (Video - Ray Attard)
07:04 James J. Piscopo
07:01 James J. Piscopo
06:41 The Nationalist Party has retained its third seat, with Therese Comodini Cachia, a newcomer to the EP elections, elected MEP. 2014 has also been a success year for the female candidates with four women elected. These are Roberta Metsola (PN) Miriam Dalli (PL) Marlene Mizzi (PL) and Therese Comodini Cachia (PN). Official results will be published as soon as they are in. Miriam Dalli
06:13 James J. Piscopo
06:11 Mizzi just arrived at the counting hall and was met by applause. James J. Piscopo
06:10 Marlene Mizzi is the third labour MEP elected after inheriting the majority of Cuschieri’s votes. The official result will determine whether she reached the quota or not. James J. Piscopo
05:53 Labour candidate Clint Camilleri is seen going around all the tables, while both Comodini Cachia and Marlene Mizzi appear to be absent from the counting hall. James J. Piscopo
05:48 The sorting appears to be approaching the end. Marlene Mizzi seems to be inheriting the majority but Clint Camilleri is also inheriting his fair share of votes. Only time will tell whether he inherited enough to clinch Labour’s fourth seat. James J. Piscopo
05:44 In the last count, the Nationalist Party lost 1,564 votes which were non-transferrable to its last candidate Therese Comodini Cachia. James J. Piscopo
05:11 The final count(down) has started a few minutes ago. Tension is evident in the counting hall. Tempers flared on more than one occasion. It seems to be very close. James J. Piscopo
04:53 Party agents fill the counting hall for the last count. PN will either have its third seat for the first time, or Labour will elect the first Gozitan MEP. James J. Piscopo
04:51 Official 27th count results

Zaren Bonnici - eliminated

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo – eliminated
Arnold Cassola - eliminated

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell - eliminated

Labour Party
Lino Bianco - eliminated
Clint Camilleri 23,273 (+48)
Peter Cordina - eliminated
Joseph Cuschieri 16,613 (+57)
Miriam Dalli 35,979 E
Mario Farrugia Borg – eliminated
Charlon Gouder – eliminated
Ivan Grixti – eliminated
Marlene Mizzi 26,242 (+145)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri – eliminated
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja - eliminated
David Casa 35,979 E
Therese Comodini Cachia 29,481 (+13,626)
Kevin Cutajar - eliminated
Helga Ellul - eliminated
Stefano Mallia –eliminated
Roberta Metsola 35,979 E
Kevin Plumpton – eliminated
Jonathan Shaw - eliminated
Norman Vella – eliminated
Francis Zammit Dimech - eliminated

Non-transferable 12,326(+1,564)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

James J. Piscopo
04:48 The final count is expected to start shortly. Joseph Cuschieri will be eliminated in this round, with Labour hoping that Clint Camilleri inherits 6,210 votes or more, around 40% of Cuschieri’s votes. James J. Piscopo
04:41 According to party sources, Labour is temporarily ahead in votes after there were around 1,500 non-transferable votes. James J. Piscopo
04:07 Yeap - sorry lost 'count' of time... Miriam Dalli
04:06 Miriam, I think by "tomorrow morning" you mean later on today. James J. Piscopo
04:04 The gap between the two parties currently stands at around 1,500 in favour of the PN. James J. Piscopo
04:00 I think it's only in Malta where, with a population of around 400,000 and six candidates to elect, we have only elected three. Hoping we'll be done by tomorrow morning. Miriam Dalli
03:51 Distribution of Francis Zammit Dimech's votes is almost done and counting is halfway through. Official results of the 27th count should be out soon. Miriam Dalli
03:29 Sorting is progressing well, and in some cases the counting process already started on some of the tables. James J. Piscopo
03:25 The PN’s strategy to encourage voters in voting for all its candidates seems to have worked. From Zammit Dimech’s votes, Comodini Cachia is practically receiving all the lot except for some handful of votes. This will definitely put her in pole position for the sixth seat. The only way Labour can claim the seat would be if from Joseph Cuschieri’s votes, Clint Camilleri manages to surpass once again the Nationalist candidate. Nothing is definite at this stage, we have to wait for the next count. James J. Piscopo
02:56 MT’s Chris Mangion informs me that finally, the sorting of Zammit Dimech’s votes had started. Let's hope it's finished before dawn (too optimistic?) James J. Piscopo
02:49 Party agents and representatives are growing impatient and found their consolation in the perspex glass, the best tool to make some noise in the counting hall. Their impatience was down to the fact that the counting process of the 27th count has still not started because certain tables were still waiting for the allocation of supervisors. James J. Piscopo
02:43 Official 26th count results

Zaren Bonnici - eliminated

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo – eliminated
Arnold Cassola - eliminated

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell - eliminated

Labour Party
Lino Bianco - eliminated
Clint Camilleri 23,225 (+0)
Peter Cordina - eliminated
Joseph Cuschieri 16,556 (+0)
Miriam Dalli 35,979 E
Mario Farrugia Borg – eliminated
Charlon Gouder – eliminated
Ivan Grixti – eliminated
Marlene Mizzi 26,097 (+1)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri – eliminated
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja - eliminated
David Casa 35,979 E
Therese Comodini Cachia 15,855 (+353)
Kevin Cutajar - eliminated
Helga Ellul - eliminated
Stefano Mallia –eliminated
Roberta Metsola 35,979 E
Kevin Plumpton – eliminated
Jonathan Shaw - eliminated
Norman Vella – eliminated
Francis Zammit Dimech - eliminated

Non-transferable 10,762(+0)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

James J. Piscopo
02:26 The 27th count is expected to start in a few minutes where Francis Zammit Dimech will be eliminated. Comodini Cachia will be hoping there would be no non-transferable votes, aiming to inherit enough to surpass Clint Camilleri and keep him at bay at the final count. This count will be the first part of the photo finish, even though as we noted earlier the PN holds a slight advantage for the sixth seat. James J. Piscopo
02:20 Our electoral system fascinates me. Even though the 26th count revolved around 394 votes, it still managed to take more than an hour to be completed. Right now, we are still awaiting the official result even though it is evident that Comodini Cachia will be the PN contender for the sixth seat. James J. Piscopo
01:27 In his first reaction after getting re-elected, David Casa described this election as a “privilege” and hoped he could serve alongside two other PN MEPs instead of one. “This was the party’s target and I hope this aim is reached; but if this is not the case, I have already worked for the past ten years with two PN seats so that would not hinder our enthusiasm,” Casa said. James J. Piscopo
01:23 As the sorting is underway, Comodini Cachia seems to be getting the majority of Casa’s votes. In this case, the next count will see the elimination of Francis Zammit Dimech, and then of Labour’s Joseph Cuschieri. We are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel… James J. Piscopo
01:20 Therese Comodini Cachia and Francis Zammit Dimech are vying for Casa’s 400 surplus votes, which will determine who could possibly be the PN’s third MEP. After the last count, Comodini Cachia is 100 votes ahead of the long-serving MP. James J. Piscopo
01:15 Official 25th count results

Zaren Bonnici - eliminated

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo – eliminated
Arnold Cassola - eliminated

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell - eliminated

Labour Party
Lino Bianco - eliminated
Clint Camilleri 23,225 (+23)
Peter Cordina - eliminated
Joseph Cuschieri 16,556 (+26)
Miriam Dalli 35,979 E
Mario Farrugia Borg – eliminated
Charlon Gouder – eliminated
Ivan Grixti – eliminated
Marlene Mizzi 26,096 (+50)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri – eliminated
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja - eliminated
David Casa 36,371 E (+9,218)
Therese Comodini Cachia 15,502 (+1,855)
Kevin Cutajar - eliminated
Helga Ellul - eliminated
Stefano Mallia –eliminated
Roberta Metsola 35,979 E
Kevin Plumpton – eliminated
Jonathan Shaw - eliminated
Norman Vella – eliminated
Francis Zammit Dimech 15,402 (+1,190)

Non-transferable 10,762 (+376)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

James J. Piscopo
00:59 The 26th count is underway, with Casa’s 394 surplus votes to be transferred next. The official 25th count has not been published yet. James J. Piscopo
00:45 It's all about whose votes will be transferred: now that Casa has been elected, the PN has a slighter advantage of being elected. But at this stage, the situation is 50-50 and the last count will be the determining factor. PL is hoping that Joseph Cuschieri's votes are split equally between Clint Camilleri (PL) and Marlene Mizzi (PL) to keep them ahead. Miriam Dalli
00:33 Both parties are fairly confident of winning the sixth seat. The next two rounds will determine this, with the elimination of Francis Zammit Dimech (PN) and Joseph Cuschieri (PL). James J. Piscopo
00:19 According to unofficial results, David Casa garnered around 9,100 votes from Bugeja’s 12,700. Casa will only leave a surplus of almost 400 votes, in what may be considered as a serious blow to PN’s chances to elect a third MEP. James J. Piscopo
00:17 David Casa has been re-elected after reaching the quota on the 25th count. James J. Piscopo
23:50 Tempers are running high at the counting hall; on table 11 party agents made their voice heard after the counting of two candidates (Casa and Comodini Cachia) started simultaneously. The agents complained that counting should only start with one candidate at a time, in alphabetical order. James J. Piscopo
23:40 This count may hold a surprise for the PN: with counting still going on two tables, Comodini Cachia has managed to reduce her gap with Francis Zammit Dimech to only 68 votes from an initial 500 vote deficit. The result of the remaining two tables may prove decisive for Comodini Cachia, who can avoid the next elimination round at the expense of Francis Zammit Dimech. James J. Piscopo
23:01 The sorting of Bugeja’s votes has ended. Counting already started on some tables, while others are still being stamped, a procedure which precedes the counting. A quick look at certain tables where counting has already started shows that David Casa has obtained the largest share; but whether this will be enough for the incumbent to reach the quota remains to be seen. James J. Piscopo
22:51 And for those of you wondering... yes, Malta voted on Saturday. It's Tuesday night and we have only elected three MEPs. Coffee anyone? Miriam Dalli
22:39 We're halfway through the 25th count, where Ray Bugeja's (PN) votes are being transferred. Rumour has it that the PN can lose its third seat: all depends how many votes Casa receives. He currently stands at 27,153 and needs 8,826 votes to reach the quota. Some 12,378 votes are being distributed among Casa, Therese Comodini Cachia and Francis Zammit Dimech. Mathematically speaking, this election could end up 3-3 but the inheritance system indicates a 4-2 result. But with at least 6 more counts to go, nothing is for certain. Miriam Dalli
22:36 Official 24th count results

Zaren Bonnici - eliminated

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo – eliminated
Arnold Cassola - eliminated

