Pullicino Orlando – ‘Israelis culturally European and fit for membership’

Nationalist MP in steadfast opposition to Turkish EU membership argues Israel is better suited for EU accession.

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has argued in favour of Israeli membership to the EU.
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has argued in favour of Israeli membership to the EU.

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has stood fast by his stand against Turkey's accession to the European Union, but believes Israel should be offered EU membership.

The MP, who last week poured cold water over Malta's warm reception of Turkey's chief EU negotiator by declaring he would not vote for Turkish accession, has retained his stand that Israel should become a member of the European Union.

"Comparisons are odious and it would be embarrassing to stay comparing one country with another," he told MaltaToday.

"[But] Israelis are culturally European since they are descendants of people who had emigrated to Israel from Europe during World War II."

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Pullicino Orlando, who said he is considering moving a private members' motion in Parliament for a debate on Turkey's bid for EU membership, had formed part of a delegation of MPs in a conference organised by the European Friends of Israel in 2011, a political initiative which aims to improve the overall relationship between the EU and Israel.

In an opinion piece published a year ago, the Nationalist MP had said he was in favour of an Israeli membership to the EU, arguing that the country's culture was "intertwined with the European culture."

Asked today what he believed constituted a 'European culture', he said a country's "rule of law" was a part of that particular make-up. "On Turkey I stand by what I said. I will not compare the two countries... my arguments on both sides still hold," he said, and added that Israel should have no difficulty in joining the European Union.

Pullicino Orlando also said that it was not fair to describe his arguments as "racists". "If I were a racist, would I suggest for Israel to become a European member?" he said.

Like Israel, many countries of mass migration are arguably European in ethnicity or in cultural outlook, like Australia or even Argentina. Conversely, Israeli citizens like Ethiopian Jews (Beta Israel) form part of an African strand of Hebrews and like Arab Israelis, have no link to the European diaspora.

Pullicino Orlando has previously argued that while Arab citizens in Israel must be given all the opportunities available to other Israeli citizens, "the EU should do its utmost to encourage the rapprochement necessary between the people who populate the strip of land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean."

"We would be in a better position to assist if we were to seriously consider inviting Israel to become a member of our union of European states. We would also, by doing so and facilitating Israel's entry into the EU, be giving a very clear sign to those whose ultimate political aim is the Islamisation not only of the Middle East but of Europe as well."

Pullicino Orlando came under fire from Turkey's chief EU negotiator Egemen Bagis who described his comments against Turkish membership as "childish and foolish".

The MP replied that even the "European People's Party, Angela Merkel and 70% of German citizens, Nicolas Sarkozy and 75% of French citizens are also against Turkey being accepted as a member of the EU for the same reasons I have put forward.

"If I'm 'childish and foolish', I'm in good company. Turkey's chief EU negotiator has an uphill battle due to his country's abysmal human rights record, notwithstanding the fact it has been a member of the Council of Europe since 1949. I wouldn't waste my time on puerile name-calling if I were in his position."

