Copycats resign… David Agius doesn’t take 'the Guttenberg test'
Government whip doesn’t answer phone, email over questions as to whether copying in exams is grounds for resignation.
Nationalist whip David Agius has evaded questions as to whether the example set by German defence minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg – resigning last week for having plagiarised his PhD dissertation.
Last year Agius was revealed to have been caught three times copying during his final year exams at the University of Malta. He was then caught copying again when sitting for an exam for his Master of Business Administration at the University of Malta in 2004 – when he was already a Nationalist MP.
Questions sent to Agius have remained unanswered, and further telephone calls not answered.
"David Agius doesn’t take 'the Guttenberg test'"
He'd probably cheat on that one too.
Luke Camilleri •
Cannot take a "test".... 'the Guttenberg test' without copying !
What an example to set, even to his offspring!
Jaf jghati il-kaz li hemm il-biza' li l-ittra tar-rizenja tkun plagairised minn ta' Karl -Theodor zu Guttenberg......
Pauline Moran •
Micheal, saqsi lilek innifsek fil mera ghalfejn mohhok jemmen dak il il gideb kollhu lil jghdu l-MP's taghkom, bil Priminsitru inkluz? Taf ghaliex Micheal? Ghax int laqi taghhom u temmen u tibla kollox li jghidulek meta dawn il hnizrijiet u l-gideb jaghmluhom u jghiduhom fil berah...u jinqabdu!...allura hemm bzonn li mohhok ghandu jinghata rangatura sew! Qabel ma tajjar hares lejn ghemilek l-ewwel!! u mhux taqbad tajjar lin nies kif gib u lahaq!
Albert Zammit •
What have the other PN MPs got to do with David Agius? I agree that Agius should be absolutely condemned ... but the other MPs? Ara veru MARQUETTE ghandek mohh li ghadu mhux zviluppat. Haffef naqra, taf!
You are expecting a lot!
Who resigns in Malta, except some poor scapegoat? These only happen in truly democratic countries.
Do you really think Mr Agius will ever resign and loose the grip of power which is so close to the heart.
Didn't he make a public apology (which confirmed his copying traits)?. The fact that nobody accepted it is irrelevant to him and GonziPN.
Like David Agius, a lot of blue-eyed university students graduate not from their own merit but because they are part of the PN clan. No wonder when you visit one of these persons you get a sloppy consultancy either in law, architecture and accountancy.
Thats all what they can do copying, thats how they get to where they are by cheating, no brains involved, maybe thats why all the p.n m.p look like a bunch of zombies.
The ex- German minister was caught and resigned; as it is expected. But our' par idejn sodi guy' who is a very serious person, and a great leader, accepts as an MP and a whip, someone, who was caught not once but three times copying! I suppose this is why the Nationalist Party is pushing for the abolition of exams, so that there wan't be a fourth time!