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell - eliminated

Labour Party
Lino Bianco - eliminated
Clint Camilleri 23,202 (+462)
Peter Cordina - eliminated
Joseph Cuschieri 16,530 (+307)
Miriam Dalli 35,979 E
Mario Farrugia Borg – eliminated
Charlon Gouder – eliminated
Ivan Grixti – eliminated
Marlene Mizzi 26,046 (+701)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri – eliminated
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 12,738 (+6)
David Casa 27,153 (+7)
Therese Comodini Cachia 13,647 (+1)
Kevin Cutajar - eliminated
Helga Ellul - eliminated
Stefano Mallia –eliminated
Roberta Metsola 35,979 E
Kevin Plumpton – eliminated
Jonathan Shaw - eliminated
Norman Vella – eliminated
Francis Zammit Dimech 14,212 (+3)

Non-transferable 10,386 (+67)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

James J. Piscopo
22:34 The counting of Ray Bugeja's votes is still underway. Party representatives are closely following the proceedings as this count can give an important indication on which way the contested 6th seat will go. James J. Piscopo
21:59 The 24th count had only 67 non-transferable votes, and consolidated Clint Camilleri’s and Marlene Mizzi’s position. Camilleri inherited 462 votes while Mizzi added 701 to her tally. Joseph Cuschieri inherited 307 votes. James J. Piscopo
21:35 Meanwhile, the sorting for Miriam Dalli’s surplus has ended. James J. Piscopo
21:22 As expected, Clint Camilleri inherited the largest share of Lino Bianco’s votes, receiving almost 7,000 votes. Marlene Mizzi gained 1,369 votes thus remaining the favourite to fill Labour’s third seat, with her tally now amounting 25,345. James J. Piscopo
21:17 Official 23rd count results

Zaren Bonnici - eliminated

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo – eliminated
Arnold Cassola - eliminated

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell - eliminated

Labour Party
Lino Bianco - eliminated
Clint Camilleri 22,740 (+6,945)
Peter Cordina - eliminated
Joseph Cuschieri 16,223 (+994)
Miriam Dalli 37,533 (+1,575)
Mario Farrugia Borg – eliminated
Charlon Gouder – eliminated
Ivan Grixti – eliminated
Marlene Mizzi 25,345 (+1,369)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri – eliminated
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 12,732 (+45)
David Casa 27,146 (+24)
Therese Comodini Cachia 13,646 (+22)
Kevin Cutajar - eliminated
Helga Ellul - eliminated
Stefano Mallia –eliminated
Roberta Metsola 35,979 E
Kevin Plumpton – eliminated
Jonathan Shaw - eliminated
Norman Vella – eliminated
Francis Zammit Dimech 14,209 (+23)

Non-transferable 10,319(+301)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

James J. Piscopo
19:31 Matthew Vella
19:27 Miriam Dalli elected for Labour. First comments from Miriam Dalli: "I am extremely satisfied to have been elected as the first woman ever on the Labour ticket, on my own steam." Matthew Vella
18:58 And we're now on the 23rd count, where PL candidate Lino Bianco's votes are being transferred. This count will definitely see Miriam Dalli (PL candidate) being elected: all she needs are 21 votes. Miriam Dalli
18:57 Official 22nd count results

Zaren Bonnici - eliminated

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo – eliminated
Arnold Cassola - eliminated

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell - eliminated

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 11,298 (+17)
Clint Camilleri 15,795 (+6)
Peter Cordina - eliminated
Joseph Cuschieri 15,229 (+18)
Miriam Dalli 35,958 (+49)
Mario Farrugia Borg – eliminated
Charlon Gouder – eliminated
Ivan Grixti – eliminated
Marlene Mizzi 23,976 (+25)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri – eliminated
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 12,687 (+1,794)
David Casa 27,122 (+3,156)
Therese Comodini Cachia 13,624 (+2,169)
Kevin Cutajar - eliminated
Helga Ellul - eliminated
Stefano Mallia –eliminated
Roberta Metsola 35,979 E
Kevin Plumpton – eliminated
Jonathan Shaw - eliminated
Norman Vella – eliminated
Francis Zammit Dimech 14,186 (+2,338)

Non-transferable 10,018(+344)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

Miriam Dalli
18:40 Still waiting to see how many votes the candidates garnered from Norman Vella's votes distribution. Counting halted as officials realised a batch of 36 votes had not been transferred. The votes are now being transferred and the result should be out soon... one hopes. Miriam Dalli
18:20 Looks like Miriam Dalli will be elected, as expected: supporters have sounded their triumph by banging on the perspex walls during the Lino Bianco count. Matthew Vella
18:08 With just some 20 votes to go, Miriam Dalli is set to be elected on the vote transfers from eliminated Labour candidate Lino Bianco... Matthew Vella
17:43 22nd count is now over... waiting for the official results to come out. The PN is edging closer to retaining the third seat, informed sources say. Miriam Dalli
17:36 Official 21st count results

Zaren Bonnici - eliminated

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo – eliminated
Arnold Cassola - eliminated

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell - eliminated

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 11,281 (+360)
Clint Camilleri 15,789 (+104)
Peter Cordina - eliminated
Joseph Cuschieri 15,211 (+257)
Miriam Dalli 35,909 (+789)
Mario Farrugia Borg – eliminated
Charlon Gouder – eliminated
Ivan Grixti – eliminated
Marlene Mizzi 23,951 (+540)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri – eliminated
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 10,893 (+489)
David Casa 23,966 (+695)
Therese Comodini Cachia 11,455 (+690)
Kevin Cutajar - eliminated
Helga Ellul - eliminated
Stefano Mallia –eliminated
Roberta Metsola 35,979 E
Kevin Plumpton – eliminated
Jonathan Shaw - eliminated
Norman Vella 9916 (+338)
Francis Zammit Dimech 11,848 (+688)

Non-transferable 9,674(+4,310)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

Miriam Dalli
17:04 The 22nd count is now ongoing - PN candidate Norman Vella's votes are being transferred, and Miriam Dalli (PL) only needs 70 votes to be elected. Matthew Vella
15:54 The 20th count was a bit of a game changer with Labour’s Miriam Dalli inheriting an impressive 3,870 votes which put her 860 votes away from the quota. Once elected, Dalli’s votes will be distributed proportionally which could lead to Labour losing a number of votes once they are inherited. However, the game for the sixth seat is wide open.
Also, Labour’s Joseph Cuschieri has edged closer to Clint Camilleri , with only 700 votes dividing them. At the moment the Green Party candidate Arnold Cassola’s votes are being distributed.
Jurgen Balzan
15:43 Official twentieth count results

Zaren Bonnici - eliminated

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo – eliminated
Arnold Cassola 9,240 (+47)

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell - eliminated

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 10,921 (+951)
Clint Camilleri 15,685 (+685)
Peter Cordina - eliminated
Joseph Cuschieri 14,954 (+1,299)
Miriam Dalli 35,120 (+3,870)
Mario Farrugia Borg – eliminated
Charlon Gouder – eliminated
Ivan Grixti – eliminated
Marlene Mizzi 23,411 (+2,034)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri – eliminated
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 10,404 (+13)
David Casa 23,271 (+13)
Therese Comodini Cachia 10,765 (+7)
Kevin Cutajar - eliminated
Helga Ellul - eliminated
Stefano Mallia –eliminated
Roberta Metsola 35,979 E
Kevin Plumpton – eliminated
Jonathan Shaw - eliminated
Norman Vella 9,578 (+6)
Francis Zammit Dimech 11,180 (+6)

Non-transferable 5,364(+173)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

Jurgen Balzan
15:06 We're repasting the 19th count:
Official nineteenth count results

Zaren Bonnici - eliminated

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo – eliminated
Arnold Cassola 9,193 (+145)

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell - eliminated

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 9,970 (+732)
Clint Camilleri 15,000 (+373)
Peter Cordina - eliminated
Joseph Cuschieri 13,655 (+707)
Miriam Dalli 31,250 (+2,394)
Mario Farrugia Borg – eliminated
Charlon Gouder 9,104 (+754)
Ivan Grixti – eliminated
Marlene Mizzi 21,377 (+2,981)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri – eliminated
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 10,391 (+12)
David Casa 23,258 (+11)
Therese Comodini Cachia 10,758 (+26)
Kevin Cutajar - eliminated
Helga Ellul - eliminated
Stefano Mallia –eliminated
Roberta Metsola 35,979 E
Kevin Plumpton – eliminated
Jonathan Shaw - eliminated
Norman Vella 9,572 (+12)
Francis Zammit Dimech 11,174 (+11)

Non-transferable 5,191(+166)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

Jurgen Balzan
14:56 The possibility of Labour electing three seats without reaching the quota is looking more likely, with the commission expecting the process to completed in the wee hours of the morning. Jurgen Balzan
14:43 We're now waiting to see how Charlon Gouder's votes have been distributed among his fellow party candidates. Jurgen Balzan
14:33 The counting of the votes inherited from the remaining candidates from Labour’s Charlon Gouder is almost over. In a few minutes time, AD’s Arnold Cassola will be eliminated. His votes could play a pivotal role in deciding who gets the sixth seat, however traditionally the Greens’ votes are more or less equally divided between Labour, PN or non-transferable. Jurgen Balzan
14:29 The electoral commission official Louis Fsadni has just briefed journalists in Naxxar, explaining that the sluggish pace in the counting process is down to the fact that the two big political parties are monitoring the counting process very attentively, since the sixth seat is still in play.
Moreover, the two parties do not have enough staff at the counting hall, so the commission agreed to diminish the number of counting agents to three from the previous none, to allow the parties to monitor the situation diligently.
Jurgen Balzan
14:22 With counting now in its 20th count, the race for the sixth seat has the PN with a 776-vote advantage. However, this could be futile if Labour candidates Clint Camilleri and Marlene Mizzi retain a healthy lead on the PN candidates.
If neither Miriam Dalli nor David Casa reach the quota, Camilleri and Mizzi could also end up getting elected without a quota ahead of their PN rivals. However this scenario is highly unlikely, as Dalli is only 5,000 votes short from reaching the quota.
Jurgen Balzan
14:10 The 19th count has seen outgoing Labour MEP Marlene Mizzi inherit almost 3,000 votes from MP Deborah Schembri. Mizzi is now favourite to secure Labour’s third seat, sitting in third position behind Miriam Dalli with a total of 21,377 votes.
Dalli herself is only 5,000 votes away from reaching the quota after inheriting 2,394 votes from Schembri. Interestingly, the bulk of Schembri’s votes were inherited by women candidates, indicating that female voters are more likely to vote for female candidates. Even PN candidate Therese Commodini Cachia inherited 26 votes, more than twice any other PN candidate.
Jurgen Balzan
13:50 The Grren Party candidate Arnold Cassola survives yet another count, with Labour candidate Charlon Gouder the next to be eliminated...still waiting for official result from the 19th count. Jurgen Balzan
12:34 Counting staff on the 19th count, distributing Labour candidate Deborah Schembri’s vote. AD’s Arnold Cassola will be eliminated on the 20th count. Miriam Dalli
12:33 The infographic here shows where Norman Lowell's vote went after he was eliminated. Matthew Vella
12:32 Matthew Vella
12:31 Official eighteenth count results

