PBS takes Education 22 in cultural revamp of station

PBS launches test transmissions of TVM 2.

The Public Broadcasting Services has taken on board Education 22 channel, the digital terrrestial station of drab educational programmes and TVM re-reuns, to launch TVM 2.

PBS said the remit of the station will be that of delivering educational and cultural  programmes together with current affairs and events. "The main focus of the station will be that to inform, entertain and facilitate development of human potential via education using the achievements of modern telecommunication and IT," PBS said in a statement.

The national broadcaster's hopes are high, saying the station will "become the preferred comprehensive, clear and concise and reliable source of information on the island, focusing mainly on cultural events, education and sports.  The daily 8pm news will also be aired in the sign language for the benefit of the hearing impaired."

The new TV station will deliver local documentaries higlighting Maltese history, Maltese personalities, architecture and culture, together with foreign documentaries "targeted at enriching the knowledge in a popular manner, arouse interest to creativity, experimenting and contemplating."

The transmission will also include direct teaching programmes including Maltese Language and Literature and other direct learning courses in different languages mainly English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish.

Sports programmes will not only focus on 'popular' sports but would also promote minor sports. "The aim of these programmes is to  promote sports at all levels as a means to contribute to the positive development of society and to raise awareness about specific services, assistance, training and support.

"There will also be a range of discussion programmes hosting an expert panel, discussions aimed at giving the best information, entertain, educate and, as well as to explore and promote our national identity, social values and culture."

All major cultural events and annual festivals such as carnival, Għanafest, the Malta Jazz Festival, Notte Bianca and the Malta Arts Festival will be aired on this station.

Luke Camilleri
TVM1 is gonziOPM'S wavelenght ... and TVM 2 the buffer!
Rest assured that this new station is being set up to increase the dose of GonziPN propaganda in a more subtle way ! No wonder PBS has been taking on more ex-NET TV and Radio 101 journalists !!!!!!!!!!!!
Sur edituri tal-maltatoday: nispera minn qalbi li dak li qed tghidu intom hawn fuq dwar it-tip ta' programmi li se jidhru fuq TVM2 mhux korrett. Ma tafux li ahna li tant u tant insegwu lil TVM nixtiequ li dan ic-channel gdid joqghod jaghtina aktar u aktar taghrif dwar gonzipn, dwar il-kisbiet ta' gonzipn, dwar kemm il-grecja u l-italja u l-portugall sejrin lura, dwar kemm ahna sejrin tajjeb jekk tqabbilna mal-ewropa, dwar il-pjaciri u l-favuri li se jqassam gonzipn (ghax ahna xorta hekk se nibqghu nsejjhulu !!!) flimkien ma' busupn fix-xhur li gejjin qabel l-elezzjoni ..... u nispera wkoll li KULJUM ikollna intervista mal-ministri kollha tal-kabinett dwar il-bravuri li qed iwettqu ... IFHMUNI SEW X'QED NGHID - mhux intervista ma' ministru wiehed kuljum imma intervista mal-kabinett KOLLU kuljum biex ikomplu jghallmuna u jedukawna ..... u nispera wkoll li nibdew naraw bondiplus darbtejn kuljum fuq TVM2 .... ghaliex le, programm sabih bhal dak, zgur li jixraqlu li jidher ukoll fuq TVM2 .....