House of Science meets House of Representatives at the Parliament
The event marks the start of the annual Science in the City Festival

Scientific research in Malta completes its annual voyage into the public domain with the opening of Science in the House in the Parliament ahead of the Science in the City Festival, European Researchers’ Night tonight.
An exhibition of 12 studies is being presented as informative posters. Topics include building telescopes for solving astrophysical problems, high-frequency radars for protecting the coastal resources of Malta, the first genome sequencing of a Maltese microorganism and new strategies for treating epilepsy.
Science in the House is a poster exhibition showcasing research conducted at the University of Malta, and elsewhere in Malta, for informal discussion with Members of the Maltese and European Parliaments. It is organised by the Malta Chamber of Scientists, the University Research Trust (RIDT) and the Science in the City, European Researchers’ Night consortium. Networking between research scientists, academics, engineers, and members of parliaments promotes discussion for revision of science policy for the benefit of Maltese and European citizens.
A commemorative poster is also being displayed by the Faculty of Science, that, like Einstein’s theory of relativity, is celebrating the 100th anniversary of its foundation this year.
The Science in the House exhibition is open for public viewing tomorrow evening (Friday) during the event Science in the City, European Researcher’s Night from 6.00pm till midnight. On Saturday and Sunday from 9.00am to 12.00 noon, and from Monday to Friday until 5.00pm as well as during Notte Bianca. Further information about the programme can be obtained from the website: or on facebook page:
Science in the City, European Researchers Night is mainly funded by the EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action of the Horizon 2020 (H2020) Programme and organised by a consortium that is led by the University of Malta, the University’s Research Trust (RIDT) and the Malta Chamber of Scientists. It is recognised by Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe (EFFE)
The occasion is further supported by the European Commission Representation in Malta, the Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sports, Karl Borg Events, The Central Bank of Malta, The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology, The Malta Council of Science and Technology, Studio 7, Spazju Kreattiv, the Malta-EU Standing Action Committee, The Public Broadcasting Service plc, Levo Laboratories, Valletta Local Council, Notte Bianca, Arts Council Malta, Thought 3D, and the General Soft Drinks Company with Coca Cola.