My essentials: Catherine Cavallo’s cultural picks
No 6 | Catherine Cavallo, 58, artist

1. Books
After reading ‘The Kappillan of Malta’ by Nicholas Monsarrat, l wanted more stories of when the Maltese were great, so l read ‘The Great Siege, Malta 1565’ by Ernle Bradford and straight after that l read ‘The Siege of Malta’ by Francisco Balbi di Correggio. A real overdose of Maltese greatness! And of our impressive courage and faith. These books restored a bit of hope, very welcome in today’s sad current state of affairs.
2. Film/Television
I’m a Downton Abbey fan, and I’ve just watched ‘Downton Abbey, the Motion Picture’. I think l loved every single scene from that film, in fact, it was one long delight to watch. The bit where Molesley gives in to his nerves and curtsies to the Queen is pretty funny, but then so is most of it. Everyone loves Maggie Smith and all her scenes are gems, but the whole cast is brilliant. It’s a great other life to slip into and away from today’s rough and rude world.
3. Internet
I don’t follow bloggers and tweeters, but l do follow Fr. Rob Galea who l guess can be called an influencer. He’s currently holding a nine-day long Novena Live, which a vast amount of people are following. His love for God is contagious, and he inspires you to want a closer relationship to God and Our Lady. After a dose of Fr. Rob, life seems better.
4. Music
I’ve just flicked through my playlist and l came across Ozzy Osborne and Dreamer. The song talks of sadness and disappointment and frustration with the world and then carries us up on a wave of hope for better days. Ozzy is clever at taking you to extremes, and l love the vast range of emotions he uses in his works. The other thing l like about Ozzy is that he really shows you all sides to himself, so you can really grow to love him.
5. Place
I haven’t travelled further than Gozo since the pandemic hit. I’d like to go on a safari to Africa, but the thought of all that travelling is a little daunting, so I’m more likely to go somewhere in Europe. I was booked to stay at the Trulli in Puglia when the pandemic hit, but now l think I’d like to go to Paris with Simon on a culture trip, ideally with someone fantastic like Fr. Marius. I went there with Simon before we were married and the memories are still vividly wonderful. It ticked all the boxes.