Muscat’s ministerial salaries 45% costlier, but cheaper individually

23-member cabinet is over €1 million in top salaries, transitional allowances for former ministers could be as high as €775,000.

Million-euro cabinet
Million-euro cabinet

FULL DATA and workings

The cost of Joseph Muscat's mega-cabinet is set to cost €1,007,535 in top salaries this year - if ministers are paid pre-2008 salaries - which would be €313,000 or 45% more than the Gonzi II Cabinet at the average levels paid between 2008 and 2011 when their salaries were topped up with MPs' honoraria.

A MaltaToday comparison of salaries paid between 2008-2011 and those that are expected to be paid in 2013, shows the Muscat cabinet is costlier altogether but cheaper per individual member.

Taking into consideration the highest level of salaries paid to the Gonzi II Cabinet, on average Muscat's 23-member executive will cost €43,805 per minister, compared to the average €52,000 that one of Lawrence Gonzi's 13 members cost during the 2008-2011 period.

However, the cost of the Muscat cabinet grows exponentially if the estimated costs of each minister and junior minister's political secretariat are factored in. Estimates could be as high as €800,000 and €400,000 for the staff of ministries and secretariats respectively, per annum.

Between 2008 and 2011, the top salaries paid to the Gonzi II Cabinet were topped up by an MP's honorarium tagged at 70% of Scale 1 salaries. The outrage at the salary increase in 2011 led to ministers having to refund €21,000, representing the portion over and above the standard honorarium (50% of Scale 1), for each year since 2008. In 2012 Lawrence Gonzi forfeited the ministers' MPs' honoraria altogether when he announced a cabinet reshuffle.

Calculations by MaltaToday put the total cost of Lawrence Gonzi's Cabinet between 2008 and 2012 at €3.12 million, representing solely the salaries and allowances paid to the prime minister, a team of eight ministers which in 2010 went down to seven, and four parliamentary secretaries which all became ministers by 2012.

All things staying equal, the top salaries for the Muscat cabinet will total over €5.1 million by 2018.

Apart from the cost of Joseph Muscat's larger cabinet, the biggest in Maltese political history, taxpayers next year could be paying out a considerable amount in transitional allowances to former ministers.

Theoretically, in 2014 all former ministers and the Opposition leader will be eligible to a transitional allowance for three years, unless they re-enter their professional occupations while holding down their parliamentary seats.

The transitional allowance, introduced by Lawrence Gonzi in 2008 for all outgoing ministers and the Opposition leader, would total €257,256 in 2014. If all ministers avail themselves of the allowance, the entire three-year cost would be €771,769.

Under the conditions of the transitional allowance, any other form of employment must be declared and deducted from the amounts due, and the allowance will not be paid in their first year of entitlement. The allowance ceases if the individual takes up another full-time post with the government, its agencies or companies, or a post by nomination of the government with the EU institutions. Individuals are not eligible if they are drawing a pension.


