Muslim candidate is in line with Labour policy, says Muscat
Prime Minister quizzed on Labour candidate's stand on gay marriage and civil unions
The first-ever Muslim candidate to be fielded for the European elections by a Maltese political party "is in line with Labour policy", Prime Minister Joseph Muscat told the press today.
Asked by MaltaToday whether Mario Farrugia Borg, a member of the World Islamic Call Society, was in agreement with Labour's proposed bill to legislate gay unions and also adoption of children by gay couples, Muscat replied that Borg was in line with Labour's stand.
He said that Borg's Islamic faith was "not an issue with regard to civil unions and gay adoption."
Parliament is currently debating a bill that will legislate in favour of civil unions for both gay and heterosexual, unmarried couples.
Mario Farrugia Borg was announced as a Labour candidate for next year's European Parliament elections yesterday, together with Labour MP Deborah Schembri and Fleur Vella.
"We believe Farrugia Borg is a very credible candidate for the party and aspects such as religion should not, and will not, pose a problem," Muscat said.
Farrugia Borg had formed part of a seminar's panel that brought together Catholic archbishop Paul Cremona and Imam Mohammed el Sadi, that agreed on uniting against same-sex marriages and the "negative" media but disagreed on divorce and polygamy.
Another person who will be contesting next year's MEP elections is Labour MP Deborah Schembri - who only got elected to local parliament back in March.
Muscat said the Labour party was "fully behind" Schembri's nomination, saying that she would prove to be "an asset for the country" if successful.
Muscat also offered his support for Libya, after conflict in the country's capital Tripoli broke out last night with gunshots being sounded all around the city.
He said that he was following the situation closely and was in constant contact with the Libyan authorities.
Muscat was speaking at the launch of the new Microsoft Innovation offices at the Skyparks Centre in Luqa. He said that the government was intent on working hand-in-hand with such innovation centres, stressing that it was committed to giving the I.T sector its due importance.