Man who lost a leg to attempt half marathon in March
Noel Cacciatolo lost his leg some years ago and has been confined to a wheelchair ever since. In March 2017 he will attempt to complete a half marathon in aid of Inspire

Noel Cacciattolo might have lost a leg due to an unlucky draw of the straw, but thanks to undeterred determination, intense physiotherapy and a will to live that’s beyond believe, not only has he been able to walk again, but is now also taking part in what some would think are impossible challenges.
Even after having to undergo another operation just a few weeks ago and after spending yet another month in a rehabilitation centre, last Saturday Cacciattolo took part in the Happy Day walk in aid of Inspire. “Completing a 5km route is just the start,” he said. “My next challenge is to complete The Malta Half Marathon in March 2017. It will take months of training, but I’m determined to do it and to raise funds for Inspire, because they have truly been there for me all the way. I train at the Inspire Fitness Centre and I couldn’t be more grateful for the facilities, the staff and the knowledge that the foundation offers.”
The Inspire Foundation sponsors Noel’s fitness centre membership as it does with many other people with various disabilities.
Inspire urges readers to support Noel by joining ‘Team Noel’ when applying to walk or run the Malta Half Marathon. Apply for the Malta Half Marathon via and donate in his aid. Donations towards Team Noel can also be done on
“Inspire believes that everyone has a right to equality and inclusion. Our mission is to try to help everyone with a disability achieve this,” the foundation said.
“We do this by providing individuals and their families with educational, therapeutic and leisure services. We also advocate for inclusion, educate the general public, raise awareness among peers, and hold the best knowledge base on disability on the island.”
Today, Inspire helps over 1,000 individuals with various disabilities ranging from down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy and others: “We do this through many services and disability programmes that are offered at a highly subsidised rate or sometimes even for free.”