Zaren Bonnici - eliminated

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo – eliminated
Arnold Cassola 9,048 (+963)

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell - eliminated

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 9,248 (+333)
Clint Camilleri 14,627 (+169)
Peter Cordina - eliminated
Joseph Cuschieri 12,948 (+248)
Miriam Dalli 28,856 (+605)
Mario Farrugia Borg – eliminated
Charlon Gouder 8,350 (+127)
Ivan Grixti – eliminated
Marlene Mizzi 18,396 (+283)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri 8,314 (+164)
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 10,379 (+266)
David Casa 23,247 (+284)
Therese Comodini Cachia 10,732 (+151)
Kevin Cutajar - eliminated
Helga Ellul - eliminated
Stefano Mallia –eliminated
Roberta Metsola 35,979 E
Kevin Plumpton – eliminated
Jonathan Shaw - eliminated
Norman Vella 9,560 (+159)
Francis Zammit Dimech 11,163 (+171)

Non-transferable 5,025(+3,412)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

Miriam Dalli
12:28 The official result of the eighteenth count - which saw Norman Lowell's votes being distributed - puts the PN ahead by 359 votes in the race for the sixth seat.
In the previous count, the PN was ahead by 1,200 votes.
Miriam Dalli
12:04 Labour sources say that the PN has a 424-vote advantage, meaning that the race for the fourth seat will go to the wire. This could see Labour elect two MEPs without reaching the quota apart from Alfred Sant and Miriam Dalli. Jurgen Balzan
11:57 It seems we were given the wrong numbers by party sources…we are now being told that the PN is still ahead in the race for the sixth seat but the 1,200 vote advantage has been reduced by around 800 votes. Sorry for that but since the electoral commission is slower than a snail on crutches in issuing official results we are depending on information leaked by the parties. Still waiting… Jurgen Balzan
11:45 Breaking! We are being told that Labour overturned the 1,200 vote disadvantage following the redistribution of Norman Lowell’s votes. If this is confirmed, Labour will enjoys a 58 vote advantage over the PN in the race for the sixth seat. If Labour maintains this advantage, the PN will not only suffer a heavy defeat in terms of first count votes but it will also fail to elect the elusive third seat. Jurgen Balzan
11:31 Just uploaded the video of Simon Busuttil's press conference: Watch it here and read the report on his press conference Matthew Vella
10:49 "This is a five-year project," says Busuttil on PN working to be on the winning side. Miriam Dalli
10:46 Busuttil also says that "it would be a mistake to equate it to a general election", repeats the PN's haemorrhage is stopping - no defeat report expected. Miriam Dalli
10:43 Asked whether a vote of confidence should be taken in his regard, Busuttil says leaving the party now "would be chickening out". Miriam Dalli
10:43 "The party needs people who stay on and not those who give up despite the disappointing results - don't lose heart," Busuttil says. Miriam Dalli
10:42 Busuttil set the PN's goal to three seats: with this uncertainty and a dismal election result, Busuttil says leadership will stay on to provide the electorate a PN choice. Miriam Dalli
10:41 Simon Busuttil is addressing the press at the counting hall's media centre, flanked by Beppe Fenech Adami and Mario de Marco.
Reminds that sixth seat yet to be determined.
Miriam Dalli
10:32 Opposition leader Simon Busuttil will be addressing the press at the Naxxar counting hall, imminently. Matthew Vella
10:32 Matthew Vella
10:23 The counting of the far-right's lead candidate Norman Lowell started a few minutes ago: Jurgen Balzan says that at first glance, many of the Lowell votes look like they are going to the Greens' Arnold Cassola or are non-transferable. Matthew Vella
09:44 Official seventeenth count results

Zaren Bonnici - eliminated

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo – eliminated
Arnold Cassola 8,085 (+25)

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell 7,335 (+7)

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 8,915 (+0)
Clint Camilleri 14,458 (+2)
Peter Cordina - eliminated
Joseph Cuschieri 12,700 (+0)
Miriam Dalli 28,251 (+11)
Mario Farrugia Borg – eliminated
Charlon Gouder 8,223 (+0)
Ivan Grixti – eliminated
Marlene Mizzi 18,113 (+4)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri 8,150 (+1)
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 10,113 (+257)
David Casa 22,963 (+733)
Therese Comodini Cachia 10,581 (+575)
Kevin Cutajar - eliminated
Helga Ellul - eliminated
Stefano Mallia –eliminated
Roberta Metsola 35,979 E
Kevin Plumpton – eliminated
Jonathan Shaw - eliminated
Norman Vella 9,401 (+481)
Francis Zammit Dimech 10,992 (+367)

Non-transferable 1,613(+0)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

Jurgen Balzan
09:37 Both parties have agreed to start monitoring each vote, one by one. What does this mean? With Imperium Europa's lead candidate Norman Lowell's votes now set to be transferred on elimination, the parties want to see where the far-rightist's 7,300 plus votes will go to. It could determine the fate of the sixth seat! Matthew Vella
09:10 Oh no! It seems like the commission got stuck again when it came to work out the formula for the distribution of Metsola’s surplus votes. The process is a mathematician’s wet dream…but a nightmare for the rest of us. Jurgen Balzan
09:00 Still waiting for the result of Metsola's surplus and for the counters to start distributing Lowell's votes. It's like watching grass grow. Jurgen Balzan
08:32 In the race for the sixth seat, the PN currently has a 1,300 vote advantage. This could however change once Lowell’s votes are distributed.
While Labour’s Miriam Dalli and the PN’s David Casa have their seat secured, the race for the last two seats sees Marlene Mizzi having the edge on Clint Camilleri on the Labour list and PN stalwart Francis Zammit Dimech just ahead of Therese Commodini Cachia and Ray Bugeja.
Jurgen Balzan
08:07 Rumours have it that the electoral commission has booked the complex in Naxxar up to Wednesday, meaning that the counting process could be extended even further. In 2009 the last seats were allocated on the Tuesday, however at this rate we’ll get to know the final outcome by the time the World Cup kicks off in Brazil. Jurgen Balzan
08:02 Metsola was elected on the 16th count following the elimination of her PN colleague Stefano Mallia. Currently, Metsola’s surplus votes are being distributed and in the subsequent count, the votes of right-wing extremist Norman Lowell will be distributed. This count could give a clear indication whether the PN remain the frontrunner for the sixth seat. Jurgen Balzan
07:58 Official sixteenth count results

Zaren Bonnici eliminated

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo – eliminated
Arnold Cassola 8,060 (+133)

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell 7,328 (+37)

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 8,915 (+12)
Clint Camilleri 14,456 (+14)
Peter Cordina - eliminated
Joseph Cuschieri 12,700 (+12)
Miriam Dalli 28,240 (+42)
Mario Farrugia Borg – eliminated
Charlon Gouder 8,223 (+4)
Ivan Grixti – eliminated
Marlene Mizzi 18,109 (+24)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri 8,149 (+17)
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 9,856 (+587)
David Casa 22,230 (+959)
Therese Comodini Cachia 10,006 (+773)
Kevin Cutajar - eliminated
Helga Ellul - eliminated
Stefano Mallia –eliminated
Roberta Metsola 35,979 E
Kevin Plumpton – eliminated
Jonathan Shaw - eliminated
Norman Vella 8,920 (+558)
Francis Zammit Dimech 10,625 (+677)

Non-transferable 1,613(+107)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

Jurgen Balzan
07:45 Good morning...as I made way to the counting hall I was greeted by some shocking news, a second MEP has been elected, a full 42 hours after the counting process commenced. With only two MEPs officially elected after two days and the possibility of extending the process to Wednesday exposes the archaic process in place. The system has remained largely unchanged for decades and urgently needs a shake up. Jurgen Balzan
Europe 2014 • Miriam Dalli elected (Video Ray Attard)
this is a test
07:28 James J. Piscopo
07:22 Speaking to MaltaToday, newly-elected Roberta Metsola said the 32,000 first count votes were “a seal of approval” for the work she has done over the past year and for the new legislature ahead of her. Commenting on the substantial improvement on her personal 2009 result, Metsola said this was down to her dedication when she was first elected to the European Parliament in a bi-election last year. James J. Piscopo
07:02 The official result of the 16th count is blocked by another missing vote, this time on table 12. Before this shortcoming is addressed, the official count cannot be published, halting the progress for the next count as well. Such incidents have occurred on a regular basis this weekend, slowing progress and delaying the final result. James J. Piscopo
06:51 With this result, Metsola also managed to surpass her colleague David Casa, who had already beat her to the PN’s second seat in the previous two elections. In these elections Metsola garnered 32,360 first preference votes, almost 12,800 votes more than Casa. James J. Piscopo
06:30 This is the first time that a female candidate was directly elected to the European Parliament. Until last year, Malta had no female MEPs before Marlene Mizzi, Roberta Metsola and Claudette Abela Baldacchino were elected in a bi-election for seats vacated by Edward Scicluna, Simon Busuttil and Louis Grech. James J. Piscopo
06:13 Roberta Metsola is the first Nationalist candidate elected in these elections, reaching the quota on the 16th count. The 35-year old was first elected last year in the casual elections replacing Simon Busuttil. She was the party’s frontrunner for these elections due to her charisma and expertise in EU affairs. A lawyer by profession, she specialized in EU law and politics and served as Malta’s Legal and Judicial Cooperation Attaché within the Permanent Representation of Malta to the European Union from 2004 to 2012, before moving to become legal advisor to the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. James J. Piscopo
05:36 Who will be the third PN MEP if the Nationalist party clinches the sixth EP seat? Francis Zammit Dimech leads the pack but transfer of votes may still alter the scenario. At the end of the fifteenth count, Zammit Dimech’s tally amounted to 9,948. But he is closely followed by Ray Bugeja (9,269) and Therese Comodini Cachia (9,233). James J. Piscopo
05:16 The fifteenth count is out: Roberta Metsola has to wait (again) for the next count to officially reach the quota. The incumbent inherited 1,257 votes from Kevin Cutajar, around 450 votes less than she needed. James J. Piscopo
05:12 Official fifteenth count results

