Esplora celebrates REMEDIES-funded project on marine plastic pollution in the Mediterranean

Esplora Interactive Science Centre celebrates the successful conclusion of the Island Guardians project, a vital initiative addressing plastic pollution in the Mediterranean through community engagement, education, and environmental action

Esplora Interactive Science Centre proudly announces the successful conclusion of the Island GuardiansFor a Plastic-Free Med project, which was made possible through funding from the REMEDIES Consortium via the Horizon Europe programme, in the framework of the EU Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters. This initiative targeted the growing issue of plastic pollution in the Mediterranean Sea, leveraging Esplora’s science engagement expertise and its strong network of local collaborators.

Through this project, Esplora created a range of impactful resources aimed at raising awareness and encouraging active participation in the fight against plastic pollution. These resources include activity packs and bilingual storybooks with local themes for children, designed to engage young audiences and inspire environmental stewardship from an early age. Another deliverable of this project was the production of videos featuring local marine environmental activists, showcasing their efforts to protect Malta's marine ecosystems whilst encouraging the public to join the cause. An online map bringing together beach clean-up events organized by various local environmental organizations was designed by the project collaborators to make it easier for communities to get involved in protecting their coastal areas.

Esplora also collaborated with a local environmental conservation NGO, Żibel, to organize two beach clean-up events. Volunteers included a group of divers retrieving discarded waste from the seabed, further emphasizing the importance of addressing marine pollution at every level.

The project’s conclusion is marked by the unveiling of an inspiring art installation at Esplora, created by Joseph Barbara using the plastic waste recovered during the clean-up events. This installation will serve as a lasting reminder of the impact of plastic pollution and the importance of continued community action to protect our seas. As part of the final event, local schoolchildren were invited to engage with the installation and explore the project’s resources firsthand, fostering a sense of responsibility and empowerment among the next generation.

During his opening speech, Dr Tonio Portughese Chairman of the Consultative Committee &  Member of the Advisory Board of Science Malta said “At the heart of this project lies the belief that everyone can play a part in safeguarding our environment.” He added “It is through commitment, education, awareness, and action that we can move toward a cleaner, healthier Mediterranean and a more sustainable planet.”

Closing the ceremony Senior Director of Esplora, Mr Olaf McKay stated that “The project’s vision was to leverage Esplora’s expertise in science engagement and its partnerships with local collaborators to create a lasting impact. Through a wide array of resources, this project has not only raised awareness but also inspired action”.

Ms Irene Mangion, Project Manager of Island Guardians at Esplora, stated: “Our goal with this project was to go beyond awareness raising and foster active citizenship, thus creating a lasting impact, not only through immediate actions like beach clean-ups but also by ensuring that children and young adults truly understand the importance of a plastic-free Mediterranean.”

Dr Vesna Kuralt from the Remedies Consortium Coordination team said that “Island Guardians is a brilliant example of a community-based initiative addressing marine pollution bottom up, which is crucial to becoming climate resilient by 2030. Esplora was awarded for its vision of building a community of all ages committed to protecting and restoring our seas and ocean for future generations. As we wish to replicate the impact made here in other regions, we have decided to translate the storybooks and inspire children across Europe.”

Esplora remains committed to the long-term legacy of the Island Guardians project. The digital resources created — available on the project’s website — will be hosted beyond the funding period of the project, ensuring that educators, parents, and environmental advocates can continue to access these valuable tools to promote environmental awareness and action.

For more information about the Island Guardians Project, visit