Former Labour MP may get his hotel after all
Former Labour MP John Dalli was previously refused a hotel permit in M’xlokk area earmarked for environmentally friendly tourist development in a new policy being drafted by MEPA.
The Malta Environment and Planning Authority has been instructed by the government to draft a new planning policy regulating tourism development in an area where 15 years ago it refused an application for the development of a three-storey hotel presented by former Labour MP John Dalli. In 1998 MEPA refused an application for the construction of a three-storey hotel, as this contravened policies enshrined in a 1995 local plan regulating development in M'xlokk. No other applications for hotels have been submitted in the area covered the new policy currently being drafted.
The goalposts for development in the same area could change following the government's decision to draft an Environment and Development Brief for the Marsaxlokk harbour area with the declared aim of "setting development parameters with an emphasis on tourism for the regeneration of the area which seek to complement, capitalise on and enhance its environmental value".
MEPA has invited the public to send submissions on the objectives of its new plan by not later than 4 October.
Back in 1998 Dalli applied to demolish the Hunters Tower restaurant and construct a 93-room, three-storey hotel in Triq Wilga in Marsaxlokk. The application was later downscaled to 59 rooms and included landscaping works and a swimming pool.
The development was refused because it infringed upon the existing Marsaxlokk Bay Local Plan, which states that the area is identified "for limited tourism-related ancillary facilities such as restaurants" - not hotels.
Another reason given for refusing Dalli's planning application was that it infringed upon Local Plan Policy MM14, which states "development which materially and adversely affects the ecological interests of the area... will be refused." This particular policy aims to protect the salt marsh area known as Il-Ballut.
The development was also refused because of the absence of the "development brief" envisaged in the local plan, which was never drafted under the previous administration. But the same local plan limits any development in the area to cafe and restaurant facilities.
In the appeal to MEPA's decision, architect Edwin Mintoff argued that the proposed hotel was a small one, "characterised by the smallest footprint possible to ascertain a feasible and viable hotel". He also argued that "it is not in the interest of my client to adversely affect the ecology of the area" and his client was willing to conduct an environment impact assessment.
Another point raised in the appeal was that the structure plan itself foresees the development of tourism accommodation in Marsaxlokk and insists that the local plan cannot overrule the structure plan.
In its response, the Planning Directorate argued that the traffic generated by the development would impact upon the adjacent salt marsh. It also pointed out that the proposal conflicts with the local plan height limitation of two floors.
A tribunal chaired by Dr Kevin Aquilina in October 2000 turned down the appeal and upheld MEPA's decision to refuse the hotel development.