Film review | War Machine: Fighting the Stupid War
War Machine is a worthwhile effort hampered by a lack of formal...
War Machine is a worthwhile effort hampered by a lack of...
Film review | King Arthur: Legend of the Sword: So crap it will melt steel
Though a maddening and turgid experience as a filmgoer, King Arthur: Legend of the Sword is also something of a buffet for film critics • 1/5
Though a maddening and turgid experience as a filmgoer,...
James Bond actor, Sir Roger Moore, dies aged 89
Actor Sir Roger Moore, best known for playing James Bond, has died aged 89, his...
Actor Sir Roger Moore, best known for playing James Bond,...
Film review | Alien Covenant: In space, everyone can see you ruin a franchise
The film is a swirling, undercooked soup of bad narrative decisions and half-baked character • 1/5
The film is a swirling, undercooked soup of bad narrative...
Film review | Lady Macbeth: Portrait of a Lady
The utterly fantastic and slimy performances, well-written characters and...
The utterly fantastic and slimy performances, well-written...
Film review | Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2: Return of the A-holes
The road towards the inevitably explosion-filled conclusion in Guardians...
The road towards the inevitably explosion-filled...
Film review | The Graduation: Back-scratching ourselves to death
The Graduation is an achingly realistic parable about life under a creaking and...
The Graduation is an achingly realistic parable about life...
Film review | The Handmaiden: Sexy and gorgeous thriller from the Korean master
The Handmaiden is a film whose beauty is a strong, intoxicating narcotic which may prove all too intense for some, but whose wry sense of humour, sumptuous...
The Handmaiden is a film whose beauty is a strong,...
Film review | Free Fire: The accidental warehouse war
With Free Fire, husband-and-wife filmmaking team of Ben Wheatley and Amy...
With Free Fire, husband-and-wife filmmaking team of Ben...
Evocative tale of guilt and self-discovery | Alex Camilleri
Teodor Reljic speaks to Malta-born filmmaker Alex Camilleri about his...
Teodor Reljic speaks to Malta-born filmmaker Alex...
Film review | Ghost in the Shell: More shell than ghost, but that’s alright
Ghost in the Shell has made its arguably inevitable leap to the live action big screen experience • 3/5
Ghost in the Shell has made its arguably inevitable leap to...
Roman Polanski jail plea for rape case rejected by US judge
Film-maker Roman Polanski has failed to win assurances from a US court that he...
Film-maker Roman Polanski has failed to win assurances from...
Film review | The Salesman: The world makes victims of us all
The Salesman remains a deeply sensitive, engaging and – latterly –...
The Salesman remains a deeply sensitive, engaging and...
Film review | Moonlight: A personal opus in miniature
Jenkins masterfully unpicks Chiron’s psyche at key moments in his life,...
Jenkins masterfully unpicks Chiron’s psyche at key...
Film review | Skull Island: Having beastly fun on a monster paradise
Kong: Skull Island is a film that wears its influences on its sleeve but then...
Kong: Skull Island is a film that wears its influences on...
Film review | John Wick Chapter 2: Bone-breaking, head-exploding perfection
John Wick: Chapter 2 is an action movie done right, with a simple but classically validated storytelling structure that establishes an over-the-top world and...
John Wick: Chapter 2 is an action movie done right, with a...
Film review | Logan: Fond farewell to a brutal teddy bear
Logan is a violent but strangely heartfelt tribute to a beloved character,...
Logan is a violent but strangely heartfelt tribute to a...
Searching for severe beauty | Peter Sant
Maltese-Australian director Peter Sant’s upcoming film Maneland appears to privilege location over narrative. He speaks to Teodor Reljic about...
Maltese-Australian director Peter Sant’s upcoming...