Wistin Abela, former Labour minister, passes away

Former Labour finance minister who served under Dom Mintoff and Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici, dies at 80

Wistin Abela (centre) surrounded by supporters in Zejtun
Wistin Abela (centre) surrounded by supporters in Zejtun

The former Labour minister, Wistin Abela, has passed away at the age of 80.

He was a minister in several governments led by Dom Mintoff, last holding the finance and customs portfolio in 1987.

He served in parliament up to 1996, elected to the House from his home town Zejtun, a Labour stronghold, since 1966.

He was deputy leader of the Labour Party and deputy prime minister between 1981 and 1982 before handing over to Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici.

He was involved in Labour politics as a youth since 1959 becoming president of the Labour fourth district committee in 1961. He was also a General Workers Union member and council member, working as a section leader in HM Dockyard, apart from being a maths teacher.

In 1971 he was appointed parliamentary secretary for finance under Prime Minister Dom Mintoff. In 1974 he was made minister for development and in 1976 became responsible for energy, ports, and telecommunications.

In opposition between 1987 and 1992, he shadowed the armed forces and oil exploration.

He married Catherine Abela in 1959, and had three children, Marjohn, Carmelina and Licia.

The Labour Party described Abela as a minister who worked for a better Malta, and for having contributed to the founding of Air Malta. "His loss will be a sorrow for many people, especially for the people of Zejtun. The Labour Party thanks him for his work for the country and the party."

@Polly. Kliemek joffendi l-prudenza u d-dicenza.In-nisranija t-tajba trid tinsa u tahfer dejjem, inkella tkun nisranija tal-isem. Fhimtha din Polly. Wistin Abela privat b'xejn lit-tfal tal-haddiema kien jghati.
X`4 ghandu hemm imdawrin mieghu. Kollha minn Harvard hargu minn fejn hareg Fredu li keccijhom il-barra.Alla jtieh il-glorja tal-genna fejn huwa qieghed.
X`4 ghandu hemm imdawrin mieghu. Kollha minn Harvard hargu minn fejn hareg Fredu li keccijhom il-barra.Alla jtieh il-glorja tal-genna fejn huwa qieghed.
@Polly Trid lill Mulej jaatih il-mistrieh ta dejjem u inti ma tridx tinsa x'galkom issofru. Veru l-istorja ghad trid tinkiteb u nispera li jsiru ricerki tajbin qabel ma tinkiteb u naeraw fejn jitpogga Wistin Abela. Xi affarijiet li naf fuqu. Jghati privat BLA HLAS lill tfal li l-gebituri taghhom ma kienux jifilhu jhallsulhom. Jahdem bla heda ghal gid ta pajjizu kemm dam fil-Parlament. Personali naf li iddefenda persuni Nazzjonalisti li kellhom ragun. Naf li baghat issaqqu l-hass tal-Marsa nies sic laburisti li ippretendew dak li ma kienx jixirqilhom.
J'Alla il Mulej ittieh il mistrieh ta' dejjem, imma ma nistax ninsew dak kollu li gghalna insofru. L-storja ghad trid tinkiteb u hadd ma jhassara.