My essentials: Moira Muscat’s cultural picks
No 54 | Moria Muscat, 53 years – Civil servant/Actor

1. Book
Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker – I saw this book on my friend’s bookshelf and was immediately drawn to the title. We’ve forever been hearing and reading about the Trojan war, the bravery and conquests of the leading men – mythological figures who’ve survived the centuries but we know next to nothing of the women particularly Brieis who after the fall of Troy became Achilles’ slave. The fears, pain and anguish this woman has to face as she as she is passed on from one master to the next, make up the core of the book.
2. Film
The Father – Florian Zeller – Heart-wrenching journey of a man suffering from dementia and the pains his daughter goes through seeing her father slowly deteriorationg and losing his grip on reality. Cleverly written and directed. The twists and turns of the scenes may be confusing at first, but it all falls into place in the end. Stellar performances by Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Colman. A film which sadly hits home. Definitely one to watch.
3. TV/Internet
I don’t watch TV that much and when I do it’s usually to catch up on the news which I can quite easily access on the net. However, if I’m zapping and happen to find a re-run of the series Colombo or Murder She Wrote, I stop and watch. And I do enjoy a true crime docuseries. Latest were Vatican Girl and Dahmer.
4. Music
Classic, rock and anything in between. It all depends on the mood I’m in. I might be listening to Mozart one minute and jump to Chris Rea or Queen the next. I do like to start my day with Hauser’s cello rendition of ‘Song From a Secret Garden’. I guess the only type of sounds (can’t call it music) which I can’t get myself to enjoy are those same beats which go on endlessly.
5. Place
Being a lover of nature, my obvious choice would definitely be the outdoors away from the urban chaos. It’s hard to choose just one place but if it were Malta, I’d choose Mġarr overlooking Riviera Bay and Ġnejna. If it were abroad the choice is tougher. Be it lakes, mountains, sea, jungle or forest, I’d choose all. Nature helps me keep focus, reboot my thoughts and retain me sanity.