JPO is this what you mean? --- http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/video/2012/apr/16/israeli-soldier-assaults-protester-video
I have to pass on this - I can never accept to be part of a Zionist Nation that has persecuted Palestines (and this is proven not invented), taken their land and still get away with it every time with the usual Memorial of Auschwitz. Still playing the victims while conquering the world with wars - Israel/USA - NEW WORLD ORDER. EU - European Union = European Countries or else what is the point of calling it EU. Russia should be a perfect canditate to join but the US/Israel Zionist don't want that to happen and will prevent it at all cost. Why ? ? Because if Russia joins the EU we will become the largest and strongest Empire in the entrie world in History. Uncle Sam won't like that offcourse. Uncle Sam wants to remain the only Nation with weopons of mass destruction. Rabii Sam wants to remain the sole ruler of this planet. The chosen ones to lead humanity to salvation.....or damnation maybe.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/apr/16/israeli-soldier-clubs-danish-protester Israeli soldier clubs Danish protester with rifle
JPO on this subject you are completely wrong. The Israelis pride that there ancestors are from that land otherwise how could they justify throwing out most of the Arab population (which was nearly 80% of the people living there) and confiscating their land after the last WWII. So if according to their own words, they come from Judea, how can they be Europeans. Hawwatta din Jeffrey.
Antoine Vella Mintoff qatt ma ghamel hekk u jekk inti ma gibx il-provi li Mintoff ghamel hekk inti tkun GIDDIEB.
I, personally, have big respect towards JPO, but I don't agree with him about dealing with foreign affairs! Of course, he's got a right to his opinion, just as every body else does, but trying to imply Israel as an EU member, is just like asking independenc for Gozo! It doesn't make much sense. And besides they ignore completely the Palestinian people, and their fundamental human rights. I'm sure that JPO is an intelligent person and must know how the situation in the middle east evolved in the last 70 years. In order that Israel had their land, they use to make pressure on the UK by using terrorist acts, like when they blew up the King David hotel, and there were British casualties. So if we all condemn the terrorist acts from one side, we should also condemn the terrorist acts from the opposite side too. Two wrongs never make one right, I think, or not?
Take care of them Jeff,you are another super polition that made a big difrence in the Maltese politics.The past politics stinks.
Jeffrey - steer away from this whole topic - nothing will be gained and the whole topic is a waste of time anyways - Europe should be throwing out existing members and not adding new ones - and turkey must be insane to want to join the EU.
I see the racists are quarrelling with each other now. Jeffrey, if you want the Mintoffian rednecks to agree with you (the only ones who might) don't mention Jews to them. Mintoff told them to hate Israel and Jews and that's what they keep doing - until he tells them they can stop.
Jeffrey u l-Lhud. Sincerament ma nafx ghaliex il-Malti jghid li Rabti w Zebbugi jaghmlu Lhudi. Imma wisq nahseb li Jeffrey peress li johrog fuq ir-Rabat u haz-Zebbug jippretendi li din il-bicca tal-Lhud tista' zzidlu xi voti. Wara kollox kemm ir-Rabat u kemm haz-Zebbug ga qedin fl-EU. X'tahseb Jeff?
Jeffrey u l-Lhud. Sincerament ma nafx ghaliex il-Malti jghid li Rabti w Zebbugi jaghmlu Lhudi. Imma wisq nahseb li Jeffrey peress li johrog fuq ir-Rabat u haz-Zebbug jippretendi li din il-bicca tal-Lhud tista' zzidlu xi voti. Wara kollox kemm ir-Rabat u kemm haz-Zebbug ga qedin fl-EU. X'tahseb Jeff?
Sorry Geoffrey, but I do not agree with you on Israel joining the EU. Certainly not as long as Israel keeps ignoring countless U.N. resolutions demanding Israel giving up its occupied lands from the Palestinians !And even defies calls from its greatest ally the United States, to stop bhilding more sttlements on Palestinian land. Surely such "bullying" behaviour is not supposed to belong to a European cultrure !
Israel is NOT in Europe.
Alex Grech
you blow it up now JPO!! jews are proud of their identity...they don't need any european alliances!!
JPO must know that the jews were persecuted by his party's buddies way back in the 40s.As regards his statement about a racism is silly because according to him jews cannot be racists because they are jews so their hate of some of them of the arab world is not racism.Only if you are against jews you are racist according to JPO. Now if that isn't a silly statement from an MP I don't know what is.
This gentleman should refrain from implying that he is speaking for the nation. Why criticize the persent administration, legally elected, to represent the nation and then he himself, play self appointed spokesman for the masses. While having no scruples in calling fellow MPs ignorant, JPO has the cheek to claim that he doesn’t ‘waste his (my) time on puerile name-calling’. He is not only becoming a national embarrassment but is now having trouble to contain his over inflated ego.
Israel? How about South Africa, or maybe Singapore?
"[But] Israelis are culturally European since their descendants emigrated from Europe to Israel." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I won't go into the merits or otherwise (definitely otherwise) or JPO's opinions, the fact that he calls ancestors descendants speaks for itself......oh.my.god.
TOBIT, Hava nagila, hava nagila hava ... http://www.maltastar.com/dart/20120414-hava-nagila-hava-nagila-hava
JPO mela tridhom jibdew jibnu d-djar fix xaghra tal Furjana? Jew Hal Far jew Ta Qali?
Australians and Canadians are also culturally European. Just one problem - like Israel, they're not physically in Europe. Part of Turkey is.