Zaren Bonnici eliminated

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo – eliminated
Arnold Cassola 7,927(+68)

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell 7,291 (+26)

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 8,903 (+8)
Clint Camilleri 14,442 (+50)
Peter Cordina - eliminated
Joseph Cuschieri 12,688 (+9)
Miriam Dalli 28,198 (+11)
Mario Farrugia Borg – eliminated
Charlon Gouder 8,219 (+6)
Ivan Grixti – eliminated
Marlene Mizzi 18,085 (+7)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri 8,132 (+7)
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 9,269 (+762)
David Casa 21,271 (+853)
Therese Comodini Cachia 9,233 (+750)
Kevin Cutajar - eliminated
Helga Ellul - eliminated
Stefano Mallia 6,885 (+471)
Roberta Metsola 35,533 (+1,257)
Kevin Plumpton – eliminated
Jonathan Shaw - eliminated
Norman Vella 8,362 (+734)
Francis Zammit Dimech 9,948 (+493)

Non-transferable 1,506(+147)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

James J. Piscopo
04:56 When the 15th count comes to an end, it would be the turn of PN’s Stefano Mallia to be eliminated. At the end of the previous count, Mallia stood at 6,394 votes. After Mallia, Norman Lowell appears to be the next in line. Party agents and representatives will be very much interested to see which Party will benefit the most from his votes, since this may give a stronger indication which way the sixth seat will eventually go. James J. Piscopo
04:02 After 54 hours of counting process, five candidates (from six) still remain to be elected… James J. Piscopo
03:42 The counting process of Kevin Cutajar’s votes on table 11, is expected to commence shortly. On this district, the Gozitant lawyer had polled around 3,800 votes. Party agents are already near table 11 closely following the proceedings. James J. Piscopo
03:09 Just uploaded Chris Mangion's photos of the counting hall atmosphere in 3am. James J. Piscopo
03:03 James J. Piscopo
02:42 The 15th count has almost ended, all tables have ended their counting process except table 11, which belongs to Gozo. Preliminary statistics show that Kevin Cutajar’s votes will not be enough to elect Roberta Metsola already in this count. James J. Piscopo
02:08 Roberta Metsola is just a step away from being elected. On the 14th count, she increased her tally by 1,508 after the transfer of both Shaw’s and Ellul’s first preference votes. Currently she requires 1,703 more votes. Francis Zammit Dimech inherited 619 votes, 35 more than incumbent David Casa. From the other parties, Arnold Cassola inherited almost 170 votes, Norman Lowell 44 votes, and Labour’s Miriam Dalli 43 votes. James J. Piscopo
02:00 Official fourteenth count results

Zaren Bonnici eliminated

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo – eliminated
Arnold Cassola 7,859(+169)

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell 7,265 (+44)

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 8,895 (+21)
Clint Camilleri 14,382 (+8)
Peter Cordina - eliminated
Joseph Cuschieri 12,679 (+14)
Miriam Dalli 28,187 (+43)
Mario Farrugia Borg – eliminated
Charlon Gouder 8,213 (+8)
Ivan Grixti – eliminated
Marlene Mizzi 18,078 (+29)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri 8,125 (+22)
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 8,507 (+459)
David Casa 20,418 (+584)
Therese Comodini Cachia 8,484 (+466)
Kevin Cutajar 5,669 (+168)
Helga Ellul - eliminated
Stefano Mallia 6,394 (+597)
Roberta Metsola 34,276 (+1,508)
Kevin Plumpton – eliminated
Jonathan Shaw - eliminated
Norman Vella 7,628 (+410)
Francis Zammit Dimech 9,455 (+619)

Non-transferable 1,359(+115)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

James J. Piscopo
01:51 Progress came to a standstill for the past hour after five ballot papers went missing on table five. But informed sources assured us that the counting process will be ready on time for next year’s local council elections. Counting officers take the opportunity to have a quick nap, while party agents head to their respective canteens. James J. Piscopo
01:09 PN incumbent Roberta Metsola is the closest candidate to reach the quota, but the elimination of Jonathan Shaw and Helga Ellul may not be enough for the incumbent. At the end of the 13th count, Metsola still needed 3,211 votes to be re-confirmed as MEP for the next five years. Metsola is one of three candidates who contested every EP election since 2004, together with AD chairperson Arnold Cassola and David Casa. She was eventually elected in April 2013 through a bi-election, taking the vacant seat of Simon Busuttil. James J. Piscopo
00:48 Even though he has been eliminated for some time now, Zaren tal-Ajkla has returned to the counting hall to the satisfaction of party agents and police officers who are bored waiting for the result of the 14th count. In good spirits, Zaren even exchanged a word or two with former PN secretary general Paul Borg Olivier. James J. Piscopo
00:09 James J. Piscopo
23:44 The counting of Helga Ellul’s votes is also underway. James J. Piscopo
23:34 Official thirteenth count results

Zaren Bonnici eliminated

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo – eliminated
Arnold Cassola 7,690(+38)

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell 7,221 (+32)

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 8,874 (+196)
Clint Camilleri 14,374 (+99)
Peter Cordina - eliminated
Joseph Cuschieri 12,665 (+191)
Miriam Dalli 28,144 (+450)
Mario Farrugia Borg – eliminated
Charlon Gouder 8,205 (+206)
Ivan Grixti – eliminated
Marlene Mizzi 18,049 (+366)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri 8,103 (+183)
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 8,048 (+8)
David Casa 19,834 (+10)
Therese Comodini Cachia 8,017 (+10)
Kevin Cutajar 5,501 (+2)
Helga Ellul 3,067 (+4)
Stefano Mallia 5,797 (+7)
Roberta Metsola 32,768 (+13)
Kevin Plumpton – eliminated
Jonathan Shaw 2,217 (+4)
Norman Vella 7,218 (+9)
Francis Zammit Dimech 8,836 (+9)

Non-transferable 1,244 (+78)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

Miriam Dalli
23:30 The upcoming count will see the elimination of entrepreneur Jonathan Shaw. Shaw is the second PN candidate eliminated after Kevin Plumpton. James J. Piscopo
23:23 The 13th count came to an end. Labour front runners Miriam Dalli and Marlene Mizzi inherited the most from Ivan Grixti’s votes. Moreover, Lino Bianco appears to have inherited a substantial share of votes probably due to donkey voting. Official results expected shortly. James J. Piscopo
23:00 From the 12th count, as was predicted Arnold Cassola gained the most from Carmel Cacopardo’s first preference votes, increasing his tally by 1,542. Far right leader Norman Lowell was the second candidate who benefited the most with around 31 votes. James J. Piscopo
22:58 Official twelfth count results

Zaren Bonnici eliminated

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo – eliminated
Arnold Cassola 7,652 (+1,542)

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell 7,189 (+31)

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 8,678 (+11)
Clint Camilleri 14,275 (+9)
Peter Cordina - eliminated
Joseph Cuschieri 12,474 (+7)
Miriam Dalli 27,694 (+21)
Mario Farrugia Borg – eliminated
Charlon Gouder 7,999 (+3)
Ivan Grixti 1,915 (+2)
Marlene Mizzi 17,683 (+18)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri 7,920 (+12)
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 8,040 (+11)
David Casa 19,824 (+11)
Therese Comodini Cachia 8,007 (+13)
Kevin Cutajar 5,499 (+4)
Helga Ellul 3,063 (+6)
Stefano Mallia 5,790 (+6)
Roberta Metsola 32,755 (+25)
Kevin Plumpton – eliminated
Jonathan Shaw 2,213 (+5)
Norman Vella 7,209 (+3)
Francis Zammit Dimech 8,827 (+5)

Non-transferable 1,166 (+70)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

Miriam Dalli
22:52 Official eleventh count results

Zaren Bonnici eliminated

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo 1,823 (+3)
Arnold Cassola 6,110 (+6)

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell 7,158(+8)

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 8,667 (+202)
Clint Camilleri 14,266 (+98)
Peter Cordina - eliminated
Joseph Cuschieri 12,467 (+144)
Miriam Dalli 27,673 (+361)
Mario Farrugia Borg – eliminated
Charlon Gouder 7,996 (+195)
Ivan Grixti 1,913 (+84)
Marlene Mizzi 17,665 (+166)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri 7,908 (+106)
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 8,029 (+3)
David Casa 19,813 (+9)
Therese Comodini Cachia 7,994 (+5)
Kevin Cutajar 5,495 (+1)
Helga Ellul 3,057 (+2)
Stefano Mallia 5,784 (+3)
Roberta Metsola 32,730 (+6)
Kevin Plumpton – eliminated
Jonathan Shaw 2,208 (+1)
Norman Vella 7,206 (+1)
Francis Zammit Dimech 8,814 (+5)

Miriam Dalli
22:44 The 13th count just started, but the official results of the previous two counts have not been published yet. The 13th count meant the elimination of labour candidate Ivan Grixti, who had polled 1,595 first preference votes. James J. Piscopo
21:51 The twelfth count is underway... while we're awaiting the official results on the eleventh count. AD's Carmel Cacopardo is being eliminated in the twelfth round. Miriam Dalli
20:35 The eleventh count is currently underway, with Labour candidate Mario Farrugia Borg being eliminated. This leaves 21 candidates in the running for the remaining five seats. Miriam Dalli
20:33 Official tenth count results

Zaren Bonnici eliminated

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo 1,820 (+147)
Arnold Cassola 6,104 (+50)

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell 7,150(+225)

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 8,465 (+40)
Clint Camilleri 14,168 (+43)
Peter Cordina - eliminated
Joseph Cuschieri 12,323 (+31)
Miriam Dalli 27,312 (+37)
Mario Farrugia Borg 1,457 (+3)
Charlon Gouder 7,801 (+8)
Ivan Grixti 1,829 (+8)
Marlene Mizzi 17,499 (+17)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri 7,802 (+13)
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 8,026 (+37)
David Casa 19,804 (+17)
Therese Comodini Cachia 7,989 (+16)
Kevin Cutajar 5,494 (+17)
Helga Ellul 3,055 (+8)
Stefano Mallia 5,781 (+10)
Roberta Metsola 32,724 (+15)
Kevin Plumpton – eliminated
Jonathan Shaw 2,207 (+2)
Norman Vella 7,205 (+7)
Francis Zammit Dimech 8,809(+11)

Non-transferable 1,048 (+545)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

Miriam Dalli
20:06 Official ninth count results

Zaren Bonnici 1,307 (+6)