Shouldn't the cost of thousands of €oros paid to Consultants by the Gonzi Clan of Ministers be added to the cost of Gonzi's Cabinet from GonziPN's limited talents? THOUSANDS were spent on Constultants especially on the ARRIVA DISASTER and what have we to show for it? They say that for peanuts you get monkeys BUT THE COUNTRY PAID OUT MORE THAN PEANUTS to Gonzi's clan of Ministers and consultants and what have we to show for it ???? ARRIVA ARRIVA , andele andale....
serracin, for your knowledge, most of what you mention (and far, far more) is available to most public sector DGs' and higher, as well as CEOs' of most parastatal and Public sector quangos. THIS IS ALL GONZIPN'S DOING!! All flowing from the enormous annual rises, in straight forward remuneration and perks, the Ministers awarded themselves. You would not have gleamed this from reading the TMI. Although, I would expect them to have a full frontal now! Anyways, that is what shows. With tax there is evasion and avoidance. With appointments there is the reverse. Some benefits would be considered as refund of expenses, thus non taxable or minimally taxed (like fully expensed cars). Others would not get caught in the net, such as Air Malta Flypass points gained from all those taxpayer funded flights (but paid by users and later refunded) to all over Europe, and for some, the world. These points would have been accumulated and used to buy free tickets for the wife and kids's annual holidays. Etc, etc, etc.
Emmanuel Mallia
Why, do you think, both parties are keen to keep Air Malta as it is, not privatized ? All Chairpersons, CEOs, and other high profile officials of the government and government entities, together with MPs, all enjoy free Air Malta travel. Oh, I forgot to mention an important perk, they enjoy- a free private life insurance for them and their families !!! They are indispensable, are they !
Here is my take: make all politicians and judges and magistrates etc take public transportation. If the Pope can do it so can our illustrious re veered leaders. Sometimes the PERKS cost more than the initial pay. Like when they say the hamburger cost 1 euro but the wrapper cost 5 euros and the soda is free but the container will cost you 3 euros. Helloooooooo. There is no way around this, the perks will always make up for the lost salary and always at the expense of the TAX PAYER. So my friend hang in there and make sure you pay all your TAXES (VAT). They need all the money they can get, remember what I say about an open Taxpayer Credit card allowed our politicians? Exactly that.Why do you think a Doctor and or a Lawyer sacrifices some of his personal profession to get into politics? Put two and two together and you will soon come up with five. I am very surprised they gave up the Air Malta perks for them and their families, or did they? Don't ever under estimate a politician. He/she will never be short handed. Hehehehe.
One have to consider the increase of Scale 1 salary from 2008 to 2012 compared to the salary of 2013 and onwards because of the collective agreement. To start, 2013 salary has an increase of eur 1733 over 2012 salary.
Emmanuel Mallia
What I like to know is ALL the perks enjoyed by the PM, cabinet and all members of parliament. The ones known to me are ; Monthly petrol allownce All utilities bills paid by the govenment: telephone, mobile, tv electricity etc Two yearly free Airmalta ticket for personal use ( also for friends, families ?) anymore ?
Dr Gonzi kien qalilna li 49 miljun euro huma qatra f'ocean, allura miljun euro x'inhuma? L-aqwa li jkunu kapaci jwettqu l-programm li tressaq quddiem il-poplu. U jekk hemm bzonn jizdiedu, ghaliex le.
jien ma nafx ghaliex ma igiebux il kumenti kolla,fmalta hawn liberazzjoni tal opinjoni jew kollox teatrinni
(1) as vcas1 explains it is all a question of return on investment and value for money equations. <> (2) @ B Agius, don't worry they will not die of hunger. There are various allowances and official perks which one needs to include to calculate the whole take, some taxable, others not so much, as officially considered working tools or refund of expenses.
issa kollox fuq ir rubbini,la hawn tgergir fuq arriva la hawn tgergir fuq id dawl u lilma u lanqas ha jkunhawn tgergir fuq il pagi tal ministri.its a new world.
I fail to follow. Figures are inconsistent with an article from Malta Today of Wednesday 5 January 2011: When I had tried to work it out with that data, today's parliament payroll (both gov and opp) comes up to €2,069,000, while the previous setup was costing €1,904,000 (€2,125,000, had they kept the infamous €500/wk increase) This places Joseph's setup smack in the middle, i.e. either €170,000 more expensive than the previous setup, or €170,000 less expensive had Lawrence kept the €500/wk increase.
u jiena bil pensjoni ta 550ewrows fix xaghar,viva joe muscat u il cabinet kollu basta hafna pozzijiet quddiem il papa ghalhekk tajbin biss.
It is no wonder that politicians engage in corruption! 43 thousand euros per annum is their wage? wonder what's the total package? Top it up with a bit of money from here and there is then a temptation. And it is even more so when they know they can most probably get away with it. It has applied to all politicians for a long time.
If a Minister is paid 1000E a year and delivers 0% and another is paid 10,000E a year and delivers 85% who is the costlier? If this cabinet delivers, they will be cheaper than all the Gonzi cabinet put together.
Does this take into account the cost of the extra cars, drivers, personal secreteries, additional perks etc etc?