Consultation opens on kids’ language education policy
Language policy for early years consultation document launched by education ministry

An early-years language policy consultation document has been launched by the National Language Policy In Education Committee of the education ministry.
The consultation document: ‘A Language Policy for the Early Years in Malta and Gozo’, follows the publication of the ‘Language Education Policy Profile for Malta’ by the Council of Europe in March, 2015.
Education minister Evarist Bartolo said that it was important to put language education on a solid basis in the early years. “Languages are a huge asset for Malta and have a wide-ranging impact in a number of spheres: education, social and economic development and international affairs.”
Dr Natalia Kucirkova of the Open University, UK, a leading international expert in the field of iPads and education, spoke at the launch of the document of the role of technology in young children’s language and literacy development.
The consultation document may be accessed on the Ministry for Education website.