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo 1,673 (+3)
Arnold Cassola 6,054 (+16)

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell 6,925(+13)

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 8,425 (+4)
Clint Camilleri 14,125 (+1)
Peter Cordina - eliminated
Joseph Cuschieri 12,292 (+1)
Miriam Dalli 27,275 (+18)
Mario Farrugia Borg 1,454 (+1)
Charlon Gouder 7,793 (+0)
Ivan Grixti 1,821 (+0)
Marlene Mizzi 17,482 (+5)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri 7,789 (+1)
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 7,989 (+108)
David Casa 19,787 (+168)
Therese Comodini Cachia 7,973 (+82)
Kevin Cutajar 5,477 (+48)
Helga Ellul 3,047 (+50)
Stefano Mallia 5,771 (+94)
Roberta Metsola 32,709 (+313)
Kevin Plumpton – eliminated
Jonathan Shaw 2,205 (+105)
Norman Vella 7,198 (+85)
Francis Zammit Dimech 8,798 (+102)

Non-transferable 503 (+21)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

Miriam Dalli
19:38 Meanwhile, Labour's Toni Abela and the PN's Beppe Fenech Adami are on Reporter on TVM debating the election outcome. A short report of the debate will be online soon. Miriam Dalli
19:13 Ninth count underway • total of six candidates eliminated: Anthony Calleja (AB) Jean Pierre Sammut (AL) Antoine Galea (IE) Arlette Baldacchino (IE) Peter Cordina (PL) and Fleur Vella (PL) Miriam Dalli
19:12 Official eighth count results

Zaren Bonnici 1,301 (+41)

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff - eliminated

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo 1,670 (+85)
Arnold Cassola 6,038 (+47)

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell 6,912(+140)

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 8,421 (+36)
Clint Camilleri 14,124 (+12)
Peter Cordina - eliminated (+0)
Joseph Cuschieri 12,291 (+38)
Miriam Dalli 27,257 (+38)
Mario Farrugia Borg 1,453 (+5)
Charlon Gouder 7,793 (+10)
Ivan Grixti 1,821 (+8)
Marlene Mizzi 17,477 (+33)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri 7,788 (+31)
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 7,881 (+14)
David Casa 19,619 (+19)
Therese Comodini Cachia 7,899 (+12)
Kevin Cutajar 5,429 (+6)
Helga Ellul 2,997 (+9)
Stefano Mallia 5,677 (+4)
Roberta Metsola 32,396 (+17)
Kevin Plumpton 1,245 (+2)
Jonathan Shaw 2,100 (+4)
Norman Vella 7,113 (+10)
Francis Zammit Dimech 8,696 (+11)

Non-transferable 482 (+365)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

Miriam Dalli
19:05 Official seventh count results

Zaren Bonnici 1,252 (+5)

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff 1,005 (+1)

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo 1,585 (+5)
Arnold Cassola 5,991 (+5)

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell 6,772(+6)

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 8,385 (+113)
Clint Camilleri 14,112 (+145)
Peter Cordina - eliminated (+0)
Joseph Cuschieri 12,253 (+178)
Miriam Dalli 27,219 (+209)
Mario Farrugia Borg 1,448 (+46)
Charlon Gouder 7,783 (+55)
Ivan Grixti 1,813 (+33)
Marlene Mizzi 17,444 (+84)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri 7,757 (+46)
Fleur Vella - eliminated

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 7,867 (+1)
David Casa 19,600 (+1)
Therese Comodini Cachia 7,879 (+1)
Kevin Cutajar 5,423 (+0)
Helga Ellul 2,988 (+0)
Stefano Mallia 5,673 (+2)
Roberta Metsola 32,379 (+2 3)
Kevin Plumpton 1,243 (+0)
Jonathan Shaw 2,096 (+1)
Norman Vella 7,103 (+0)
Francis Zammit Dimech 8,685 (+4)

Non-transferable 117 (+32)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

Miriam Dalli
19:04 The notorius Zaren Bonnici, better known as tal-Ajkla, has so far surpassed two Labour candidates, Fleur Vella and Peter Cordina, and one PN candidate, Kevin Plumpton.
The counting agents are currenbtly distributing Plumpton’s number one preferences which could dent the PN’s current 2,500 vote advantage over Labour for the elusive sixth seat.
Jurgen Balzan
18:57 Official sixth count results

Zaren Bonnici 1,247 (+5)

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff 1,004 (+1)

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo 1,580 (+2)
Arnold Cassola 5,986 (+6)

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell 6,785(+6)

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 8,272 (+50)
Clint Camilleri 13,967 (+17)
Peter Cordina 978 (+6)
Joseph Cuschieri 12,075 (+25)
Miriam Dalli 27,010 (+58)
Mario Farrugia Borg 1,402 (+9)
Charlon Gouder 7,728 (+29)
Ivan Grixti 1,780 (+23)
Marlene Mizzi 17,360(+53)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri 7,711 (+280)
Fleur Vella 600 (+1)

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 7,866 (+0)
David Casa 19,599 (+1)
Therese Comodini Cachia 7,878 (+3)
Kevin Cutajar 5,422 (+0)
Helga Ellul 2,988 (+1)
Stefano Mallia 5,671 (+1)
Roberta Metsola 32,376 (+2)
Kevin Plumpton 1,243 (+1)
Jonathan Shaw 2,095 (+0)
Norman Vella 7,103 (+0)
Francis Zammit Dimech 8,681 (+4)

Non-transferable 85 (+15)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

Miriam Dalli
17:27 Moments of tension at the counting hall when an argument erupted over dubious votes. Brief moments of angry shouting and banging on the Perspex ensued – a very much common occurrence at the counting hall. This time however police had to intervene to calm down the situation as a fight was about to break out.
Members of the Electoral Commission also intervened to check out the votes.
Miriam Dalli
16:41 Sixth count underway • three candidates eliminated: Anthony Calleja (AB) Jean Pierre Sammut (AL) Antoine Galea (IE) Miriam Dalli
16:39 Official fifth count results

Zaren Bonnici 1,242 (+7)

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff 1,003 (+6)

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo 1,578 (+7)
Arnold Cassola 5,980 (+8)

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino - eliminated
Antoine Galea - eliminated
Norman Lowell 6,759(+377)

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 8,222 (+11)
Clint Camilleri 13,950 (+5)
Peter Cordina 970 (+2)
Joseph Cuschieri 12,050 (+5)
Miriam Dalli 26,952 (+9)
Mario Farrugia Borg 1,393 (+0)
Charlon Gouder 7,699 (+1)
Ivan Grixti 1,757 (+2)
Marlene Mizzi 17,307(+2)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri 7,431 (+4)
Fleur Vella 600 (+1)

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 7,888 (+5)
David Casa 19,598 (+2)
Therese Comodini Cachia 7,875 (+3)
Kevin Cutajar 5,422 (+1)
Helga Ellul 2,987 (+3)
Stefano Mallia 5,670 (+2)
Roberta Metsola 32,374 (+3)
Kevin Plumpton 1,242 (+0)
Jonathan Shaw 2,095 (+2)
Norman Vella 7,103 (+0)
Francis Zammit Dimech 8,677 (+4)

Non-transferable 70 (+21)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

Miriam Dalli
16:23 Just uploaded an infographic of how each candidate fared in each electoral district. You can read it in the live-blog or here. Matthew Vella
16:13 Official fourth count results

Zaren Bonnici 1,235 (+19)

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja - eliminated
Ivan Grech Mintoff 997 (+212)

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut - eliminated

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo 1,571 (+25)
Arnold Cassola 5,972 (+21)

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino 493 (+10)
Antoine Galea eliminated
Norman Lowell 6,382 (+35)

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 8,211 (+4)
Clint Camilleri 13,945 (+4)
Peter Cordina 968 (+2)
Joseph Cuschieri 12,045 (+4)
Miriam Dalli 26,943 (+10)
Mario Farrugia Borg 1,393 (+3)
Charlon Gouder 7,698 (+3)
Ivan Grixti 1,755 (+0)
Marlene Mizzi 17,305(+9)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri 7,427 (+4)
Fleur Vella 599 (+1)

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 7,861 (+9)
David Casa 19,596 (+5)
Therese Comodini Cachia 7,872 (+7)
Kevin Cutajar 5,421 (+1)
Helga Ellul 2,984 (+2)
Stefano Mallia 5,668 (+2)
Roberta Metsola 32,371 (+4)
Kevin Plumpton 1,242 (+0)
Jonathan Shaw 2,093 (+4)
Norman Vella 7,103 (+0)
Francis Zammit Dimech 8,673 (+3)

Non-transferable 49 (+44)
Votes cast 257,588
Quota 35,979

Miriam Dalli
14:45 Official third count results

Zaren Bonnici 1,216 (+0)

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja 243 (+0)
Ivan Grech Mintoff 785 (+1)

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut 204 (+0)

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo 1,546 (+1)
Arnold Cassola 5,951 (+3)

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino 483 (+27)
Antoine Galea eliminated
Norman Lowell 6,347 (+52)

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 8,207 (+2)
Clint Camilleri 13,941 (+0)
Peter Cordina 966 (+0)
Joseph Cuschieri 12,041 (+1)
Miriam Dalli 26,933 (+1)
Mario Farrugia Borg 1,390 (+0)
Charlon Gouder 7,695 (+0)
Ivan Grixti 1,755 (+0)
Marlene Mizzi 17,296(+2)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri 7,423 (+0)
Fleur Vella 598 (+0)

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 7,852 (+1)
David Casa 19,591 (+0)
Therese Comodini Cachia 7,865 (+2)
Kevin Cutajar 5,420 (+0)
Helga Ellul 2,982 (+1)
Stefano Mallia 5,666 (+0)
Roberta Metsola 32,367 (+1)
Kevin Plumpton 1,242 (+2)
Jonathan Shaw 2,089 (+0)
Norman Vella 7,103 (+1)
Francis Zammit Dimech 8,670 (+1)

Non-transferable 5

Miriam Dalli
14:36 Official second count results

Zaren Bonnici 1,216 (+8)

Alleanza Bidla
Anthony Calleja 243 (+4)
Ivan Grech Mintoff 784 (+8)

Alleanza Liberali
Jean Pierre Sammut 204 (+2)

Alternattiva Demoktratika
Carmel Cacopardo 1,545 (+18)
Arnold Cassola 5,948 (+57)

Imperium Europa
Arlette Baldacchino 456 (+4)
Antoine Galea 105 (+1)
Norman Lowell 6,295 (+90)

