PR man who sued MaltaToday took €600,000 in direct orders

Jesmond Bonello, former Times journalist turned PR man, sued MaltaToday for defamation after claiming he had benefited from government-dispensed contracts: PQs now reveal extent of work he took from state contracts.

Jesmond Bonello
Jesmond Bonello

Media company Content House has benefited from over €600,000 in direct orders, and in total some €1 million including public tenders, from various government ministries between 1998 and 2013, parliamentary papers have revealed.

Figures tabled in parliament this week show that the company, directed by former Times journalist Jesmond Bonello, was awarded a large number of contracts, mostly direct orders, from the majority of ministries under consecutive Nationalist administrations.

A number of ministries, including the Prime Minister's office, have not yet tabled the list of direct orders awarded to Content House, and the global amount is set to rise once all ministries provide the information.

Bonello is suing MaltaToday for libel over questions and comments made by managing editor Saviour Balzan in his weekly column, where Balzan contended that the firm had benefited from direct orders.

Coincidentally, yesterday Balzan and editor Matthew Vella received a court protest filed by Bonello in which the managing director of Content House accused the MaltaToday editors of a fishing expedition in trying to prove that the company benefited from direct orders.

So far, evidence given in court before the last election has not indicated the amount tabled in parliament this week. 

Bonello has also said in court, that government work does not represent the bulk of his company's revenue.

In court, also admitted that he had done some work for Air Malta, but could not remember who had given him the work and what it had amounted to.

Bonello also served as a director at Malta Enterprise, the government's investment promotion arm, between 2008 and 2013.

Among the direct orders awarded to Content House, the biggest contract amounted to €127,900. This direct order was issued by the government's IT agency, MITA, in 2011 for the provision of publicity services.

In 2008, the company was also awarded a €275,574 tender by MITA for the provision of advertising and communication services over a four-year period.

Content House also benefitted from 22 direct orders from Malta Enterprise itself between 2011 and 2013, which amounted to just over €10,000.

mhux ta bxejn issib min jibqa jiddefendi il hmieg ta gvern li kellna meta tisma stejjer bhal dawn.uzgur direct orders lil tal qalba,xma jidefenduhx u jgibulu l-iskuzi, li ma nistax nifhem kif gieli issib haddiema bil paga mizera jidefendu lil PN li min dejjem ta dejjem hlif pizijiet ma ghabbilhomx u kull beneficju li jgawdu u kull ligi socjali li jibenificaw mi childrens allowance sa pensjoni bis sahha ta gvernijiet laburisti .
Now the proof has been laid on the table in Parliament, I assume Maltatoday will counter sue.
I do not want to put my foot in it, so I will mouth it. A certain, important, big man seeking fish to market in historical surroundings would have a lot to say about being direct!
What cheek to sue Malta Today!!!!! Such ARROGANCE from pn supporters.
Therefore the suing for libel is now null and void.
X' wicc jaghmel kawza ta' libell lill-Saviour Balzan meta kien jaf il-korruzzjoni sfrenata li kienet saret. Dawn in-nies il-veru bla zejt f' wicchom. L-anqas jafu jisthu ta' li ghamlu. Il-limitu ta' korruzzjoni li kien qed jigri f' Malta ghadu mhux maghruf b' kazijiet godda jiffaccjaw ta' kulljum. U dawn iridu jaraw wicc Alla!!!!!
Sins never sleep. Well done MT for exposing the leeches amongst us.
Possibli ma jista' jsir xejn kontra dan id-dulluvju ta' direct orders bejn nies li kienu fil-qalba li gawdew minn but it-taxpayer? Mela dan il-Gvern lil dawn is-sangisugi jhallihom igawdu dak li serqu, u lil Laburist komuni jhallih fil-genb qisu ma jezistix.
Mario Pace
and the PN comes out shouting because Ms Sai Mizzi was given an Envoy Job to attract business to Malta. What has Jesmond Bonello attracted?
Veru mohhkom biss biex thammgu n-nies. Ma rridx inkun xi difensur tal-persuna koncernata ghax lanqas biss nafha, izda fil-verita' jista' jkun li parti sostanzjali minn dawk is-€600,000 fuq perjodu ta' 15-il sena, marru f'riklami fil-media u allura l-flus ma hadithomx il-kumpannija tar-riklami? U ghaliex ma tarawx ukoll, permezz ta' mistoqsijiet parlamentari, x'hadu l-kumpanniji l-ohra qabel ma tkomplu tohorgu l-għodju li ghandhkom ghal certi nies.
And listening to PN MP's speak in parliament, as well as listening to the PQs the make , one may get the impression that these people are the epitome of political honesty and ethical behaviour ! In Maltese we have a very apt definition for them: OQBRA MBAJJDA !!! Eddy Privitera
Ghandhom il wicc jakkuzaw lil gvern tal PL fuq il meritokrazijja Simon and Co.?
Mhux ta b'xejn dawn in-nies qed jopponu kullma qed jipprova jaghmel gvern ghaqli tal-PL. Fi zmienhom gawdew big time. Issa inqatetilhom iz-zejza.
Hmieg u hmieg u aktar hmieg. Veru ghando biex jiftahru tal-PN!