10 years of EU membership through the business eye
As Malta celebrated its ten-year anniversary of Malta’s EU membership, Sunday newspaper Illum analyses the change to the local business landscape.

Ten years since Malta accessed the European Union, the country’s business community has been provided with the necessary platform to expand their produce and improve their opportunities, but while the majority of companies have flourished amid increasing competition, some failed to meet EU standards.
In the wake of Malta’s milestone anniversary, Sunday newspaper Illum interviewed four business directors – all of whom voiced their delight at how the local business community improved since May 2004.
Famalco’s Business Director Hermann Mallia, Saint James Hospital Director Maria Bugeja, Impressions Managing Director Ron Mifsud and the CEO of Malta Business Bureau Joe Tanti, all agreed that Malta’s EU membership provided the necessary platform for businesses to grow and improve their results.
Speaking to Illum, Hermann Mallia, however pinpointed the downfall of certain businesses as a sore point to Malta’s EU accession.
On his part, Joe Tanti, of the Malta Business Bureau, argued that statistics showed that Malta’s imports and exports doubled, while on his part, Bugeja, argued that Malta is no longer considered as a “tiny dot” on the European map.
Impressions Managing Director Ron Mifsud said the proof of Malta’s success is the projects that are currently taking place across the island.
While the EU’s benefits on the business community are evident, Mallia and Tanti agreed that it is not all a bed of roses and there is room for improvement. Among their proposals, Mallia called on the government to relax administrative impositions, while on his part, Tanti said the government should increase the allocation of EU funds to the private sector.
Read the full interviews in Illum.