Snoop Dogg arrives for Isle of MTV

US Rapper Snoop Dogg has arrived in Malta for the Isle of MTV concert on the Granaries in Floriana. 


Wearing no t-shirt, Snoop Dogg signed autographs as he got into his chauffeur driven car. 

The Isle of MTV will be held tomorrow at 7.30 p.m.

The show includes live gigs by popular groups Far East Movement and LMFAO.

Speaking in Floriana this morning, concert executive producer Jane Fraser t that the set this year was totally new and comes  complete with state of the art LED technology.

The show will be filmed in HD and is considered to be the biggest outside studio show by MTV after the awards.

Huh Monique Monique, snoopy doggy looks so cool.. Well you are right in one way.. he looks like a daschund, only for his height.. he's far too tall to be a daschund, but maybe you are right he is good for hunting RABBIT, the playboy on of course!! You can have him and his daschund sausage, all of it, yum yum yuk.
Haha, i never said that you are sex deprived. . And what exactly is the problem here ? . All i said was that Snoop looks hot..and then some sort of hell broke loose. Is it because he committed the grave sin of not wearing a t-shirt? Or envy of his wealth and fame? Or simply because he is an afro-american?
hahaha Monique, you do know that a Dachshound is the dog commonly known as 'the sausage dog' right?
monique I am not sex-deprived like some posting here seem to be.
Dak mhux xi-cucc malti, dak barrani jista jghamel li jrid MALTA - is-serpentina tal-lokki tad-dinja - kullhadd jitfa fija - meta tinstadd - imbghad naraw.
hee hee hee the readers' comments offer a fascinating insight into the Maltese male psyche
I cannot understand how we can accept such rubbish on our island.
Din Monique tidher li hi xi wahda imxennqa u tilghaq dak kollu li hu barrani biex taccetta li jigi xi hadd u minghajr rispett lejn il-ligijiet maltin johrog minn go l-ajruport internazzjonali quddien dawk in-nies kollha minghajr flokk jew qmis fuqu . Dan fejn haseb li qieghed ,max-xadini jew? Possibbli ma kien hemm ebda pulizija jew warden biex jigbidlu l-attenzjoni li qed jikser il-ligi , u jordnawlu biex jilbes ta' nies . Jew dan il fuq mil-ligi ?
too cool for an over-sized t-shirt?
Last time I was caught without a T-shirt on, i was fined 25 euros. The sun goes up and down for everyone as far as i know, no matter if you are a sweeper or the president!! And I am very sure there was some sort of authority at the airport. Il-ligi purcinella as usual!!
Fejn kienu il pulizija dak il hin,jew il pulizija issibhom biss biex jaraw min ikun qied ippejjep go xi pub biex ittuh xi citazzjoni u johdulu 233 euro multa.Ghawn familji li lanqas jaqilaw daqsekk gimgha tal misthija.
What's your problem ? Snoop is hot. His money will never end up in my pockets and very unlikely that he will end up in my bed. Neither does he look like a chihuahua. Dachshound is more aptly...a gorgeous and sexy Dachshound.
In my opinion Mr Snoop Dogg showed lack of respect; by walking around MIA in top less. I just wonder what did the authorities think? Why did not the police in a polite way asked him to dress up? Why did no one from the MIA authorities did not take any action and made him put on his top. He might be famous, rich and a good singer; but definitely lacks education and respect. No matter how rich one is, you can never buy education!
fejn kien il warden li dejjem jaghti ic citazjonijiet l-airport.???? mela dan jaghmel li rrid.
Should change his name to Dogs Poop - much more apt.
meta jkollok il-flus kullhadd j'gharak hot anke jekk tkun tixbah xi chiwawa !
Haha, you who always have his say on articles about refugees or immigrants were strangely quiet when the do-gooder was as stunning as Angelina.
Imxennqa tidher monique. Għalhekk dejjem tiddefendi l-klandestini.
Dan għandu min-nies jew? Mela ħaseb li qiegħed ġol-Ġungla?
No woozies ;-) Thanks, least we got an eyeful of that body
.........and of course our police let him parade semi nude against the law, what a bunch of woozies run our police department.
That Snoop Dogg is damn HOT !!