Karl Schembri’s ‘Miskit’ helps young refugees cope with trauma and distress
Norwegian Refugee Council launches children’s book by Karl Schembri to help young raefugees cope with trauma and distress
Loranne Vella’s ‘Marta Marta’ clinches best novel in National Book Prize
Feminist novel that takes on Catholic dogmas that shape the role of women and the family awarded top book prize
Dynamic collaborations take you #beyondbooks at the Malta Book Festival

The Malta Book Festival takes place between 18 to 22 October at The Malta Fairs & Conventions Centre, Ta’ Qali 

The Malta Book Festival takes place between 18 to 22...

Commonwealth Short Story Prize opens for submissions in English and Maltese

Ugandan-British novelist and short story writer Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi will chair an international panel of judges for the 2024 Commonwealth Short Story...

Ugandan-British novelist and short story writer Jennifer...

National Book Council deserted as resignations stultify body

The National Book Council has been left deserted after the members appointed to...

The National Book Council has been left deserted after the...

Hone your craft to industry standards at the Malta Book Festival 2023

Aspiring authors as well as readers of all varieties will be spoilt for choice...

Aspiring authors as well as readers of all varieties will...

Book review: Quantum of Solace

In appreciation of John Buttiġieġ’s latest book of poetry, Jifridna Biss is-Skiet

In appreciation of John Buttiġieġ’s latest book of...

Book Review | The Colours of Autism

‘The Colours of Autism’ is a 4sight publication and is written by Dr Yanika Attard and Melvin Attard with illustrations by Gorg Mallia

‘The Colours of Autism’ is a 4sight publication...

Finalists for the 2023 National Book Prize and Terramaxka Prize announced

Shortlist for the 2023 National Book Prize and Terramaxka Prize, for books published in 2022

Shortlist for the 2023 National Book Prize and Terramaxka...

TVM investigates Nazi book promotion as John Demanuele issues apology

TVM presenter John Demanuele apologises for promotion of Ronald Bugeja book...

TVM presenter John Demanuele apologises for promotion of...

PEN Malta riled at prison historian’s Hitler glorification being given TVM platform

TVM removes programme from its online platform, National Book Council says book glorifying Hitler had already been excluded from Book Prize long-list

TVM removes programme from its online platform, National...

Applications now open for Malta Book Fund 2023

Applications for the 2023 Malta Book Fund are now open, consisting of two...

Applications for the 2023 Malta Book Fund are now open,...

[WATCH] Markapaġna | Maria Brown

Rachel Baldacchino speaks to sociologist Maria Brown

Rachel Baldacchino speaks to sociologist Maria Brown

[WATCH] Markapaġna | Erica Giusta

Rachel Baldacchino discusses with Erica Giusta

Rachel Baldacchino discusses with Erica Giusta

[WATCH] Markapaġna | Loranne Vella

Rachel Baldacchino speaks to Loranne Vella

Rachel Baldacchino speaks to Loranne Vella

[WATCH] Markapaġna | Stella Borg Barthet

Rachel Baldacchino discusses with Prof. Stella Borg Barthet

Rachel Baldacchino discusses with Prof. Stella Borg Barthet

[WATCH] Markapaġna | Kurt Borg

Rachel Baldacchino dialogues with Kurt Borg, lecturer in philosophy

Rachel Baldacchino dialogues with Kurt Borg, lecturer in...

[WATCH] Markapaġna | Maria Theuma

Rachel Baldacchino speaks to researcher, writer and translator Maria Theuma

Rachel Baldacchino speaks to researcher, writer and...

[WATCH] Markapaġna | Tyrone Grima

Rachel Baldacchino speaks with MCAST lecturer in performative arts, Tyrone Grima

Rachel Baldacchino speaks with MCAST lecturer in...

[WATCH] Markapaġna | Gattaldo

Rachel Baldacchino speaks to illustrator Gattaldo

Rachel Baldacchino speaks to illustrator Gattaldo