Devil Wears Pra-duh live-blogs the Eurovision!
Daniel Azzopardi from is live-blogging the Eurovision's grand finale tonight at 8:45pm - watch Europe's celebration of camp and cheese LIVE here on!

In case you’re living under a rock and don’t know what went down last night – the second Eurovision semi-final was on. And boy was it a weird watch.
Let’s start with the good stuff. The stage, lighting and all the intro hoo-hahs were magnificent. They really made an effort and upped their game from previous editions. Also makes me wonder where the heck would we host such grandeur should we ever win. Ha! Will we ever know the answer to that question? Does anyone care? That’s a story for another day.
Malta was up first and that was already very discouraging. It’s a kiss of death kind of thing when it comes to voting. Richard was wearing a jeans and a t-shirt (which I find incredibly underwhelming) and trembling. Michelle looked radiant. The performance? On the whole, Firelight did great actually. At that point I thought that the high of the night had passed. I was wrong.
FOLLOW Daniel Azzopardi on Twitter at @danwearspraduh
MORE Participants in Saturday's Grand Finale
What the Eurovision gained in technicality totally went south when it came to the entries and the accompanying fashoons. In order of crazy to super crazy: there was a broccoli dress, a mullet one (that’s the Billy Ray Cyrus short-front-long-back haircut in case you’re wondering), tutus that can be used as weapons, a Malcolm Pisani lookalike... And Conchita. Drag persona and Austria’s answer to all that is Eurovision. 3 million hits on YouTube and counting. They’re onto something? The Greece song was super-catchy too. 12 points for Havana potential. Don’t judge.

Oh and there was POLAND. All you need to know is that it’s soft porn and that they passed. Obviously. Polish girls, straight guys, polish girls! There’s your reason to follow us tomorrow too. Grab a beer. Hang out next to your over enthusiastic girlfriend. And enjoy? You’re welcome.
Anyhoo, Malta passed! Along with a handful of others you’ll probably forget by tomorrow. Join us as we live blog the final night of the Eurovision on Saturday evening. Rumour has it everyone in the Maltatoday offices will be wearing fedora hats. That’s what you get for getting a fashion blogger to do the dirty work.
Tomorrow 9pm sharp. Be there or... BE THERE.