New educators’ union breaking the law when issuing directives, ministry says

The Education Ministry has asked the Union of Professional Educators to withdraw directives it issued over the weekend, insisting the union is not recognised in the State school sector

The Education Ministry said the new union is not recognised in the State school sector
The Education Ministry said the new union is not recognised in the State school sector

The Union of Professional Educators is breaking the law when issuing directives of a collective nature to State school teachers, the Education Ministry said.

The union, which was set up earlier this year is not a recognised trade union for educators within the State sector. The recognised union is the Malta Union of Teachers.

The ministry said that the law governing recognition of trade unions precludes it from discussing collective issues with any other union except the recognised union.

“UPE is in breach of article 5 of the Recognition of Trade Union Regulations 2016 when it issues directives of a collective nature as it has done,” the ministry said.

It called on the UPE to respect the law by immediately withdrawing the “illegal directives” it has issued to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary issues for educators in schools.

Over the weekend the UPE issued various directives to its members in State schools.