[WATCH] Political satire and Carnival floats
MaltaToday’s photographer James Bianchi roamed the streets of Valletta on Saturday morning, capturing Carnival floats and colourful costumes

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Carnival is the perfect occasion to take the mickey out of politicians and Maltese artists never fail, as multiple floats taking part in this year's edition show.

The European Union: a naked German chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande at the back, Malta’s Joseph Muscat at the front, and UK’s Theresa May holding her foreign secretary Boris Johnson tight to her chest

Balancing the scales: Konrad Mizzi and his coins whilst Ann Fenech holds tight to the pastizz

It's all about love:

Newspaper cartoons make a hit:

Because there's no Carnival without Emmy:

Beware of this lion… hearts might melt