Labour Party
Lino Bianco 8,205 (+937)
Clint Camilleri 13,941 (+457)
Peter Cordina 966 (+98)
Joseph Cuschieri 12,040 (+1,579)
Miriam Dalli 26,932 (+3,453)
Mario Farrugia Borg 1,390 (+93)
Charlon Gouder 7,695 (+976)
Ivan Grixti 1,754 (+159)
Marlene Mizzi 17,294(+3,237)
Alred Sant 35,979 E
Deborah Schembri 7,423 (+1,440)
Fleur Vella 598 (+86)

Nationalist Party
Ray Bugeja 7,851 (+5)
David Casa 19,591 (+9)
Therese Comodini Cachia 7,863 (+4)
Kevin Cutajar 5,420 (+5)
Helga Ellul 2,981 (+5)
Stefano Mallia 5,666 (+3)
Roberta Metsola 32,366 (+6)
Kevin Plumpton 1,240 (+2)
Jonathan Shaw 2,089 (+2)
Norman Vella 7,102 (+3)
Francis Zammit Dimech 8,669 (+9)

Non-transferable 0

Miriam Dalli
14:29 On to the fourth count and no other candidates elected so far. We will shortly update you with the votes. Miriam Dalli
14:16 The impasse on the distribution of Alfred Sant’s surplus has been resolved after the commission agreed to address any discrepancies by introducing an adjustment mechanism.
The process was at a standstill for around two hours. However, the protest was not made by the PN, as erroneously reported earlier.
Party delegates told us that the commission’s initial intention to have up to 13 fractions, instead of one, would have an impact on a small number of votes which could be play a part in the allocation of the sixth seat.
Jurgen Balzan
14:12 Second count done and no candidate elected MEP. IE's Antoine Galea will be eliminated by the third count which has started now. Miriam Dalli
11:51 Meanwhile, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat was interviewed on ONE Radio where he said that Labour's third electoral win in a role - with an absolute majority - is not "a coincidence".
He also said that the PL is consolidating its position in Gozo. Turning to work, Muscat said the number of people registering for work was now less than those registering for work during the PN administration's last month.
A detailed report will be up soon.
Miriam Dalli
11:00 The second count is coming to an end. Miriam Dalli consolidated her second position with the transfer of almost 700 votes from the 1st and 4th districts, while Marlene Mizzi inherited slightly more than 650. The two female candidates are then being followed by incumbent Joseph Cuschieri and MP Deborah Schembri. James J. Piscopo
10:49 James J. Piscopo
10:01 The transfer of Alfred Sant’s votes is becoming a continuous battle between Miriam Dalli and Marlene Mizzi, who are obtaining the largest share of the former Prime Minister first preference votes. From the 6th, 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th districts, Miriam Dalli inherited around 1,140 votes, against the 1,043 inherited by Marlene Mizzi. James J. Piscopo
09:03 For what appears to be the first time, table 11 (13th district) completed its counting tasks before the others. This is due to the fact that Gozo was the weakest link for Sant, polling ‘only’ around 1,500 first preference votes. Gozitan Clint Camilleri benefitted the most with 105 inherited votes, followed by Miriam Dalli who gained 72 votes from this district. Meanwhile, members of the parties’ administration re-visited the counting hall this morning, including PN’s deputy leader Beppe Fenech Adami, Labour’s parliamentary whip Carmelo Abela and AD chairperson Arnold Cassola. James J. Piscopo
09:00 Just posted graphic of MEP rankings Matthew Vella
09:00 Matthew Vella
08:31 The sixth seat can go either way, Labour’s head of the electoral office Louis Gatt told MaltaToday. He confirmed MaltaToday’s estimates of Labour having a quota of 3.74 against the 2.80 of the Nationalist Party for the last EP seat. “Hence we are talking of a mere difference of just 0.06, which in terms of votes is translated to around 2,200. The transfer of votes gained by the small parties may prove crucial. It is wide open. I’m not saying I have high hopes, I’m saying we’re in the game,” Gatt said. James J. Piscopo
07:49 Apart from Alfred Sant who is already elected, candidates Roberta Metsola, David Casa and Miriam Dalli are still clear favourites to be elected to Brussels, but the remaining fifth and sixth seat remain up for grabs. It is estimated that the Labour Party has 3.74 quotas while the Nationalist Party has 2.80. This means the PN has a slightly higher probability to acquire its third EP seat; but this still depends in what manner votes are inherited and whether they are transferrable. James J. Piscopo
07:30 Activity in the counting hall has picked up once again with the second count underway. Several party agents have made their way to the Naxxar complex, including Nationalist MP Claudette Buttigieg who was among the first to take her place behind the perspex as a PN representative. Labour incumbents Joseph Cuschieri and Marlene Mizzi, together with Miriam Dalli, seem to be gaining the most from Sant’s votes. The former Labour leader was the only candidate in this election to be elected at the first count, with 48,739 votes. James J. Piscopo
06:59 Official first count results:
Labour Party
Lino Bianco 7,268
Clint Camilleri 13,484
Peter Cordina 868
Joseph Cuschieri 10,461
Miriam Dalli 23,479
Mario Farrugia Borg 1,297
Charlon Gouder 6,719
Ivan Grixti 1,595
Marlene Mizzi 14,057
Alfred Sant 48,739
Deborah Schembri 5,983
Fleur Vella 512
Total 134,462

Nationalist Party
Raymond Bugeja 7,846
David Casa 19,582
Therese Comodini Cachia 7,859
Kevin Cutajar 5,415
Helga Ellul 2,976
Stefano Mallia 5,663
Roberta Metsola 32,360
Kevin Plumpton 1,238
Jonathan Shaw 2,087
Norman Vella 7,099
Francis Zammit Dimech 8,660
Total 100,785

Alternattiva Demokratika
Carmel Cacopardo 1,526
Arnold Cassola 5,891
Total 7,417

James J. Piscopo
06:48 James J. Piscopo
06:40 The second count started a couple of minutes ago. James J. Piscopo
06:36 Unofficial first count results:
Labour Party
Lino Bianco 7,270
Clint Camilleri 13,478
Peter Cordina 868
Joseph Cuschieri 10,450
Miriam Dalli 23,479
Mario Farrugia Borg 1,297
Charlon Gouder 6,719
Ivan Grixti 1,595
Marlene Mizzi 14,055
Alfred Sant 48,733
Deborah Schembri 5,983
Fleur Vella 511
Total 134,438

Nationalist Party
Raymond Bugeja 7,848
David Casa 19,578
Therese Comodini Cachia 7,858
Kevin Cutajar 5,415
Helga Ellul 2,976
Stefano Mallia 5,659
Roberta Metsola 32,359
Kevin Plumpton 1,238
Jonathan Shaw 2,087
Norman Vella 7,099
Francis Zammit Dimech 8,660
Total 100,777

Alternattiva Demokratika
Carmel Cacopardo 1,526
Arnold Cassola 5,891
Total 7,417

James J. Piscopo
05:49 According to unofficial results, Labour won the election with a 34,400 vote advantage over the Nationalist Party, reflecting the 2009 EP election when Labour triumphed with the same margin. James J. Piscopo
05:32 Counting process comes to a complete standstill. Tables three and four have also failed in the reconciliation stage. James J. Piscopo
05:04 The situation on the second table is back to normal and the sum of ballot papers was reconciled. This gave way for the first count vote of PN’s frontrunner Roberta Metsola to be finalised: 32,359. A single year in office for the incumbent, who was elected in a casual election replacing Simon Busuttil last year, paved the way for a 26,000 increase in votes when compared to her 2009 result. James J. Piscopo
04:55 Votes of the second district are being recounted as the total did not reconcile for a single ballot paper. Votes of all candidates are being verified with the purpose of adjusting the error as soon as possible. The 13th district James J. Piscopo
04:46 James J. Piscopo
04:22 David Casa has obtained 19,578 votes, an increase of around 13,000 votes from his 2009 EP tally. This puts him second place among nationalist candidates after Roberta Metsola. The final count of the latter has not yet finished but she’s expected to garner more than 30,000 first preference votes. According to unofficial results, Therese Comodini Cachia seems to be leading Ray Bugeja by just ten votes, with the lawyer obtaining 7,858 at the first count. Gozitan Kevin Cutajar garnered 5,415 votes, of which the absolute majority (3,881) were obtained in the 13th district. Thus, his counterpart Clint Camilleri (PL) surpassed him with around 2,700 votes from this district. James J. Piscopo
04:00 To honour the tradition, the counting process on the 13th district (Gozo) is the slowest. Meanwhile - to break the monotony of an empty counting hall – progress was stalled on the second and seventh table after there was no reconciliation of votes, although the latter seems to have found the ‘missing’ ballot papers. Nine tables out of thirteen have finished counting PN votes. James J. Piscopo
03:16 The counting of PN votes is progressing well; with two districts to go Roberta Metsola has already gained around 30,000 votes. There’s a strong possibility of not reaching the quota by a minimal margin. James J. Piscopo
03:13 Unofficial results place architect Clint Camilleri fourth among labour candidates with 13,478 votes. As expected, the Gozitan performed well in the sister island from where he obtained half his total votes. The other incumbent candidate, Joseph Cuschieri, obtained slightly less than 10,500. The rest of the candidates follow in this order: Lino Bianco, Charlon Gouder, Deborah Schembri, Ivan Grixti, Mario Farrugia Borg, Peter Cordina and Fleur Vella. James J. Piscopo
02:58 Former ONE presenter Miriam Dalli ranked second among Labour candidates, with around 23,480 votes. Incumbent Marlene Mizzi follows in third place with slightly more than 14,000 votes. James J. Piscopo
02:43 With this result, Sant became the second candidate with the most first preference votes in our local EP elections. He surpassed Joseph Muscat who in 2004 obtained 36,958 votes, but the ‘record’ still belongs to Simon Busuttil, with 68,782 votes in 2009. James J. Piscopo
02:24 Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant became the first MEP elected in these elections. According to unofficial results, Sant’s first preference votes reached 48,733. The former Labour leader performed strongly in all districts with an average of around 3,800 from every district except Gozo, where he only garnered around 1,400. The second district, made up of Cottonera, Zabbar and Xghajra, appeared to be his stronghold with almost 5,700 first preference votes. James J. Piscopo
01:41 James J. Piscopo
00:57 Labour candidate Lino Bianco got 7,270 first count votes while fellow MEP hopeful Peter Cordina got 868. The counting of PN votes has started on a number of tables. Miriam Dalli
00:45 The European People's Party (center-right) won the European elections, with 212 seats out of 751 (or 28.23%), according to new results communicated shortly before midnight by the European Parliament. Socialists remain the second political group, elected with 185 (24.63%).
The EPP’s candidate for the Commission President elections Jean Claude Juncker has claimed presidency.
Miriam Dalli
00:33 25-year-old Clint Camilleri has garnered around 6,600 votes in his home district of Gozo and 6,878 from Malta, bringing his first count votes to 13,478. Miriam Dalli
00:25 In Malta, political parties are concerned about the 74.8% voter turnout... they should thank their lucky stars they's not contesting in Slovakia whose voting turnout was 13%. Miriam Dalli
00:21 Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s Democratic Party is expected to win the EP elections at 40.2% while Beppe Grillo’s Five Star Movement comes in second with 23.1%. Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia has garnered a dismal 16%. Projections place Lega Nord in fourth place with 6.5%. Miriam Dalli
23:30 Unofficial results have Alternattiva Demokratika on 7,418 votes (up from 5,802 in 2009) while the extremist far-right Imperium Europa recieved 6,763 number one preferences.
The stoic Nazzareno Bonnici garnered a respectable 1,208 votes, while Alleanza Bidla received 1,227 votes. Last but not least, Alleanza Liberali received 202 votes.
Jurgen Balzan
23:14 More news from the continent…exit polls put Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s Democratic Party in pole position with 33% of the vote. Beppe Grillo’s populist 5-Star movement are set to come in second on 26.5%.
Former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italy are in third on 18%, while separatist Northern League and the radical-left Tsipras list are set to exceed the 4% threshold.
Jurgen Balzan
22:56 In the rest of Europe, both the far-right and the radical left have made impressive inroads.
In France, the initial results gave Marie Le Pen’s Front National 24 seats, the centre-right UMP 19 seats, 13 for the ruling Socialists, six for the Greens and four for the leftist party Front de Gauche.
According to a 'Die Welt' projection, Nigel Farage's far-right UKIP emerged as the top party in the UK, with 30% of the vote with Labour in second on 26% followed by the Tories on 23%, the Lib Dems on 8% and the Greens on 7%.
Estimates from Greece show that radical-left Syriza are in the lead with 24.71% of the vote. The neo-fascist Golden Dawn are in third and are projected to elect three MEPs.
Jurgen Balzan
22:53 Despite initial estimates putting far-right Imperium Europa ahead of Alternattiva Demokratika, the Greens have garnered 631 votes more. Jurgen Balzan
22:46 Miriam Dalli
22:44 Miriam Dalli
22:42 Miriam Dalli
22:40 Miriam Dalli
22:26 Tal-Ajkla's Nazzareno Bonnici obtained a total of 1,208 first preference votes. Miriam Dalli
22:25 Labour candidates Miriam Dalli and Joseph Cuschieri obtained 1,627 and 882 first preference vote respectively on the first district. Miriam Dalli
22:22 Third district
Zaren Bonnici 121
Anthony Calleja (AB) 15
Ivan Grech Mintoff (AB) 68
Jean Pierre Sammut (AL) 11
Carmel Cacopardo (AD) 116
Arnold Cassola (AD) 403
Arlette Baldacchino (IE) 42
Antoine Galea (IE) 9
Norman Lowell (IE) 523

