Austria wins the Eurovision Song Contest
Austria's ever-controversial 'bearded lady' Conchita Wurst takes the trophy home at this year's Eurovision Song Contest. Scroll down for our Eurovision live blog by Devil Wears Pra-duh's Daniel Azzopardi and MaltaToday's culture editor Teodor Reljic.

Is Austria's controversial, gender-bending entry a shoo-in? Conchita Wurst leaves us on tenterhooks

Firelight triumphant at Malta's Song for Europe contest

Russia's Tolmachevy Sisters - whose song was co-written by Gerard James Borg (of Sliema Wives fame)

Slovenia's Tinkara Kovac
00:38 The question remains - why are we so obsessed with Eurovision? Guess we'll never know
Daniel Azzopardi

00:37 Well guys it's a wrap! Hope you enjoyed our lil commentary
Daniel Azzopardi

00:27 Super jel of Conch's waist though...
Daniel Azzopardi

00:26 As expected.... Conchita is the (bearded) lady of the night!
Daniel Azzopardi

00:25 Shaving foam is no longer relevant
Daniel Azzopardi

00:24 Beards are having a moment
Daniel Azzopardi

00:21 Italy gave us 1 point. Fair trade
Daniel Azzopardi

Teodor Reljic

00:16 Hooligan yo
Daniel Azzopardi

00:15 Another 12 points for Conchita
Daniel Azzopardi

00:11 The Norway girl was tagged in a photo by Dunklens
Daniel Azzopardi

00:11 We might as well stop right here. It's Conchita's night!
Daniel Azzopardi

00:09 Obligatory tears
Daniel Azzopardi

00:05 The fedora guy is almost on top. My fedora wearing self feels threatened
Daniel Azzopardi

00:03 Sci-fi technical glitch before more boos for Russia. This is all rather dystopian.
Teodor Reljic

00:01 I hope this ladies-with-beards thing doesn't catch on now...
Daniel Azzopardi

23:59 My money's on Austria
Daniel Azzopardi

Daniel Azzopardi

23:56 We gave our 12 points to Italy? Surprise surprise
Daniel Azzopardi

23:55 Valentina! Yassss Rossi werk
Daniel Azzopardi

23:54 I love how Conchita acts surprised
Daniel Azzopardi

23:54 It's a race between Hungary, Sweden and Austria
Daniel Azzopardi

23:53 Russia must win... for the lady who can read the points so well. Congratulations Belarus - also ruled by a nice dictator.
Matthew Vella

23:52 Can we safely say that Malta will not win the Eurovision...
Matthew Vella

Matthew Vella

23:50 Is that Kris Jenner?
Daniel Azzopardi

23:49 This is gonna take a while kids
Daniel Azzopardi

Daniel Azzopardi

23:48 1 point for Malta. Bil-qatra l-qatra timtela l-garra? Ha!
Daniel Azzopardi

23:46 First 12 points for Conchita!
Daniel Azzopardi

23:46 12 points for Russia will make great benefit for nation of Putin...
Teodor Reljic

23:45 Which one is the Russian song again?
Daniel Azzopardi

23:45 5 points... more than Fabrizio ever got
Daniel Azzopardi

23:45 Azerbaijan give us 5 points? Aren't we buying gas from them... ?
Teodor Reljic

23:40 Pero the stage and lighting are really good this year
Daniel Azzopardi

23:39 She looks uncomfortable in that dress
Daniel Azzopardi

23:37 Come to Tiptoes oht
Daniel Azzopardi

23:37 She bought make-up. But still no shoes
Daniel Azzopardi

23:33 One more commercial and I'm outta here
Daniel Azzopardi

23:27 Office giggling at the Gianluca commercial
Daniel Azzopardi

23:25 And we're out of wine. SOS
Daniel Azzopardi

23:25 This voting is taking forever
Daniel Azzopardi

23:22 Surreptitious Wurst support from the European Parliament offices...
Teodor Reljic

23:20 You can tell that McDonald's-eyebrowed woman styled Gaia *whips*
Daniel Azzopardi

23:19 - is what Gaia does...
Teodor Reljic

23:19 Maaaaaaaa please make her stop
Daniel Azzopardi

23:19 Waaaaaaaaa-neeee-naaaaah-huuh-haaahhhh
Teodor Reljic

23:18 Gaia: please tell her "Zejtun Band"...
Teodor Reljic

Daniel Azzopardi

23:14 This can go very bad very quickly
Daniel Azzopardi

23:12 I hope that ladder leads to good music
Daniel Azzopardi

23:07 Mothers all over Malta are telling their sons "Tfajla hekk trid issib. Tas-sewwa u tahdem." Re: Poland
Daniel Azzopardi

