Tal-Mintna Catacombs to be opened for Mqabba celebrations
On Friday Heritage Malta will be opening Tal-Mintna Catacombs to the public.
These catacombs which are not normally open to the public are found in Misraħ Ġublew tad-Djamanti at Mqabba. The catacombs will be open from 9am to 12pm and again between 6pm and 10pm in the evening as part of ‘Mqabba mal-medda taż-Żmien’ which is being organised by the Mqabba Local Council.
Tal-Mintna Catacombs were discovered in 1860 by Dr. A Caruana and Captain Strickland. One of the main features of this site is that it consists of separate sets of burial chambers grouped collectively next to each other. Like similar small clusters of catacombs found in the vicinities the interior is made up of small galleries and oven shaped tombs known as Arcosolia, carved out on both sides of the passageways. The area round Mintna is full of similar small Christian groups, indicating the presence of an early Christian community in the surrounding area.
At Mintna Catacombs the ritual table known as the "triclinium" or Agape table dominates the whole configuration of the crypts, whilst some of the burial chambers are quite richly decorated compared to other rural catacombs. These are elaborately carved with scallop-shell decorations as can be seen on the numerous window tombs frequently accompanied by a number of decorated pilasters flanking the entrance of the said window tombs. Eight pyramidal shaped 'lamp-holes’ can also be seen opposite the agape table.
Entry to the catacombs will be free of charge. A tour of the catacombs consisting of a maximum of ten persons will be held every ten minutes.