San Gwann set for €1.1 million upgrade
New council premises to be housed on extended gardens, playground and bocci area.
Computer aided image of the San Gwann gardens' upgrading.
San Gwann is set for a major €1.1 million embellishment of the Karin Grech gardens, which will see the play area extended by some 900 square metres.
An online walkthrough is available to the public on the rural affairs and resources ministry's website. The project is expected to be completed within eight months.
Minister George Pullicino said the new gardens will have a landscaped area, a fountain and a play area for children, as well as the current bowls club. The Karin Grech monument will also be incorporated into a new design and given a more prominent space in the garden.
A civic centre will also be constructed to house the local council's offices and other community services.

Antoine Vella your post reminds me of "Lucy in the sky with diamonds".

maltesecross you are perfectly correct. Are they going to destroy the school? Haven't they caused enough destruction? How about stopping those gangs of youths who cause destruction of public and private property, swear, talk and make obscenities and blaspheme publicly, all in front of the Church area? How about the South of Malta Pullicino? Or is the South only to lump the waste recycling plant to the detriment of the residents and their health?

Sur Pullicino, kumbinazzjoni l-progetti tad-distretti tieghek kollha jghagglu. Ghax ma thaffifx ftit lil Wasteserve biex tlesti il-gnien ta Wied il-Ghajn. Jew dan mhux fid-distrett tieghek?

Priscilla Darmenia •
Yes, on paper every thing looks nice. If I am not mistaken the location of this garden as shown in the picture stands where the school stands today. What is going to happen to the school?

Joseph Sant •
The hype makes it sound like New York Central Park or something. It must be all of a hundred meters! And like Msida it will be an island surrounded by sharks - bang in the centre of heavy traffic.

gemgem gemgem squirrel socjalista. jekk il-gvern jaghmel xi haga, gemgem gem gemgem socjalista. Kieku ma jaghmel xejn, gemgem gemgem socjalista lejl u nhar. tnehhilhom it-tgemgim ma jifdallhom xejn. u il- Lemin jahdem, jinvesti, jipproduci, javanza. Prosit Onor Pullicino. Le ghal Malta socjalista.

@ Antoine Vella, hahaha, sabih fuq il-karta! Din bhall ta' Smart City u tal-Imriehel li jider li spicca KOLLOX Sur Antoine!

Grzegorz Tomski •
Mhux ahjar issir it-triq minn Mater Dei ghal Triq Bellavista? Xbajna nghawwgu rimmijiet u niehdu punctures!

Another jewel by minister George Pullicino.

Good luck to them! it seems that only the Hamrun centre will never get the much desired upgrade, the council has been asleep for the last fifteen years only developing piazza fra diego into a real jungle and on the other hand a government and and opposition who have no interest at all in this locality. From what was onece one of the top shopping centres it has developed into a real scrapyard were new shops open and close after few months as prostitution, drug taking and dealing and clandestine beating are the rule of the day. Shame for all those who at some time knock on our doors to take our vote and promise heaven but instead leave us all living in a hell.