23:05 This montage is an extended walk of shame
Daniel Azzopardi

23:05 Pre-voting montage is a reminder a reminder that the stage is the real star of the show. #IWantScandi
Teodor Reljic

Teodor Reljic

23:01 My mother just texted: 'Kemm taf tghaffeg tal-Polonja...' Over and out
Daniel Azzopardi

Teodor Reljic

22:58 Bit rich of a former Empire to tell us we're all 'Children of Universe' and to scream 'power to the people!'
Teodor Reljic

22:58 But she has a dozen Valentino gowns, so all's good
Daniel Azzopardi

22:57 Somewhere beneath a dozen Valentino gowns, Florence is not amused
Daniel Azzopardi

22:56 Children of the Universe? He-Man has been busy.
Teodor Reljic

Teodor Reljic

22:55 Maybe.......... YOU SUCK
Daniel Azzopardi

22:54 Naghsa hafifa tkun tridha imma ta...
Daniel Azzopardi

22:53 Teo is drinking his 28175425782th case of beer. Can't blame him
Daniel Azzopardi

22:53 Galadriel has been hitting the crack pipe
Teodor Reljic

22:51 Broken Circle Breakdown resurfacing... no wonder some of the office is resorting to whiskey.
Teodor Reljic

22:49 We're not the only ones wearing fedoras
Daniel Azzopardi

22:49 Lost Highway! #onlygeekswillgetthis
Teodor Reljic

22:48 Every step I take... I'll be missing you...
Daniel Azzopardi

Teodor Reljic

22:46 In a jazz bar somewhere, J Anvil or Janvil (???) is throwing a tantrum
Daniel Azzopardi

22:45 It's quite brazenly 'meta' though - a Eurovision entry going calling itself 'Cliche'.
Teodor Reljic

22:45 I feel like I'm in the 90s again. Colleague thinks it's a mash-up of Bruno Mars and J-Anvil. I want the drugs she's taking.
Teodor Reljic

22:44 What is going on?
Daniel Azzopardi

22:43 [insert Mumford and Sons joke here]
Teodor Reljic

22:43 Office seems content with the performance. Where's the wine?
Daniel Azzopardi

22:41 I always thought Michelle was the better one of the two
Daniel Azzopardi

22:40 "Ejja minn hemm chief!" LOL
Daniel Azzopardi

22:38 "No one seems to care". Yeah.
Teodor Reljic

22:36 Running from good taste
Daniel Azzopardi

22:36 WHAT? Did I hear that right?
Daniel Azzopardi

22:35 Kami-kami-kamikaze lavver...
Daniel Azzopardi

22:34 This is definitely Switzerland as in-bred, perpetually cow-milking hillbillies. Not getting the 'sneaky banker' or 'slimy bureaucrat' from them anyway.
Teodor Reljic

22:33 Reminds me of Mnarja folk group back home in Nadur. And that's NOT a good thing
Daniel Azzopardi

22:32 Wouldn't singing the song right now make him the SPRING HUNTER of Stars?! ... I'll get my coat.
Teodor Reljic

22:31 You're no Mary Spiteri!!!!!
Daniel Azzopardi

22:30 Was that blowdry even worth it?
Daniel Azzopardi

22:30 Take over Dan, I'm distracted...
Teodor Reljic

22:29 Duende up in that cleavage...
Teodor Reljic

22:28 'Danzig in the rain'? Did I hear that right, Maltese commentators?
Teodor Reljic

22:26 This sounds like a bad try at Metro Station. And they're really bad to start with
Daniel Azzopardi

22:22 Hashtag #Enchanted
Daniel Azzopardi

22:17 She sounds like one of those Amici-raised artists. Oh wait.....
Daniel Azzopardi

22:17 Loving Italy's Caligula-chic. Way to keep historical traditions alive.
Teodor Reljic

22:16 It's almost unfair Italy get to compete in Eurovision with us mere mortals
Daniel Azzopardi

22:14 Those scales indicate the one on the left had one too many burritos
Daniel Azzopardi

