Junior Eurovision reached its financial and technical goals - PBS
Junior Eurovision reached a 9.7% market share, a 76% increase over last year.

The Junior Eurovision Song Contest was watched or listened to by several million people all over the world, announced the Public Broadcasting Service board.
The board declared the JESC, held in Malta on the 15 November, a rousing success. It was broadcast on television stations in the 16 competing countries, one station in Australia and 11 radio stations worldwide.
In a press statement, PBS announced that all the financial and technical goals set out for the contest had been reached and the Junior Eurovision reached a 9.7% market share, a 76% increase over last year.
The contest was organized in collaboration between PBS and the European Broadcasting Union.
The board also approved an invitation from the European Broadcasting Union for Malta to participate in the European Young Dancers 2015 competition in Pilsen, Czech Republic, a co-production with Eurovision. Details on the selection process will be given soon.