Pick up your copy of Vida, out on Sunday with MaltaToday
Get your copy of the April issue of Vida magazine, out on Sunday with MaltaToday

Spring is here, putting a bounce in everyone’s set. The clocks moved forward and after the initial difficulty getting out of bed this week, most of us are happier about longer daylight hours and more time for after-school (or work) activities.

Make the most out of the long, sunshiny days and have lunch outside on the terrace at The Chophouse. Strawberry season is upon us and the local strawberries are huge, sweet and abundant. If ever you could get sick of strawberries and cream (I’m not sure that is even possible) try some of our ideas for recipes with strawberries to give this succulent fruit even more of a kick.
Spring time means we start to shed the layers of clothes and start exposing a little bit of skin. Check out the latest in street fashion. It’s time to raid your boyfriend’s wardrobe.
Whilst we are enjoying the first rays of sunshine Marc Casolani is living it up on a small archipelago of islands in Malaysia and a new contributor Stephen Micallef Eynaud lets us in on some of his finds in Costa Rica.