22:13 Nevermind. Dejjaqhom il-'herstajl'
Daniel Azzopardi

22:13 Oh! Dead Ringers! #onlygeekswillgetthis
Teodor Reljic

22:13 Maltese presenters keeping it classy as always. Nevermind that a Russian accent is among the easiest to fake.
Teodor Reljic

22:12 These two take clingy to a whole new level
Daniel Azzopardi

22:12 Yay! Sliema Wives ala Moscow!
Teodor Reljic

22:11 Oh please, I like my Parisian hip hop like I like my women. Gritty and with stories to tell.
Teodor Reljic

22:10 Comme ci, comme sa. Yep, about sums it up.
Teodor Reljic

22:10 Slight suspicion Teo actually likes this
Daniel Azzopardi

22:09 Hipsters are gonna love this
Daniel Azzopardi

22:09 Movember anthem!
Teodor Reljic

22:08 Enough of this song. These pizzas are buy 2 get 1 free. What the freck! We don't have this modern concept in Gozo
Daniel Azzopardi

22:06 It's Celine Dion time at Cougar Town...
Teodor Reljic

22:06 This song is a cry for help. She's saying "What am I doing here?"
Daniel Azzopardi

22:05 Music to eat your pizza by. NOT!
Teodor Reljic

22:01 Commercials! AND PIZZA IS HERE! There is a God
Daniel Azzopardi

With beard. Without beard
21:53 Half Kardashian. Half hipster. Conchita and her James Bond-esque ballad are the frontrunner and the non-shaver
21:52 X'cuc hu Hooligan?
21:50 Fist-pumping Havana regulars are gonna have a ball with this one

Poland's detergent explained
21:48 And straight boys can now turn their TVs off
21:48 Our deputy editor's desk is miraculously starting to rise...
21:48 We care about their hygiene
21:47 We're discussing what detergent she uses
21:47 I hope they're rapping about busting a cap in somebody's *** in that getup.
21:46 Most countries use their on-stage 6 person limit for dancers. Poland use it for hasil tal-hwejjeg
21:46 Porny turbo-folk-rap on a moist stage. David Lynch couldn't have dreamed this up.
21:45 'Slavag girls'? Always so politically correct.
21:45 Soft porn in 3... 2... 1...
21:44 No Dan. Thank god our pizzas will be here soon.
21:43 Thank God we are not playing the Eurovision drinking game
21:42 Pan-pipes. Always a safe bet, right?
21:40 This guy looks like an extra from Vampire Diaries
21:36 You're not fooling anyone with that 'chemistry'
21:36 And then she pulled off a Timberlake and went solo
21:35 It's a miracle Malcolm Pisani is at Eurovision
21:34 Didn't know Copenhagen had a budget for teleportation...
21:26 Hmm. That awkward moment when a song battling intolerance inspires murderous rage. MAKE IT STOP!
21:26 Or grown up Teletubbies. You decide
21:24 Shame it's such a garden-variety mournful ballad. That dress has potential. Game of Thrones potential, that is. Melisandre, anyone?
21:23 We are snoring
21:19 Do the people of Belarus have a similar class war to our Irkotta/Rikotta debate?
21:18 Robin Thicke? Yes if he fell down the stairs
21:16 I kinda wish her dress gets caught in the hamster wheel
21:16 Ah, I get it. The Hamster Man is powering the scintillating stage...
21:15 Someone remains unfazed by the Russian Problem...
21:12 Let's count the number of times Daniel and Sander make us cringe
21:12 "Thank you for staying where you are" Yep, definitely a cult. #scared
21:11 She wasn't invited to the Met Gall so she wore the gown today. Bless
21:06 Ok, chiming in here as the resident grumpy sub-editor. I'm missing Hannibal for this, and it better be good. Hey all!
21:05 Join us? Eurovision really is a cult
DWP Malta Today takeover! Guess which one is the fashion blogger? LOL. Follow our commentary our… http://t.co/hSKA3rhxTP
— Daniel Azzopardi (@danwearspraduh) May 10, 2014
21:00 It is starting! Time has officially stopped in Malta
20:59 We're all wearing fedoras. And they're ordering pizza for me. I feel spoiled
20:48 Eurovision night aka time has officially stopped in Malta. We are LIVE!
Welcome to our Eurovision live-blog! Fashion blogger Daniel Azzopardi from www.devilwearspraduh.com and Teodor Reljic will be live-blogging all the good, the bad and the downright crazy to your delight. Be sure to follow us on Twitter on the various #eurovision hashtags around, and to @maltatoday and @danwearspraduh. Let's do this!