40-storey hotel to make 'strong statement'
Proposed hotel on Fort Cambridge barracks set to make "strong" architectural statement while increasing traffic by 1,527 cars, according to project development statement.

A project development statement (PDS) recognises that the 40-storey hotel proposed on the Fort Cambridge barracks proposed by GAP will have a significant impact is on the surrounding landscape.
“In the end, the building is intended to constitute a strong statement as is clearly shown in the montages. For this reason, one should expect the proposal to be the subject of public debate.”
Photomontages show a dramatic impact on views from Valletta, Manoel Island, Bighi and from the university.
The photomontages do not take in to account a nearby tower proposed by Gasan group near Villa Drago, which is set to rise to 38 storeys.
According to the authors of the PDS (ERSLI consultatents) the “arguments for and against buildings of this type are well rehearsed by now, and the public consultation process concerning this project is not expected to produce new arguments regarding its impact on the landscape and visual amenity”.
Of particular significance is the view from Bighi which shows the new tower dominating the Valletta skyview. Since Valletta is recognised as a world heritage site, views towards it are also protected by UNESCO rules.
The PDS reveals that the development would generate an additional average annual daily traffic of 1,527 vehicles over and above the 3500 additional daily cars generated by the Townsquare project. So far no study has been conducted to assess the cumulative impacts of all developments proposed in the area.
A study on the shadows created by the hotel shows that this would mostly affect the residential area in the mornings up to about 13:00hrs but the extent of the shadows vary from season to season. In the summer and winter afternoons, the longer shadow would not fall on the residential area but on Fort Cambridge.