Esplora science centre reopens its doors, launches new trails
The Esplora science centre is open after COVID-19 restrictions are lifted • People have to book their tickets online

The Esplora science centre in Kalkara has reopened its doors with safety measures in place to ensure compliance to health directives.
The centre had closed because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Esplora has now introduced an only online ticket booking policy to be able to control the number of people inside the centre at any one time.
Visitors can also use styluses to interact with exhibit screens and access the café menu on their smartphones by using a QR code.
The centre has designed three four-hour-long trails for people to enjoy.
Visitors aged six and older can pre-book the ‘Earth and Beyond’ trail, which is a facilitated experience where they will get more familiar with the planet Earth and the universe. A second trail called Music for the Senses allows visitors to explore ideas such as ‘how sound travels’, ‘play with different light and shadows’, ‘discover how illusions can trick our brains’ and walk through a piano corridor.
Younger explorers, aged between three and five, can immerse themselves in the Little Esploras experience.
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, executive chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology that runs Esplora, said that Esplora was fully prepared to reopen its doors immediately when given the go-ahead to do so by the health authorities.
“This involved intensive preparatory work by all our team members,” he said, adding staff members were also trained on health and safety measures.
More information can be found on Scientastic Week which marks the science centre's reopening.
Tickets can be booked online here.