Where’s Everybody directors speak of future in different companies

Presenter Peppi Azzopardi to continue producing and presenting Xarabank.

Where's Everybody? director Lou Bondì
Where's Everybody? director Lou Bondì

Adds PJ Vassallo's comments to MaltaToday

Where's Everybody directors Lou Bondì and PJ Vassallo have denied they will be closing down their company, insisting they were now looking at the creation of new off-shoot companies, with the directors pursuing their own specialisations.

Bondì and Vassallo were reacting to a story carried by The Times that reported that Where's Everybody? staff were handed termination notices. But the two directors have now insisted that this wasn't down to Where's Everybody? closing down but more as a measure of expansion with the directors pursuing their areas of interest.

The company, whose TV programmes include Sunday show Hadd Ghalik presented by Angie Laus, Bondi+, TVhemm and Xarabank, also said that workers who fit the new structures will be re-engaged.

"Since its inception in 1999, the operational remit of each of its directors has become more specialised. We are now simply formalising this process which entails the creation of new off-shoot companies reflecting these specialisations," Bond ì and Vassallo said.

"The notice given to our employees is part of this process. Those employees who fit into the new structures shall be re-engaged."

They added they will continue to work together to carry out their original functions through these companies and by sharing resources through Where's Everybody.

"Specifically, Lou Bondì shall continue producing and presenting TV programmes and provide strategic communications consultancy, PJ Vassallo and Mark Vassallo's focus shall be on production and broadcast and Peppi Azzopardi will continue producing and presenting TV programmes," Where's Everybody? said.

On his part, Peppi Azzopardi confirmed that he will continue producing and presenting Xarabank. 

PJ Vassallo confirmed that together with Mark Vassallo, a new off-shoot company has already been set up.

He also denied that Lou Bondì will be heading to Net TV. Rumours in media circles had it that Bondì will now be providing consultancy services to Media.Link, the PN's media organisation.

But according to Vassallo, these rumours are false.

Another question among media circles is whether programmes statement of intent submitted by Where's Everybody? at its present state to the Public Broadcasting Services will still remain valid.

Insisting that the company was not being dissolved, Vassallo said that, like other companies, they were still waiting for an answer from TVM.

Emmanuel Mallia
Have you ever seen a Xarabank, so called lottery being drawn in public ? Who has won the prizes ?
Emmanuel Mallia
It is about time to stop the monopoly !
Finally we can see pbs back in the hands of the people and start seeing more neutral and no political motivated programs ,we can leave these programs for Net Tv if they do not shut down as well due to their debt crisis.
Presenter Peppi Azzopardi to continue producing and presenting Xarabank ...... on which station "NET" or BY HIS DIVINE RIGHT on PBS?
Where's Everybody ????? Din bhal ta EFA "Fejnhom Il-Laburisti"?
Issa full-time Presenter Peppi, tilef ix-xoghol ta' Kowc! Ul-kumplament bix-xoghol "Prekarju"! Lanqas PAPPAGALL ma ghadu jsib Loo Bondi!
@ Silent Citizen .I fully agree with you and me and some friends have done the same .Keep up the good work MT
Dawn huma n-nies li hadu l-miljuni mill-PBS, waqt li djar ohrajn ta produzzjoni bi programmi ta kwalita ahjar minnhom, bi programmi rebbieha, kienu jiehdu nitfa ta' flus. Veru li Where's Everybody kienu jithallsu ezatt ma tmiem ix-xahar u l-kumpaniji l-ohrajn jitwewbu? Veru li baqa kumpaniji li ilhomix-xhur ma jithallsu waqt li l-WE? jithallsu dejjem. Hallu lil haddiehor, li kapaċi daqskom jipproduci xi haga bis-sens, jipproducuh. U mhux kiltu b'ma nafx kemm il-halq.
I have been crying all day now! The doyen of Maltese objective journalism is leaving us! What a shame! Lol!!!!!!
Good Luck MT. I used to login on timesofmalta.com several times a day, besides buying the hard print, I have to quit. I even removed the site from my Favourites List. This, I am doing, together with several of my colleagues. I will not let anyone control my life. This should be good news to you as we will all migrate, or better, get nearer to your paper and site.
i have better things to do than watching xarabank i never watched it and never will.
I still watch some of their programs and love some of them but I never doubted that on some topics they had their hidden agenda. Ex MIYY;Ex MDD; Ex MSL
Peppi Azzopardi will continue producing and presenting TV programmes,he will continue producing and presenting and pushing his own agenda, Xarabank: Ad infinitum.
--and I STILL won't waste my life watching 'em!
David Bongailas
Good riddance.