Mintoff monument sculptor’s ‘flame’ on Castille Square celebrates Maltese emancipation
Bronze ‘flame’ celebrates emancipatory role of men and women in journey from Malta’s colonial past to holding the presidency of the European Council

The architect and sculptor behind the Dom Mintoff monument, Valerio Schembri, was tasked with the creation of a new monument to be erected off Castille Square, celebrating Malta’s emancipation from colonial powers.
The monument that will “celebrate the Maltese” who played a role in securing the island’s sovereignty and independence from foreign rule, will be inaugurated at Valletta’s Castille Square on 12 May.
In a statement, the government said the monument – A Flame That Never Dies – portrayed the “Maltese people’s long journey to take destiny into its own hands leading to it having the current presidency of the European Council, following long years of foreign rule.”

It said the name of the bronze sculture, “reflects the enthusiasm and continuous work of the Maltese to decide their own future while improving their standard of living.”