George Michael ‘almost died’ of pneumonia
‘Careless Whisper’ singer George Michael says he almost died of pneumonia and spent a month in a hospital in Vienna.
Former 'Wham!' singer George Michael said he almost died last month
In a quick press conference outside his London home, George Michael revealed he had almost died from pneumonia, describing it as "the worst month of my life".
"It was touch and go for a while," the singer told the journalists, who appeared to have lost weight and looked very frail.
"They spent three weeks keeping me alive basically. I don't want to take you through all of it because some of it I want to protect my family from and I'm sure I'll get it all written down, but it was by far the worst month of my life," Michael said, fighting back tears.
Michael said he downplayed the severity of his illness to avoid alarming his fans. He "woke up" 10 days ago, he said.

Can someone please buy a turkey dinner for those poor journalists? It is the 'festive' season after all, and no one should loose weight. :-) lol