My essentials: Mikhail Basmadjian’s cultural picks
No 3 | Mikhail Basmadjian, 49, Freelance Actor, Voiceover Artist, Graphic Designer

1. Books
In March we were scheduled to perform a play at the Manoel Theatre ‘‘Ir-Raġel li Ħawwad lil Martu ma’ Kappel’’ based on the book by Oliver Sacks – The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat. Sacks is a psychiatrist and the book is a collection of cases during interviews of actual patients, a real eye opener and shows a different side to these individuals society labels as ‘crazy’. We were set to open on a Friday in March and just on the Wednesday before, all theatres were shut due to a spike in COVID numbers!
2. Film/TV
Watching lots of Netflix at the moment – there was this great series called The Serpent (based on a true story) about a French/Vietnamese man (Charles Sobraj) who in the 70s provides accommodation to foreign tourists in Thailand, and after gaining their trust poisons them in order to steal their money and passports. A terrifying story, filmed in a very suspenseful way and honestly scary. No spoilers...!
3. Internet
There is so much rubbish on the Internet at the moment especially on social media that it is inevitable that something always catches my attention, however a couple of minutes later I cannot remember what it was. When we had books and magazines memory was imprinted in a different way – now I guess the brain filters out what it deems unnecessary – which is MOST of what the is on social media! A little cynical, apologies.
4. Music
I love all kinds of Jazz, but my favourite album is Pat Metheney’s ‘Secret Story’ – have been listening to it since I was 18 and never get tired of it as the melodies somehow adapt and intertwine with the period in life I am living through. Also a great Pink Floyd and Alan Parsons fan. Lower on my list are Michael Bolton, James Blunt and any group that ‘whine’... (jeqirdu in Maltese!). Am not afraid to say I LOVE Barry Manilow’s Copacabana!
5. Place
I love the Ħofriet in Delimara. There is the Ħofra ż-Żgħira where I have a place I call “my beach” and a particular spot where I swim, used to fish and go to when I want some peace and quiet. Have been going there for decades and the beauty is idyllic. This place is very close to St Peter’s Pool but not as frequented by the fun-loving foreign language students that have mushroomed in Delimara over the past few years.