Flash mob celebrates pan-European MOVE week
This is the second time Malta is taking part in MOVE week and the number of activities has more than doubled.

Last Saturday at 5.00pm thousands of Europeans, including a group of Maltese, simultaneously danced in a choreographed performance in several countries throughout the continent.
The Flash Mob was to promote the pan-European MOVE week which will kick off on the 29th of September and continue until the 5th of October. The Maltese dancers danced in Republic Street and on the bridge leading into Valletta.
MOVE week was launched earlier this month by the Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport, Chris Agius MP, together with Valletta 2018 Chairman Jason Micallef and KMS representative Mark Cutajar in Valletta. KMS took up this initiative, recognising the importance of Malta teaming up with International Sport Associations such as ISCA and creating awareness of the importance of physical activity.
This is the second time Malta is taking part in MOVE week and the number of activities has more than doubled. So far the total sum is 52 activities spread all over Malta and Gozo and the number is on the increase. Kunsill Malti għall-Isport is organising 5 Mass activities, 3 of them will raise funds for three different charitable organisations, The Community Chest Fund, Dar tal-Providenza and PuttinuCares.
The official opening of the 2014 MOVE week will be in Republic Street, Valletta and the closing activity will take place in Pretty Bay, Birzebbuġa. All activities are free and have been made possible with the help of a number of local councils, sport and culture associations and individuals. More information is on the Move Malta page on Facebook.