Fourth district
Zaren Bonnici 89
Anthony Calleja (AB) 17
Ivan Grech Mintoff (AB) 73
Jean Pierre Sammut (AL) 20
Carmel Cacopardo (AD) 121
Arnold Cassola (AD) 406
Arlette Baldacchino (IE) 32
Antoine Galea (IE) 5
Norman Lowell (IE) 489
Lino Bianco (PL) 654
Clint Camilleri (PL) 504
Peter Cordina (PL) 76

Fifth district
Zaren Bonnici 125
Anthony Calleja (AB) 18
Ivan Grech Mintoff (AB) 47
Jean Pierre Sammut (AL) 12
Carmel Cacopardo (AD) 125
Arnold Cassola (AD) 435
Arlette Baldacchino (IE) 43
Antoine Galea (IE) 7

Sixth district
Zaren Bonnici 92
Anthony Calleja (AB) 14
Ivan Grech Mintoff (AB) 70
Jean Pierre Sammut (AL) 18
Carmel Cacopardo (AD) 74
Arnold Cassola (AD) 289
Arlette Baldacchino (IE) 26
Antoine Galea (IE) 7
Norman Lowell (IE) 41
Lino Bianco (PL) 747
Clint Camilleri (PL) 781

Seventh district
Zaren Bonnici 106
Anthony Calleja (AB) 19
Ivan Grech Mintoff (AB) 73
Jean Pierre Sammut (AL) 28
Carmel Cacopardo (AD) 118
Arnold Cassola (AD) 401

Eighth district
Zaren Bonnici 76
Anthony Calleja (AB) 18
Ivan Grech Mintoff (AB) 86
Jean Pierre Sammut (AL) 14
Carmel Cacopardo (AD) 111
Arnold Cassola (AD) 549
Arlette Baldacchino (IE) 22
Antoine Galea (IE) 9
Norman Lowell (IE) 519
Lino Bianco (PL) 464

Ninth district
Zaren Bonnici 45
Anthony Calleja (AB) 20
Ivan Grech Mintoff (AB) 48
Jean Pierre Sammut (AL) 17
Carmel Cacopardo (AD) 133
Arnold Cassola (AD) 668
Arlette Baldacchino (IE) 31
Antoine Galea (IE) 10
Norman Lowell (IE) 518
Lino Bianco (PL) 346
Clint Camilleri (PL) 435
Peter Cordina (PL) 57
Joseph Cuschieri (PL) 696

Tenth district
Zaren Bonnici 37
Anthony Calleja (AB) 16
Ivan Grech Mintoff (AB) 50
Jean Pierre Sammut (AL) 20
Carmel Cacopardo (AD) 134
Arnold Cassola (AD) 602
Arlette Baldacchino (IE) 36
Antoine Galea (IE) 8
Norman Lowell (IE) 453
Lino Bianco (PL) 371

Eleventh district
Zaren Bonnici 82
Anthony Calleja (AB) 27
Ivan Grech Mintoff (AB) 46
Jean Pierre Sammut (AL) 8
Carmel Cacopardo (AD) 172
Arnold Cassola (AD)
Arlette Baldacchino (IE) 41
Antoine Galea (IE) 8
Norman Lowell (IE) 553

Twelfth district
Zaren Bonnici 87
Anthony Calleja (AB) 16
Ivan Grech Mintoff (AB) 65
Jean Pierre Sammut (AL) 16
Carmel Cacopardo (AD) 147
Arnold Cassola (AD) 541
Arlette Baldacchino (IE) 38
Antoine Galea (IE) 16
Norman Lowell (IE) 591

Miriam Dalli
22:00 Here’s an update to the 1st district:

Zaren Bonnici 61
Anthony Calleja (AB) 20
Ivan Grech Mintoff (AB) 40
Jean Pierre Sammut (AL) 6
Lino Bianco (PL) 547
Clint Camilleri (PL) 219
Peter Cordina (PL) 52

The update for the 9th district :

Zaren Bonnici 45
Anthony Calleja (AB) 20
Ivan Grech Mintoff (AB) 48
Jean Pierre Sammut (AL) 17
Lino Bianco (PL) 346
Clint Camilleri (PL) 435
Peter Cordina (PL) 57
Joseph Cuschieri (PL) 696

Miriam Dalli
21:57 The only official numbers we have so far are from the 1st and 9th district, relating only to the small parties.

First district
Carmel Cacopardo (AD) 76
Arnold Cassola (AD) 261
Arlette Baldacchino (IE) 32
Antoine Galea (IE) 10
Norman Lowell (IE) 412

Ninth district
Carmel Cacopardo (AD) 133
Arnold Cassola (AD) 668
Arlette Baldacchino (IE) 31
Antoine Galea (IE) 10
Norman Lowell (IE) 518

