Timothy Alden is new Partit Demokratiku leader
Democratic Party, now no longer with two MPs in the House, elects new executive committee

Partit Demokratiku has elected a new leader, Timothy Alden.
At an annual general meeting held on Monday evening, the PD elected a new executive committee.
The party was founded in 2016 by former Labour MPs Godfrey and Marlene Farrugia after quiting the Labour Party.
In a statement, Alden said the PD needed to renew itself after its founders resigned on 22 September, 2019 to make space for new faces in order to rebuild the party. “The way farward is for active citiziens to reverse the fragmentation in the country while showing people that there is hope,” the 29-year-old party leader said.
Both Godfrey and Marlene Farrugia are still independent MPs in the House of Representatives.
The new PD executive will be composed of Raymond Azzopardi as deputy leader, Mark Zerafa as general secretary, Marcus Lauri as public relations officer, Carmel Asciak as treasurer, and Melissa J.Bagley, Matthew Mizzi and Martina Caruana, as members.