Justice ministry edges towards Franco Debono’s demands, sets up ‘Drugs Court’

An initiative pushed by renegade Nationalist MP Franco Debono is in the offing, as government announces the setting up of a dedicated ‘Drugs Court’.

Justice minister Chris Said in Strait Street, Valletta this morning inspecting works on the new court building
Justice minister Chris Said in Strait Street, Valletta this morning inspecting works on the new court building

News of government's intentions to set up a Drugs Court was announced this morning by newly-appointed justice minister Chris Said, who toured the site which later this year is to house the Family Court in Strait Street, Valletta.

Just as Debono had called, the Drugs Court is to focus exclusively on drugs related offences, and will operate on the same model of the Family Court.

The new court - which is expected to be housed within the same building where the Family Court used to operate in Strait Street behind the Court's main building - will operate as soon as the Family Court moves out of its current location to another site just up the road, which still awaits Mepa authoristaion to have a bridge annexe it to the main court house.

It is estimated that €1.8 million are to be spent on the new building which will also private chambers for the judiciary and staff who currently share offices spread all over the old building.

But this morning's announcement by Chris Said also contained other issues which have been raised by MP Franco Debono and included in his private members' motion which remains pending before parliament.

Said has taken on board Franco Debono's insistence to have the recording systems changed in all court rooms.

He announced that the change in the system from the 'old cassette' to a modern digital one is "well underway" and new equipment has started to be installed in court rooms.

Chris Said has also started talks with the Chamber of Advocates - as Debono insisted - for the courts to improve their efficiency, by adopting a long list of proposals by the professional category in its document entitled 'Regulating the Legal Profession for the 21st Century'.

i guess in malta you're forced to say: "better late than never"... yet this should have happened YEARS ago... many years ago, unfortunately. CASSETTES?? SERIOUSLY!!!???? ...unbelievable.
Hahahahahaha...tinsultentawh, tridu tkeccuh u issejhulu traditur...IMMA umbaghad qeghdin tobdu lilu!!!! Mela kellu ragun FD, Sur Ministru. Ara veru purcinellati!!!! Isma, jaqaw gejja xi elezzjoni?
I have a question for Dr Debono to answer: Has all these developments, which suits you, have been done since the reshuffle or under the former Justice Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici whom you worked to get replaced? You don't by a IT system in two weeks, you done get the rennovation tenders it two weeks. I am from Ghaxaq as much as you and know that you were always in minority. But you dont fight the government from. Now you are seeing that Carm Mifsud Bonnici, contrary to you compaign, was not sitting idle. As a Nationalist as much as you, try and reason and return to the fold and get you criticism inside.
FIX THE DRUG LAWS instead. The existing laws are more harmful than the drugs themselves. Decriminalise cannabis and we won't NEED a new court.
Vaer gvern tad-dahq ! Chris Said qed jipprova jibda jaghmel xi haga minn dak li ilu jghidilhom Franco Debono ! Jigifieri huma ma kellhomx pjanijiet, izda issa jridu jghatu l-impressjoni li qisu se jghamlu kollox. GHAX MA BDEWX BIL-LIGI DWAR IL-FINANZJAMENT TAL-PARTITI ! Ara dik zgur se jghidu li jghamluha jekk jergghu jitilghu fil-gvern.U jekk jirnexxielhom JISIRQU l-elezzjoni, jergghu JINSEWHA !
Minn kollox qieghed jaghmlu biex jakkonmodaw lil Dr Debono. Dawn qieghed jamluhom mhux ghax iridu l interess ta Malta - ghal kemm huma affarijiet tajbin - imma biex jibqu imwahhlin mal poter. Dawn l amendi Dr Debono ilu li talabhom zmien imma qieghed jaghmlum issa ghax wasal il vot ta sfiducja fil gvern.
What do you expect now, that good ideas are not implemented because Franco discussed them in public. We all agree that it is a move in the right direction. On a different topic, how come MT did not discuss the PL General Conference. Some insights into the Bunga Bunga of Sciberras Trigona, and the reason why women today are returning to their workplace according to the PL Delagates would have made a good read. Dr Muscat, time is running out even for the PL, we the people would like to know how you will steer the country in these difficult times. If you have good points, and can convice the electorate, then let be it.
Mela Franco Debono ghandu ragun jghid li kien hemm min kien inkompetenti ghaliex f'daqqa wahda qed isiru il mirakli. Jekk hu hekk Franco ghandu ragun jghid li ghandu ikollna rizenji.
That was obvious. Those issues which Franco has so vociferously campaigned for or against are now being hastily addressed. In this manner when the debate before the vote of no-confidence is held, the PM would show us a big smile and state that everything has been taken into consideration that that i.) Franco was only after a ministerial position ii.) the opposition is unreliable because it is opportunistic and does not have strong principles. I think that this is Gonzi's last card, he has shown more than once how he says something and then does another. Hopefully people are seeing him as the pathetic, power-obsessed PM that he is. And most importantly he states that he is doing this in the interest of the country!!
This is all well and good, however it's a little bit too late don't you think Mr Minister ? I know you have just been appointed but your government has been there for 25 years, this too close to an election and it has the taste of an election bait. Go and tell it to the marines !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Minister Said announced that the change in the system from the 'old cassette' to a modern digital one is "well underway" and new equipment has started to be installed in court rooms. One hopes that all Tender procedures were followed?
Stefan Mifsud
Well done Dr. Said for taking up Franco Debono's proposals. However these projects will just become one of the many which will be announced in the media till election.
Ara veru partit ta Terrinu. Ara veru oqbra imbajda ta...Issa kollox qeghed jiccaqlaq ja Farizej....L-ewwel il P.M. waqqafhom milli ikomplu jghajruh u ituh kull aggettiv, umbaghad mar dak l-ipokkrita ta Edwin Vassallo u messlu idu ghal 75 darba u qallu li il bieb miftuh, waqt li huwa kien fuq facebook kontra Franco.Issa hareg il ministru gdid tal gustizzja jghejdilna li qeghed jghamel dak li ried Franco. Mela il ministru l-iehor fejn kien, issarraf il 500 ewro li seraq lil poplu.? L`anqas tridu tibqaw ikkahmati, imwahhlin, igranfati, iwweldjati mas siggu tal poter.