My essentials: Ryan Galea’s cultural picks
No 62 | Ryan Galea, 31, Actor, art teacher

1. Book
I finally had the time to read ‘Hegarty on Creativity: There Are No Rules’. It was really interesting to see how this advertising creative comes up with ideas. I actually bought the book online as one of the artists I follow suggested it as a good read and it was worth reading.
2. TV
Rather than a film I have to go with ‘How To Get Away With Murder’, a brilliantly scripted series which I had to watch more than once to appreciate the impeccable talent of the cast. The storyline is breathtaking and each episode ends up with a cliffhanger which makes you start the next episode... even at 4am.
3. Internet
I spend most of my time on the internet following comedians, chiefly Gabriel Inglesias. I love his style of stand-up and after a busy day I make sure to find some time for a good laugh.
4. Music
I really like Queen not only because of their songs, but also for what they did to the music industry and the way they kept their audiences in mind when producing new music. They weren’t afraid to take risks for the sake of their art. Furthermore I also enjoy Coldplay, as personally it gives me a very positive vibe.
5. Place
I have lived all my life in Qormi, so I am a bit biased here. But I really like my hometown because despite being in a very busy central area of our country, it still offers some spaces where I can have a break. There are two picturesque valleys which stretch for a couple of kilometres and they offer me the ideal space to exercise or relax with my family.