16th Stand Up Comedy Night set for next week
The Eden Comedy Club is organising its 16th Stand Up Comedy Night featuring comedians Matt Welcome, Danny Posthill and Geoff Whiting

The Eden Comedy Club is organising its 16th Stand Up Comedy Night on Friday 3 March at the Eden Cinemas, with doors opening at 7:30pm, an hour before the curtains go up.
The latest show includes three internationally-acclaimed comedians, namely Matt Welcome, Danny Posthill and Geoff Whiting.
Welcome, the first to take the mic, is an established headline act on the UK comedy circuit, known for his sublime material.
Posthill, a finalist in the grand finale of 'Britain’s got Talent’ in 2015, is known for his versatile act that caters for all walks of life. He has also established himself as the number one Trump impersonator in the UK.
Resident MC Whiting has now become a house-hold name in comedy, locally and abroad. The founder of Mirth Control Comedy, he has a wealth of experience in working at all notable comedy clubs in Europe.
For tickets and more information, visit edencinemas.com.mt or call on 23710400.