My essentials: Rebecca Cassar’s cultural picks
123 | Rebecca Cassar, 30, visual artist

1. Podcast
Since working towards my exhibition has been so time-consuming, picking up a book for leisure has been difficult. Instead, I decided to start listening to a few podcasts while painting. One of my favourites, is Workin’ On It by Meghan Trainor, Ryan Trainor and Daryl Sabara. They have an interesting and light-hearted dynamic which makes listening to them relaxing and enjoyable. All three presenters speak very openly about their struggles and touch upon relatable topics. Their humour is what drew me in initially, given that after a busy day of work, I tend to choose comedy as my preferred genre of entertainment.
2. Film
Watching films is surely one of my favourite things to do! One film that moved me recently was the remake of The Colour Purple. The storyline is very intense and follows a woman’s struggle through abuse. It is a very striking film and profoundly depicts the courage and strength of the main character, Celie. Moreover, the lineup of actors is incredible, and their ability to move an audience is prolific. The empowerment and independence which Celie managed to gain by the end of the film, through her own perseverance, is extremely inspiring and a lesson in bravery.
3. TV/Internet
I am currently doing up my first apartment with my fiancé, so my social media and Pinterest searches mainly consist of interior design inspiration. I love interior design and avidly follow Architectural Digest for inspiration and ideas. I am also a massive foodie and a quick look at my Instagram saved images depict several different recipes, which I am still yet to try!
4. Music
I have always been a fan of commercial music and a very big Swiftie at heart. I had loved Taylor Swift’s music from before she became mega-famous (since I was 12 years old). I admire her work ethic, heart, and creativity. She lets the world see her innermost thoughts through her music. I aspire to achieve the same connection with my audience through my art.
5. Place
One of the most treasured experiences I have had was while visiting the beautiful country of New Zealand. The country is stunning, and my idea of heaven on earth! The definition of peace for me is being surrounded by nature, something which New Zealand has in abundance. One particular experience which moved me to tears was paddle boarding to a remote cave in Rotorua to see the glow worms. The sound of the dripping water, as you lay on your back and gaze up at the glowing lights created by the worms, is a phenomenal experience. I am deeply appreciative of having been able to experience such a peaceful moment with my family.

This article is supported by Arts Council Malta.