Pick up the October issue of Vida, out with MaltaToday on Sunday
The October issue of Vida is out this Sunday, free with MaltaToday.
The start of school signifies the end of summer as school runs join the rush hour traffic making them intolerable once again at this time of the year. Back to winter routine. Make school days more tolerable for the little ones with some great ideas for lunchtime snacks that, as well as being good for them, will appeal them and make them bring back nothing but the tupperware box (with any luck).
On a happier note, the end of the summer season means new stuff in the shops. Check out this season's must-haves, where the biker-chick look, with a feminine touch is definitely one to go for - chunky jewellery, biker boots on bare legs - while its still warm enough. Mix some wardrobe staples with statement pieces to create a unique and stylish look.
After a jam-packed summer its time to chill out, settle down in front of a movie. Following the release of Adormidera, Malta's first epic movie we caught up with lead actor Andrei Claude to see what he had to say about his experience on the movie. While you're at it check out what movies are worth going to watch this month.
If you're already missing the summer sun and know you're going to be needing a summer holiday a couple of months, check out Marc Casolani's travel piece on the island of Lamu in Kenya, an African destination that has beaches as beautiful as the ones in the Caribbean... at half the price.
Don't forget to pick up your copy of Vida, out with MaltaToday this Sunday.