Claudette Buttigieg says her political contribution will only now make a difference

In an interview with Illum, TV presenter Claudette Buttigieg talks about her path leading to her political career.

Former TV presenter, mostly known for her programme Sellili, Claudette Buttigieg.
Former TV presenter, mostly known for her programme Sellili, Claudette Buttigieg.

In an interview with Sunday newspaper Illum, former Eurovision participant and veteran TV presenter Claudette Buttigieg explains why she decided to pursue a political career.

“When I knew things were going well in the Nationalist Party, I didn’t feel like my contribution would make a difference. It is only now that I feel I can make a difference,” she says.

Buttigieg also recalls her active role during protests when Church schools were threatened to be closed and the fear she felt when having to jump from a height of more than a storey to escape the violence that erupted.

The PN has been taught a hard lesson by Nationalist MP Franco Debono, she says, to not choose a young candidate with a short fuse. “There is a way and manner to do things,” she insists.

She also expresses her opinion regarding the Labour Party which, she says, continues to describe itself as ‘change’ but one cannot understand what this ‘change’ is.

Read the full interview in today’s edition of Illum.


Mark Fenech
Haġa waħda ħalliet barra din il-brava, meta marret taħdem mal-ONE tv. Ara kemm hija ta' prinċipju, wara li bħal ħsaba l-oħrajn qatilna x'għamlet għal PN u kemm bagħtit taħt il-PL fit-80. Ħa nirrakkontala missieri kemm bata' taħt il-PN, mhux billi qala xebgħa, imma billi għal sentejn sħaħ ma ħallewx jieħu l-banka tal-lottu biex ikun waħdu u mhux mal-każin fejn ried jaqsam il-qligħ. U missieri kellu familja ta' 14 x'jitma, u dan biex kien hemm ġuvni nazzjonalista sinjur li kien għalaq is-70, (meta kienu jispiċċaw tal-lottu mix-xogħol), tawlulu sentejn, u spiċċa biss meta fl-1955 telgħa Mintoff fil-gvern. Ħalluna mela nsejtu li l-anqas gazzetta laburista ma kontu tħalluna naqraw. X'demokrazija, l-anqas tafu fejn toqogħod biss.
Se taqta sandar! Mela ma tafx li kull ma jmiss GonziPN bhalissa qed isir suf; qisu is-sahta waqghet fuqu?
Dear Claudette, It's me again. By the way have you had a look at yesterday's Sunday Times. Your candidature with the doomed Gonzidcgpn has already obtained results. Indeed ADVERSE ones.
Ghaziza Claudette, Konvint li ghamilt l-ghazla zbajata. Il-PN tal-lum hu hafna u hafna aghar minn dawk iz-zminijiet li thobbu issemmu. Qiesu mhu qed jigri xejn bhalissa. Qiesu li Gonzipn u shabu qaddisin jimxu fuq l-art. Nithassrek jahasra. Ahjar terga taqbad il-karriera tal-kant. Hares harsa madwarek u ara x'kandidati ghandu gonzipn, M'hemmx wiehed sew. Ara xi frejjeg saru . Ara kif flus il-poplu gie sparpaljat. Ara kif Gonzipn jigi jaqa u jqum mill-istabbilita li hawn. Ara il-hnizrijiet li saru. Ghalhekk din id-darba ha nivvota LABOUR.
Din fiex tifhem? Kull ma qalet hu imbarazz li xbajna nisimghu. Miskina giet vjolentata. Minghaliha ghax ghamlet hairstyle gdid saret tifhem fil-politika. Xi haga ta' sustanza ma qalet xejn. Veru GOnziPN wasal fil-qiegh biex qabbdu lil din biex tkun kandidata.
Iam sorry for you,you are very good jazz singer.But You made the wrong move.We miss you on MTV sweet.
Luke Camilleri
No doubt about it, Claudette Pace is a good actress and plays well her part! Beg to differ, I don't know what measuring tape she used to measure Franco's fuse... since it is not a short one at all in fact it's quite a long one and took quite a bit of time to explode..... Her's is a little on the short side and she quite lost it when she was stopped from presenting her dose IN HER SUBTLE WAY on PBS!
nahseb imnalla setkun int biex tigbed il gonzipn lura u jihu ruh, halina Claudette, dawn kolla interssi personali.lilek gonzipn kien qighad jistena, jalla tamel succes izjed mili ghamil fil euro vision, ghax issa buttigieg u tkun il fuq fil lista.
X'faqar ta' kandidati! Possibli li l-PN ma jsibux lil xi hadd ahjar?
Paul Sammut
Well, well, well. It is good to hear someone confirm that things are now going wrong for GonziPN. Dear Mrs Buttigieg can always entertain us by singing the GonziPN swan song.
Jekk ghax qbist sular minhabba il vjolenza illuminak biex tohrog ghal politika, imisshom eluf kbar ta Maltin johorgu ghal politika ghax mhux sular qabzu imma hafna aktar.Politikant jitwieled hekk u mhux isir. Min kull naha,90% ta dawk kollha li qeghedin johorgu ghal politika, mhux ghax huma politikanti imma ghax opportunisti.Dik hija il bidla li xi kulltant ma inkunux nafu nispjegaw..Noholmu u nikkonvincu ruhna li ahna politikanti, nemmnu li ghandha bizzejjed popolarita warajna, u nilghabu il karta.Jekk tigi tajba,,tajjeb ,jekk tigi hazina,pero il partit jitla fil gvern, insib ruhi immexxi xi dipartiment.Allura la hemm 80 % ta rebh niehu ic cans.
Zack Depasquale
Ara min irid jitkellem ukoll, ghadha diehla fl-isfera politika u diga kibritilha rasha u tahseb li Malta ma tghaddiex minghajra. Ohra li tpacpac hafna.
Dear Claudette - the key difference between you and Debono has nothing to do with age or short fuses. The difference is this - Debono is a talented man who has been denied opportunities. Also been a man of talent, he did not need to prostitute his morals or his standards. You on the other hand represent the typical talent-less hack who has taken opportunities and denied them to other who are far more qualified. This is the key difference between you and Debono. For 'Eurovision participation' read another loser we sent over. And for 'veteran presenter' read someone who has been around too long!
would she make it to the final..... NO I Bet NO.....
Claudette qed jinqdew bik ...issa wara l'elezzjoni mur Net u sellilna min hemm ghax PBS taht PL ma ghandekx cans zgur u aqta kemm ser ikollok telespettaturi lol.....irrivinajta hajtek mil lat televisiv..