Former journalist and broadcaster John Inguanez releases MOGĦDIJIET

MOGĦDIJIET by John Inguanez offers a vivid, personal journey through Malta's changing times, blending a rich Maltese upbringing with a distinguished career in journalism and broadcasting

'MOGĦDIJIET – ħajti fil-raħal li darba kien, fil-ġurnaliżmu u Malta li baqgħet tinbidel' by former journalist and broadcaster John Inguanez delves into the life, struggles, and triumphs of a Maltese youth who rose to prominence in journalism and broadcasting, offering a personal perspective on Malta's evolving history.

The publication, penned by former journalist/broadcaster John Inguanez includes the life, the change, the troubles and the joys of a youth in a typical Maltese village who advances through sheer work to senior positions in the written/broadcast journalism and on the radio and television sectors. The book collects the experiences and thoughts of the author in an easy-reading and concise text by a practical and experienced journalist.

The author, who kept no diaries but a handful of important papers of his career, remained human in his writing despite moments of anger and pain.

The book is in an autobiography style, allowing the author to see history from his own perspective.

The book should be of interest to communication studies students, the media in general, socio-political students and melitensia collectors. It is divided in three main parts: his childhood and life in Ħal Għaxaq, his working life and the third part containing various interesting instances of his life.

The book can be bought from local book shops or the author himself at [email protected].

This publication was funded by the National Book Council’s Malta Book Fund 2023 for books in the Maltese language