Miriam Dalli
21:01 The counting agents are currently in the process of counting the first preference vote of each individual candidate. At the end of the process, the first count results will be officialised by the Electoral Commission. Most probably, former Labour prime minister Alfred Sant will be the only MEP elected on the first count. This process will also establish the number of invalid votes and the quota. Miriam Dalli
20:39 A look at what’s happening in Europe takes us to France were Marine Le Pen’s party has won by at least 25% of the vote. Le Pen heads France’s anti-euro National Front which has been placed first, exit polls show. Support for the far-right president has been driven by growing discontent with jobless claims at a record of more than 3 million and an economy that has barely grown in two years. Jurgen Balzan
20:03 PN favourite Roberta Metsola has made her way to the counting hall too. She however chose not to comment on projections that she is set to retain her seat as MEP. Miriam Dalli
19:53 NET TV has announced the following first count estimates. Alfred Sant is a clear front-runner from the Labour camp, while Miriam Dalli is second. Incumbent MEP Marlene Mizzi has approximately garnered 15,700 first count votes. From the PN camp, incumbents Roberta Metsola and David Casa have emerged as favourites to regain their seat at the European plenary, while the third seat is a close fight between Francis Zammit Dimech, Ray Bugeja, and Therese Comodini Cachia. Ray Bugeja 8,800 votes • David Casa 19,800 • Therese Comodini Cachia 8,100 • Helga Ellul 2,900 • Stefano Mallia 6,500 • Roberta Metsola 31,400 • Kevin Plumpton 1,900
Jonathan Shaw 1,700 • Norman Vella 7,900 • Francis Zammit Dimech 9,300 Marlene Mizzi 15,700 • Joseph Cuschieri 10,900 • Clint Camilleri 10,700 • Miriam Dalli 22,700 • Alfred Sant 51,800 • Lino Bianco 7,200 • Mario Farrugia Borg 1,700 • Ivan Grixti 1,400 • Fleur Vella 500 Arnold Cassola 4,000 • Carmel Cacopardo 1,400 •
Jurgen Balzan
19:36 Busuttil has also paid a visit to members of the press at the counting hall's media centre Miriam Dalli
19:23 Opposition leader Simon Busuttil paid a visit to the remaining PN counting agents and officials at the counting hall in Naxxar. He tried to lighten up the sombre atmosphere by words of encouragement to the party’s supporters who were waiting for him. He so far has not left any comments to the press at the counting hall and joined the party’s electoral commission behind the Perspex. Jurgen Balzan
18:58 Fenech Adami said the he would be the “first to shoulder responsibility” however he insisted that the PN leadership would shoulder responsibility by redoubling its efforts rather then by jumping ship. Jurgen Balzan
18:44 PN deputy leaders Mario de Marco and Beppe Fenech Adami have just held an impromptu press conference here in Naxxar. While insisting that the party did well to maintain its core vote, de Marco said that the PN must “take stock of the situation.”
He added that the PN's failure to increase its share of votes and close the gap on Labour meant that the party had to ask itself why it isn’t reaching certain segments of society.
Jurgen Balzan
16:56 Again, Busuttil is asked whether he considers his leadership tenable. "What we need now is someone who sends a clear message that we will stay here for the PN. This is not a personal question of what I want - we are here to serve the PN, and the PN needs us to stay here." Matthew Vella
16:54 Simon Busuttil is asked whether he will resign if the PN doesn't elect a third seat. "I will only comment after the third seat is settled." Matthew Vella
16:52 Simon Busuttil is asked what went wrong with the PN... and he says: "The question would be what was good for Labour... fewer things went wrong for Labour. For the PN it's still a work-in-progress." Matthew Vella
16:50 Simon Busuttil says the fact that 80,000 voters stayed away from polling stations, a message to both the PN and PL. "The message to the PN is that the party must build itself anew - a year since the 2013 elections was not enough." Matthew Vella
16:48 Simon Busuttil: "My conclusion is that this result should not dishearten us... we didn't manage to convince enough people to give their trust to the PN, but we are determined to work to make the PN the natural party for the Maltese." Matthew Vella
16:46 Simon Busuttil: "We have been honest from the start - we never said we were the underdog." Matthew Vella
16:46 Simon Busuttil: "We started this election with difficulty... we were at a disadvantage of 36,000 votes and still it is clear that we are far away from reducing this disadvantage." Matthew Vella
16:45 Simon Busuttil: "We seriously accept responsibility for this result... while the PN lost 2 per cent of votes, which we feel have gone to the smaller parties." Matthew Vella
16:44 Simon Busuttil: "Undoubtedly, this is a disappointing result that shows the PN is far off from being the natural choice for the people." Matthew Vella
16:44 Busuttil says that the outcome on the sixth seat "is unclear". "It is clear that Labour will elect 3 MEPs and the PN will elect 2 MEPs but it is unclear who will win the sixth seat." Matthew Vella
16:43 "I thank all those who participated in this exercise of democracy." Matthew Vella
16:43 Simon Busuttil addressing a live press conference on Net TV with his MEPs and party leadership. Matthew Vella
16:12 AD chairperson Arnold Cassola is saying that AD will get 2.7% of the vote but that other parties - Imperium Europa, Alleanza Bidla and Alleanza Liberali - will get 3.5%. Matthew Vella
15:59 Labour pollsters have told MaltaToday that AD could get between 2.7-2.9% and far-right Imperium Europa set to get over 3-3.2%. Matthew Vella
15:45 The Nationalist Party leader Simon Busuttil will address the press at 4:30pm. Matthew Vella
15:45 Labour are expecting a majority on the 12th district vote - the first ever in this PN-leaning locality. Matthew Vella
15:43 Alternattiva Demokratika to give a press conference at 4pm. Matthew Vella
15:42 James Debono talks polls: How the results tallied with MaltaToday polls Matthew Vella
15:40 Matthew Vella
15:31 Louis Gatt, Labour's electoral head, says PL has got over 53% of the vote, the PN at 40.2%, while AD has only garnered 2.7% leaving other parties - and possibly the far-right - with 4% of the vote. Matthew Vella
15:13 The race for the sixth seat is set to go to the wire with both the PN and Labour having an equal chance winning the final seat. However a number of factors could sway the seat towards the PN, especially if Labour frontrunner Alfred Sant exceeds the 50k mark which could lead to a less chance of other candidates being elected by quota on Labour’s side once the former prime minister’s votes are transferred.
Daniel Mizzi reporting from inside the counting hall says the three favourites for the third PN seat could be Therese Comodini Cachia, Ray Bugeja and Francis Zammit Dimech. Initial counting suggests that David Casa and Roberta Metsola are sure to be elected. Clint Camilleri (PL) has been garnering many votes on the Gozo district.
Matthew Vella
15:09 Thousands are on Mile End Road outside the Labour headquarters, celebrating the Labour victory. Matthew Vella
15:04 Muscat tells voters: "Today we will start giving up our 200% - this country's best days are yet to come." Matthew Vella
15:03 Joseph Muscat: "Power will not go to our heads... we will be with you every day." Matthew Vella
15:03 First up, Muscat says Maltese voters have confirmed his 2013 electoral battlecry 'Malta Taghna Lkoll' (Malta for all). "Today is the day we have confirmed that we have a Malta that is for all, that the people want positivity and not negativity, but that we accept this enormous victory with humility and gratitude." Matthew Vella
15:01 Prime Minister Joseph Muscat is addressing Labour supporters outside the PL's Mile End headquarters. Matthew Vella
Europe 2014 • Simon Busuttil visits counting hall
PN deputy leaders • video by Ray Attard
PL celebrates victory • Video by Ray Attard
Europe 2014 • Toni Abela - Labour deputy leader
Europe 2014 • Michael Falzon (PL) and Francis Zammit Dimech (PN)
10:47 James J. Piscopo
09:59 The transfer of Alfred Sant’s votes is becoming a continuous battle between Miriam Dalli and Marlene Mizzi, who are obtaining the largest share of the former Prime Minister first preference votes. From the 6th, 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th districts, Miriam Dalli inherited around 1,140 votes, against the 1,043 inherited by Marlene Mizzi. James J. Piscopo
14:38 We have more video interviews coming up with Michael Falzon (PL), Francis Zammit Dimech (PN), Toni Abela (PL) and Chris Said (PN). Matthew Vella
14:32 PN secretary-general Chris Said has confirmed that the PN's third seat has yet to be confirmed, while pollster Hermann Schiavone says Labour stands to get a 3.8 quotas, which means the PN has much longer to wait to see if it gets its sixth seat. Matthew Vella
14:03 Joseph Muscat: "There is something greater than the Labour Party itself - there are ideas that are getting agglomerated with the PL." Matthew Vella
14:02 Joseph Muscat: "Throughout the campaign I did not see what direction the Opposition was giving this country... the door was shut in its face." Matthew Vella
14:01 Joseph Muscat says that on environment, one of the main areas of criticism, Labour has delivered on cleaner air with its plans for an LNG plant. Matthew Vella
14:00 Joseph Muscat says the fact his government should not be complacent over the simple fact that it has maintained its strong 2013 result. "We will still hear out the public's criticism." Matthew Vella
13:57 Joseph Muscat: "We will stay humble. Our success won't go to our heads. We will stay close to the people." Matthew Vella
13:57 Joseph Muscat: "My message to the people who did not vote or who voted for smaller parties: we will keep on hearing them, to reach their aspirations, and to deliver what we promised. We also understand that they didn't vote for the Opposition... but we will work so that we can convince those who voted for the Opposition." Matthew Vella
13:55 Joseph Muscat: "The PN, now has been since 2003 unable to garner an absolute majority... this is a confirmation that the country's political landscape has changed, and that the Opposition is still its same arrogant self." Matthew Vella
13:55 Joseph Muscat: "The PN's new leadership left Labour's majority untouched... many of the people who voted for Labour in 2013, have voted for us again. The people who did not vote for us, did not vote for the Opposition but for other smaller parties, meaning the Opposition has not budged from its position in 2013." Matthew Vella
13:54 Joseph Muscat: "We had a whole year of negativity from the Opposition leader. Politically he did not have a message. All he did was scaremongering. The people have given Simon Busuttil the 'yellow card'." Matthew Vella
13:52 Joseph Muscat on TVM: "Labour is the first government to win the European elections. This was a test of credibility that we won. The majority of votes we have won is similar to that we got in 2013, even when fewer voters went out to vote. The change is still ongoing." Matthew Vella
13:46 Jurgen Balzan says in certain districts, Norman Lowell's votes (Imperium Europa) are on par with those of Alternattiva Demokratika - but that's only at a glance... Matthew Vella
13:43 Francis Zammit Dimech has said on PBS that the PN might be fighting for the sixth seat - although this is yet to be confirmed. Matthew Vella
13:25 Just uploaded Saviour Balzan's videoblog on the election results. Matthew Vella
13:24 Matthew Vella
13:24 Matthew Vella
Saviour Balzan's videoblog
13:07 There's no doubt that the scale of this majority will seriously dent the credibility of PN leaders: the mood inside the counting hall is glum. Matthew Vella
13:03 Labour could have won a 30,000-33,000 majority - pollsters Matthew Vella
12:57 Labour pollsters say that the first three candidates will be Alfred Sant, Miriam Dalli and incumbent Marlene Mizzi. Matthew Vella
12:49 Matthew Vella
12:44 Counting hall explodes: labour at 53%, PN at 40% yet to be confirmed. Matthew Vella
12:44 Matthew Vella
12:42 Labour supporters banging on the billboards - it could be a majority higher than 30,000 Matthew Vella
12:41 Prime Minister Joseph Muscat was on One News saying that it has won a 'higher than expected' majority. Matthew Vella
12:40 Joseph Muscat says "it is clear that Labour has won with a great majority, higher than expected. I'm not in a position to confirm exactly." Matthew Vella
12:39 Metsola is expected to get over 30,000 votes. Matthew Vella
12:36 Net TV are claiming Alfred Sant will get over 50,000 votes. Matthew Vella
12:29 Miriam Dalli says that her namesake in the Labour Party also has a strong showing. Matthew Vella
12:28 Roberta Metsola (PN) and Alfred Sant (PL) are clear frontrunners for election. Matthew Vella
12:25 Miriam Dalli, reporting from the fifth district table (another 'red' district) says Labour is also heading for a majority over here. Matthew Vella
12:24 Matthew Vella
12:13 Miriam Dalli reports a general buzz for Labour on the "sixth district" table - Luqa, Siggiewi and Qormi - for Labour. But that would be nothing new, since this is considered to be a red district. Matthew Vella
12:12 Matthew Vella
12:09 Based on our MaltaToday polls, Labour could find itself with a 24,000 majority: yesterday some 257,626 cast their vote.
The only variable here would be the invalid votes, which has always been between 5,000 to 6,000 in the last two European elections. If we remove 6,000 we end up with 251,626 valid votes: giving Labour a mean 52.4%, based on four successive polls, would result in 131,524 votes and 107,930 (43%) for the PN, and just over 11,500 for other parties.
Matthew Vella
12:05 Matthew Vella
12:02 Matthew Vella
11:51 Matthew Vella
11:48 Matthew Vella
11:47 If you are on Twitter, follow hashtag #EP2014 Matthew Vella
11:46 Matthew Vella
11:40 Jurgen Balzan has a new video uploaded: talk inside the counting hall, where the quota for election is set to be 36,000, is that Labour could end up leading by 24,000 votes. Matthew Vella